Juan-Pablo Cáceres

About Me

I am a composer and an engineer born in Santiago, Chile. I am currently a PhD Candidate in Computer Music at Stanford University, in the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA).

Before moving to the US, I finished my undergrad in both Structural Engineering and Composition at the Catholic University in Santiago, Chile.

I work primarily with the SoundWIRE Research Group at CCRMA, where we develop technologies, techniques, and music to allow musicians and machines to perform using communication network technologies.

Curriculum Vitae

[CV pdf]

Biography (for program notes)

Juan-Pablo CACERES is a composer, performer and engineer born in Santiago, Chile. He is currently a PhD student in computer music at CCRMA, Stanford University (USA). His work includes instrumental and electronic pieces, as well as performance of avant-garde rock music, with a albums edited in Europe and America. Juan-Pablo's interests include Internet music and performance, virtual acoustic spaces, popular experimental music, boundary pushing computer music (in both directions).

Picture (for program notes)

For motives that escape my understanding, some people want a picture of me.

Honors and Awards

Winner: Journal of New Music Research Best Paper Award, ICMC 2009.
    Awarded annually to one paper at the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC).
iCore Research Residency Scholarship, Banff Centre for the Arts, Canada, January-February and November 2009.
The Alejandro and Lida Zaffaroni Fellowship, Stanford, 2007-2008 (academic year).
Research Residency Scholarship, Banff Centre for the Arts, Canada, January-February 2007.
Stanford Centennial Teaching Assistant Award, 2006.
    Honor for outstanding instruction by teaching assistants.
Grand Prize Digital Art Awards (Digital Music Category), Tokyo, 2005.
    For the acousmatic piece “Chamber of the Late Half-Hour” composed with Bruno Ruviaro.
    Award given once a year by the Keio Research Institute at SFC, Tokyo, Japan.
FONDART award, 2004.
    Chilean national arts award for the creation of the album ‘orquesta’.
The Alice Wilber Chapman Music Fellowship, Stanford, 2004-2005 (academic year).
Fulbright and Conicyt Scholarships, 2004-2008.
    Scholarship for doctoral studies in science and technology.
    Conicyt is NSF Chilean equivalent.


E-mail: jcaceres [at] ccrma [dot] stanford [dot] edu


» Aug/6-10/2012: CCRMA Summer Workshop Network Sound and Data Workshop


Soundwire Research Group at CCRMA
Collective of musicians exploring network music that I co-founded.
Center For Computer Research in Music and Acoustics,
Stanford University
My glitch pop band
Director of CCRMA and my advisor