LSFFT Visualizer

Jan Stoltenberg
Music 256A, 10/16/2019
Stanford University

Cool Screenshot


LSFFT is a visualizer I've created in the 256A class at CCRMA in Fall 2019. While LSFFT works with any microphone audio input in real-time, it can also be used to visualize audio output of the computer. OpenGL, built using parts of Sndpeek.

This visualizer has originally been created to provide a visual narrative to a specific piece of electronic music called Wild Sine, therefore featuring a vivid appearance and intense color scheme. Wild Sine was coded in Chuck, a "Strongly-timed, Concurrent, and On-the-fly Music Programming Language".

The software is Open-Source and available here:
Download File

For further instructions on how to run LSFFT, please have a look at readme.txt.

Demo Video Download

Download the HQ video:


yet another pic yet another pic


Understanding the Sndpeek code basis was the toughest part. Since this was only my second project in C++ and I'm not an experienced programmer in general, it was very exhausting to understand the original code and edit it.
However, I definately learnt a lot and am happy to have come across many errors and concepts related to audio, visualization and computer music.