Hannah Choi's Homework 2: The Love Triangle

What happens when two young men fall for the same girl? A love triangle.

The Love Triangle is a piece that characterizes such an experience. The instrumentation contains of three cello lines and one vocal line. The main cello line represents “The Lovely Lady,” the second cello line represents “The Sweet Gentleman,” and the third cello line represents “The Passionate Intruder.” As each character enters, they become a part of building and igniting the love triangle. At the end, the vocal line, otherwise known as “The Angel,” flies amongst the members as to mediate the conflict between them. Eventually, “The Angel” extinguishes the flames, resulting in the characters becoming good friends with each other.

Written and performed by yours truly.
Please be easy on me for the one-shot take.
Could be inspired by a real-life experience.

Listen to The Love Triangle:

Here is my code:

Chuck Code

Here are the sound files used:

Cello - Main: The Lovely Lady
Cello - 2: The Sweet Gentleman
Cello - 3: The Passionate Intruder
Voice: The Angel

The voice.wav file for Voice: The Angel is split into two files for binaural effect.

Voice Split: The Angel Part 1
Voice Split: The Angel Part 2

Follow along here:

The Love Triangle Score