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Latest Announcements and Downloads

3/02 - I've finally started work on GAPE beta 2.0. Major improvments will hopefully include a great deal of optimization, support for MacOSX, support for MIDI, an easier and more standard installation process, integration with the QT designer, greater abstraction and improvements to general OOP design, and more bells and whistles. These goals are still somewhat tentative. ETA is summer 2002.

Old Announcements:

6/16/01 - GAPE beta 1.0 has been released.
Download the the zip file (~1.5 mb). Use winzip to uncompress under windows, or use the "unzip" command under linux. (Sorry to all of you .tar.gz fans.)
Then see the "Getting Started" page.

6/01 - GAPE is scheduled to be done the week of June 10th. I finally decided to stop adding more stuff every time I thought I was finished. Once I complete the example code and documentation, and further testing on linux (windows is preety much done) I'll release the first version. Expect some bugs, performance bottlenecks, and all the other good stuff which goes with comes with a first release (I probably should call it an alpha, rather than beta release.) If you want me to mail you with any news, send me an email with the subect GAPE INFO. Although GAPE will work with OSS, ALSA, and DirectX, I can only test DirectX and Alsa for now.

Generated at Thu Jun 21 13:28:53 2001 for GAPE by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001