jonathan berger


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associate professor of music, stanford university

Works that use sonification in my composition

Jiyeh (2006)  (for 8 channel audio playback)
Jiyeh, concerto for violin (2007) concerto of violin and orchestra

Diameters (2003) for soprano and computer generated audio
Music for the Clark Center (2003) for string quartet and computer generated audio (sonification of hyperspectral images of human cells)
commissioned for the inauguration of the Clark Center at Stanford University
Echoes of Light and Time (2000-2002) sound installation
Haiku (2003) for trombone and computer
Arroyo (1999) for motion-tracked dancer and chamber ensemble

Leonardo paper on Sonification in Composition (Berger and Ben-Tal 2004)

All audio materials are protected by copyright. Please obtain permission before using any audio files for any purposes other than individual audition.
1987-2006. All rights reserved, Jonathan Berger and/or Maor Music Publications (ASCAP) 

The Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics - Stanford University

jonathan berger
