Homework #5 (Due 11/9)
Now that you have settled on a final project, you need to do some project planning and research about that project. You also need to start documenting your process.
1) Create a page for your project on this site.
a) Give your project a name and use that name for the title of your page. This can be a working name and can change later.
b) Login to this wordpress site here: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/wp/250a/wp-admin
c) Click Pages-> Add New. [CREATE A PAGE, NOT A POST]
d) If you have already researched this project, add your list of links that you assembled of similar work. If the project is new or has taken a different turn, add at least 10 more links of similar work.
2) Upload 4 drawings of this idea to your project page. You can reuse older sketches.
3) Add the following notes to your page:
a) What problem or question or aesthetic goal are you trying to accomplish with your project? Make this 1 – 2 sentences if possible. The more succinct and specific you are the better. What is the ultimate design goal of your project?
b) What is the most difficult technical part of your idea?
c) What sorts of challenges do you think you will face in creating this project?
Homework #4 (Due 10/26)
Pick 3 ideas from the 10 that you sketched that you are most excited about and research those ideas.
Deliverables for Each Idea:
Add 10 links to similar work to the page where you uploaded your 10 ideas. These will obviously not be exact replicas of your idea (otherwise there is no reason for you to make it yourself). But they might be things that contain a similar element of your idea. For example, Jack might search for interative art made from legos. Then he might look for music controllers made from legos. Do multiple searches with different wording and looking at the issue from both a creative perspective and a technological perspective. At least 5 of the links should be musical but the other 5 can be commercial products or art pieces or theoretical discussions that might inform your work.
Places to Look:
1) Do google searches for 2 – 3 words that describe your piece.
2) Check out the websites listed on the Resources page of the class webpage:
Homework #3 (Due 10/17 – SERIOUSLY!)
Create 10 different sketches for 10 different ideas for your final project. Allow yourself to brainstorm and dream.
Each sketch should be done in pen and should take up an entire sheet of 8.5×11 paper. We will be showing these sketches in class next week.
Scan or take pictures of your sketches and post the pictures to your personal brainstorming page.
1) To do this, you will need to first login to wordpress at this location: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/wp/250a/wp-admin
This needs to be done every time you want to edit your wordpress site.
2) Go to: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/wp/250a/10-ideas_fall_2016/
Click on the link that corresponds to your name. Choose the Edit Page button on the top menu bar. Upload your pictures.
Homework #2 (Due 10/10)
Please do this homework after you have read the reading for this week.
Draw an example of a button (discrete input) and a handle (continuous input) that you use in your daily life.
– Make sure that each drawing takes up an entire 8.5 x 11″ sheet of paper.
– Use a thick marker or dark pen, not a pencil (so that we can see it on the document camera).
– Show how you interact with the button or handle by including a picture of your hand, foot, nose or whatever else you use to interact physically with the device.
– Write a couple of sentences on your sheets about what you like or don’t like about your examples.
Homework #1 (Due 10/3)
1) If, for some reason, you have not filled out this form, please do so:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nMPfqxIIoFFM0REAfN-eY-omIJUbeHXM4L8l3PDCpyc/viewform?usp=send_form
2) Download Max/MSP onto your laptop or make arrangements with Sasha to learn how to use one of the CCRMA Studios
3) Learn or refresh yourself on the basic principles of electronics. There will be a simple in-class quiz on Monday 10/3. If you do not pass the quiz, we will ask you to attend an additional electronics tutorial. The quiz with answers and links to tutorials on each subject can be found here: ElectronicsQuizWithAnswers