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Creating a Time-Varying Loudness Profile

This section assumes you have just created a cochlear excitogram in Octave as described in Section 4.1.

  1. The first step in creating a time-varying loudness profile from a cochlear excitogram involves creating a specific loudness-gram. You can do this in Octave using the following command:
      > xSpecLoudgram = excitPat2SpecLoud(xExcitogram, bandCentersHz);

  2. Second, to compute and plot the instantaneous, short-term, and long-term loudness profiles from the specific loudness-grams, issue the following command:
      > specLoud2LoudProf(xSpecLoudgram, bandCentersHz);
    A sample loudness profile, plotted in both sones and phons, is shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6: Sample instantaneous, short-term, and long-term loudness profiles.

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``Psychoacoustics Lab Activity'', by Ryan J. Cassidy and Julius O. Smith III,
REALSIMPLE Project — work supported by the Wallenberg Global Learning Network .
Released 2008-06-05 under the Creative Commons License (Attribution 2.5), by Ryan J. Cassidy and Julius O. Smith III
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA),   Stanford University