Timothy Weaver

amazon river sampling2

Timothy Weaver is a new media artist, life scientist and bioenvironmental engineer whose concerted objective is the restoration of ecological memory through speculative inquiry across the art | science interface. His recent interactive installation, live cinema, video, and sonic projects have been featured at 110+ venues across North America, South America, Europe and Asia.

Timothy’s art-science research practice has been recognized as part of the United Nations COP 20 Culture Program. Weaver is co-investigator of three recent National Academy of Science Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI) sponsored art-science projects including: investigations into the ecoacoustics of endangered ecosystems, the sonification of deep ocean microbial ecology and advancing the ocean memory paradigm. He is a founding member of the Ocean Memory Research Group.

Weaver is Professor of Emergent Digital Practices at the University of Denver with creative research and teaching specializations in biomedia, ecoacoustics/soundscape ecology, sustainable design and emerging art-science fusions. More details on Timothy’s project and research activities can be found at: http://www.timothyweaver.org.