The Catgut Acoustical Society Library

File #:F9488

Name:Fryxell, Robert Edward


See also:

General Information:

A chemist, primarily involved in high temperature research for General Electric, first in Pittsfield, Mass.

and then in Cincinnati, Ohio. Many of his developments were a basic part of the nuclear submarine and

aircraft. Bob was an expert cellist whose first love was chamber music, and while living in Pittsfield,

was cellist in many quartet and other chamber music sessions in Stockbridge at the home of Helen Rice.

It was here that Fryxell met up with Saunders and those of us who were researching the acoustics of

violins and violas and developing the instruments of the Violin Octet. He became a part of the original

Saunders' research group (Hutchins, Fryxell, Saunders and Schelleng, some of whose early

correspondance interchanges are in a large notebook in the CAS file) which eventually became the

Catgut Acoustical Society (a name suggested jokingly by Schelleng). After the CAS was officially

formed in 1963 and Hutchins had started a small Newsletter to keep in touch with the 25 or so members,

Fryxell offered to be the Editor, a position which he fulfilled with great interest and expertise until his

sudden death in 1988. He was a great reader and collected a fine library on all subjects relating to violins

and violin making. He also did research on wood, especially the effects of moisture (see papers in the

CASJ). Fryxell and his family often visited with the Hutchins in Montclair and New Hampshire where

we discussed violin acoustics far into the night. Bob was wonderful friend and staunch supporter of the


File Contents:


Correspondence: REF Memorial fund correspondence between CMH & Marjorie K. Fryxell and

various donors to the fund.

Key Words:


Correspondence: (1959-1969) mainly involving Fryxell and CMH. Other correspondents include:

Virginia Apgar, A.H. Benade, Yehudi Menuhin, & J.C. Schelleng. Also, articles and data on items for

the Newsletter

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Correspondence: (cont. 1970-1986) REF & CMH regarding CASNL

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Miscellaneous: Family correspondence from Marjorie and Eric Fryxell; birth announcements; Xmas


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Miscellaneous: Obit. & biog. material; musical memoirs of REF; description of Elastomat eqiuipment [2.84 MB, PDF]

& sample output (graphs); news clippings on Janos Starker & Regina Fryxell (mother); notes on violin

construction; bibliography on violin making, etc.; notice of CAS meeting

Key Words:


Technical Papers: (15 from 1949-1982 - 12 in chemistry - 3 on instruments: weather effects, bow hair,

& varnish.

Key Words:bow hair | varnish

Last modified: 27 June 1998