AudioInterface | |
DataProtocol | Base class that defines the transmission protocol |
DefaultHeader | Default Header |
DefaultHeaderStruct | Default Header Struct |
EmptyHeader | Empty Header to use with systems that don't include a header |
HeaderStruct | Abstract Header Struct, Header Stucts should subclass it |
JackAudioInterface | Class that provides an interface with the Jack Audio Server |
JackTrip | Main class to creates a SERVER (to listen) or a CLIENT (to connect to a listening server) to send audio streams in the network |
JackTripThread | Test class that runs JackTrip inside a thread |
JackTripWorker | Prototype of the worker class that will be cloned through sending threads to the Thread Pool |
JackTripWorkerMessages | |
JamLinkHeader | JamLink Header |
JamLinkHeaderStuct | JamLink Header Struct |
LoopBack | Connect Inputs to Outputs |
NetKS | A simple (basic) network Karplus Strong |
PacketHeader | Base class for header type. Subclass this struct to create a new header |
ProcessPlugin | Interface for the process plugins to add to the JACK callback process in JackAudioInterface |
RingBuffer | Provides a ring-buffer (or circular-buffer) that can be written to and read from asynchronously (blocking) or synchronously (non-blocking) |
RingBufferWavetable | Same as RingBuffer, except that it uses the Wavetable mode for lost or late packets |
RtAudioInterface | |
Settings | Class to set usage options and parse settings from input |
TestRingBufferRead | |
TestRingBufferWrite | |
ThreadPoolTest | |
UdpDataProtocol | UDP implementation of DataProtocol class |
UdpMasterListener | Master UDP listener on the Server |