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CCRMA Documentation Toplevel Index

CCRMA docs index (listing each file), generated Tue Jul 23 17:19:14 PDT 2024 by matt

overview: Overview of All CCRMA Documentation

README: About This CCRMA Documentation

rooms: CCRMA Rooms


Classroom-Abel-monitor: CCRMA Classroom Linux Monitor Alternatives (obsolete)

Classroom-surround-sound: CCRMA Classroom (Surround) Sound System 2018-2021

Classroom: CCRMA Classroom


Adapter-Closet: Adapter Closet

Ardour: Ardour, the free DAW

command-line: The Command Line Is Your Friend

COVID-19: Information on the Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-policies: CCRMA COVID policies 2022

DM1000: The Yamaha DM1000 Mixer

food: Food at CCRMA

Gear-Closet-Checkout: Gear Closet Checkout System

Gear-Closet: Gear Closet

how-to-ask-for-help: Tips for asking people for technical help

IETF: jacktrip

JACK: The JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK)

JackStreamer-Linux-Workstation: JackStreamer the Linux Workstation

JackStreamer: JackStreamer

JackTrip-Server-Reservations: JackTrip Server Reservations

JackTrip: JackTrip

Kramer: Kramer VP-551x HDMI switcher

monitor-levels: Monitor Level Calibration

MOTU-1248: Mark of the Unicorn (MOTU) 1248

on-air-lights: ON AIR Lights

piano: CCRMA’s Disklavier MIDI Player Pianos

recycling+trash: Recycling and Trash at CCRMA

Seminar-Room: CCRMA Seminar Room

staff-hours: CCRMA In-person Staffing Hours

staff: CCRMA Staff


Seminar-Room-door-sign: CCRMA Seminar Room

Studio-D-door-sign: CCRMA Studio D

Studio-E-door-sign: CCRMA Studio E


Email: CCRMA Email

Spam: Spam Control


CNC: CNC Router (Max Lab Garage)

Garage: Garage (Max Lab)

laser: Laser Cutter – Garage

Max-Lab: Max Lab


Stage: CCRMA Stage


Listening-Room: CCRMA Listening Room

Recording-Studio-Policy: CCRMA Recording Studio Policy for Students

Recording-Studio: CCRMA Recording Studio and Control Room

Studio-Activities: Supported Activities in CCRMA’s Studios

Studio-D: CCRMA Studio D

Studio-E: CCRMA Studio E

Studio-J: CCRMA Studio J

Studio-training: CCRMA Studio Training


backups: CCRMA Backups

CCRMA-Linux-Workstation: CCRMA Linux Workstations

CCRMA-user-account: What Is a CCRMA User Account?

guestnet: CCRMA “Guest” Network Access

password: The Password for your CCRMA Account

remote-login: Remote Login General Instructions

room-scheduling: Room Scheduling, Room Booking, Reservations, Schedule

sysadmin: CCRMA System Administrators