Music 220C

Research Seminar in Computer Generated Music


This course is an opportunity for students who have completed Music 220A/B to pursue an independent research project in computer music. Students regularly present their research and project progress in weekly seminar-style class meetings. In addition, projects in progress are documented on the web thoroughly.

This is a 4-unit course. It can be taken for 2 or 3 units to accommodate grad students, but everyone is expected to work at the 4-unit level.

Time & Place

Tuesday and Thursday
10-11:50am at CCRMA Classroom, The Knoll

Teaching Staff

Chris Chafe (
Teaching Assistant
Romain Michon (
office hour by appointment


Students can choose between a research project, a musical/artistic project or a combination of both. Projects require a substantial amount of documentation in the form of a website. The deliverables are:

  • Weekly progress reports: in-class and website documentation, in a form of progress report logs (blogs)
  • Website with all the detailed descriptions, progress report logs, and any data needed to reproduce your results
  • A final presentation and a demo or performance of the work (at the final concert preferably).


The grading criteria will be based on:

  • Creativity: is it a novel idea or creative solution to a problem?
  • Execution: how well crafted is the project?
  • Presentation: are your deliverables well presented and explained?
  • Own-goal achievements: did you achieve your own goals that you set out for the project?