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For the latest information on the denizens of CCRMA, see their individual home pages. Below is a tabulation organized by group. The home page URL for each person is constructed from the login name as ``''.

Staff and Faculty

Login Name Position
cc Chris Chafe Associate Professor of Music, CCRMA Director
brg Jonathan Berger Associate Professor of Music
jos Julius O. Smith III Associate Professor, Music and (by courtesy) Electrical Engineering
mvm Max V. Mathews Professor of Music (Research)
jdh Jonathan Harvey Professor of Music
nando Fernando Lopez-Lezcano System Administrator / Lecturer
jay Jay Kadis Audio Engineer / Lecturer
bil William Schottstaedt Research Associate
gary Gary Scavone Technical Director
vibeke Vibeke Cleaver Administrative Assistant
jc John Chowning Professor of Music, Emeritus
lcs Leland Smith Professor of Music, Emeritus
jrp John R. Pierce Visiting Professor of Music, Emeritus
mab Marina Bosi Consulting Professor of Music
esf Eleanor Selfridge-Field Consulting Professor of Music
n/a Walter B. Hewlett Consulting Professor of Music

Music Graduate Students

Login Name Degree Program
cburns Christopher Burns PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
lonny Lonny Chu PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
pchordia Parag Chordia PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
pph Patty Huang PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
tkunze Tobias Kunze PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics (on leave)
randal Randal Leistikow PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
unjung Unjung Nam PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
cnichols Charles Nichols PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
norton Jonathan Norton PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
sile Sile O'Modhrain PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
juan Juan Pampin PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics (on leave)
craig Craig Sapp PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
serafin Stefania Serafin PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
tamara Tamara Smyth PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
savd Scott Van Duyne PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics (on leave)
rswilson Scott Wilson PhD Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics
leigh Leigh VanHandel PhD CCRMA-cology
aguiar Celso Aguiar DMA Composition
oded Oded Ben-Tal DMA Composition
mburtner Matthew Burtner DMA Composition
ching Ching-Wen Chao DMA Composition
falk Chris Falk DMA Composition
rjfleck Robert Fleck DMA Composition
cwjones Christopher Jones DMA Composition
dkeller Damián Keller DMA Composition
senylee Seungyon-Seny Lee DMA Composition
bobby Bobby Lombardi DMA Composition
jugend Jugend Nurit DMA Composition
cprestia Chrysa Prestia DMA Composition
kotoka Kotoka Suzuki DMA Composition
be Brook Eaton MA Science and Technology
hipple Aaron Hipple MA Science and Technology
kikuno Kimberley Johnsen MA Science and Technology
jleboeuf Jay LeBoeuf MA Science and Technology
anrew Andrew Roper MA Science and Technology (on leave)
issac Issac Roth MA Science and Technology (on leave)

Engineering Graduate Students

Login Name Degree Program
bilbao Stephan Bilbao PhD Electrical Engineering
bacook Bryan Cook PhD Electrical Engineering
dattorro Jon Dattorro PhD Electrical Engineering
guille Guillermo Garcia PhD Electrical Engineering
arvindh Arvindh Krishnaswamy PhD Electrical Engineering
jacobliu Yi-Wen Liu PhD Electrical Engineering
vickylu Hui-Ling Lu PhD Electrical Engineering
purswel Elizabeth Purswell PhD Electrical Engineering
putnam William Putnam PhD Electrical Engineering (on leave)
stilti Timothy Stilson PhD Electrical Engineering (on leave)
harv23 Harvey Thornburg PhD Electrical Engineering
traube Caroline Traube PhD Electrical Engineering
yoonie Yoon Kim PhD Electrical Engineering

Undergraduate Students

Login Name Degree Program
jbyron Jeffrey Byron Music, Science and Technology
dkc David Chisholm Music, Science and Technology
n/a Kim Gaston, Jr. Music, Science and Technology
cgignoux Christopher Gignoux Music, Science and Technology
sandyg Sandy Greenfield Music, Science and Technology
n/a John Horton Music, Science and Technology
n/a Anthony Kalomas Music, Science and Technology
twist Colin Matheson Music, Science and Technology
jquiroz Jennifer Quiroz Music, Science and Technology
requenez Edward Requenez Music, Science and Technology
croyer Christiaan Royer Music, Science and Technology
mbatstan Michael Bautista Music, Science and Technology (minor)
n/a David Byron Music, Science and Technology (minor)
mcc6 Miguel Chavira Music, Science and Technology (minor)
thefisch Jeffrey Fischer Music, Science and Technology (minor)
ericm Frederick Miller Music, Science and Technology (minor)
hangwire William Slater Music, Science and Technology (minor)
n/a Ned Tozun Music, Science and Technology (minor)

Visiting Scholars

Login Name Home Affiliation Term
bau Marcia Bauman Lecturer, Music Department ongoing
jdc Joanne Carey Composer, USA ongoing
jan Jan Chomyszyn Psychoacoustic Research, Poland ongoing
mo Maureen Chowning Singer/Composer, USA ongoing
n/a Dr. Baoqiang Han China 6/2000 - 12/2000
herbst Christian Herbst Research, Austria 9/99 - 9/2000
daj David Jaffe Composer, Software Research Engineer, USA ongoing
peer Peer Landa Composer, Norway ongoing
levitin Daniel Levitin Psychology Research/Lecturer, USA ongoing
n/a Stephen Lew England 3/2000 - 5/2000
eig Enrique Moreno Research, Mexico ongoing
muller Carl Muller Research, USA ongoing
jcpark Jong-Chul Park Prof. of Composition, Korea 9/98 - 8/2000
pasi Fiammetta Pasi Composer, Italy ongoing
juanig Juan Reyes Research, Columbia 9/99 - 9/2000
n/a Axel Roebel Germany 4/2000 - 10/2000
patte Patte Wood ICMA, USA ongoing
n/a Salvi Ystad Research, France ongoing


Login Name Affiliation
prc Perry R. Cook Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Music, Princeton University
dhuron David Huron Researcher, Canada
dex Dexter Morrill Professor, Composition, Colgate University
xjs Xavier Serra IUA - Phonos, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
malcolm Malcolm Slaney Lecturer, CCRMA
hkt Rick Taube Assistant Professor, Composition, University of Illinois

Industrial Affiliates

Company Address
Digidesign Palo Alto, CA
Hewlett Packard Palo Alto, CA
Interval Research Corporation Palo Alto, CA
NTT Basic Research Labs Kanagawa, Japan
Opcode Systems Palo Alto, CA
Yamaha Corporation Hamamatsu-shi, Japan

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