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The following is an extensive, though not complete, list of publications by people from CCRMA. Stanford University Department of Music Technical Reports are available from CCRMA. Publications with notated prices are also available from CCRMA. A printed list of CCRMA publications from 1970 - 1995 is available from CCRMA as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-103.

Abel and Smith(1991)
Abel, J. S. and Smith, J. O. (1991).
Restoring a clipped signal.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toronto, New York. IEEE Press.

Bauman, M. L. (1995).
The International Digital Electroacoustic Music Archive.
In [ICMC(1995)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Bauman et al.(1991)Bauman, Diener, and Mathews
Bauman, M. L., Diener, G. R., and Mathews, M. V. (1991).
The International Digital Electroacoustic Music Archive.
In [ICMC(1991)].

Berger, J. (1998).
Connected to what?
Journal of the College Music Society, (1).
Plenary address, 1997.

Berger et al.(1994)Berger, Coifman, and Goldberg
Berger, J., Coifman, R. R., and Goldberg, M. J. (1994).
Removing noise from music using local trigonometric bases and wavelet packets.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 42(10):808-818.

Berger and Gang(1997)
Berger, J. and Gang, D. (1997).
A neural network model of metric perception and cognition in the audition of functional tonal music.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

Berger and Nichols(1994)
Berger, J. and Nichols, C. (1994).
Brahms at the piano: An analysis of data from the brahms cylinder.
Leonardo Music Journal, 4.

Berners, D. (1999).
Acoustics and Signal Processing Techniques for Physical Modeling of Brass Instruments.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-105 ($14.00).

Berners and Smith(1994)
Berners, D. P. and Smith, J. O. (1994).
On the use of Schroeder's equation in the analytic determination of horn reflectance.
In [ICMC(1994)], pp. 419-422.
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Berners and Smith(1995)
Berners, D. P. and Smith, J. O. (1995).
Super-spherical wave simulation in flaring horns.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 112-113.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Boie and Mathews(1989)
Boie, R. and Mathews, M. V. (1989).
The radio drum as a synthesizer controller.
In [ICMC(1989)].

Borish, J. (1983a).
An auditorium simulator for home use.
Preprint of the Audio Engineering Society 74th Convention, 1983 October 8-12, New York. ($3.00).

Borish, J. (1983b).
A digital delay line.
The Audio Amateur, 1/83:7-12.
Parts I and II. ($3.00).

Borish, J. (1984a).
Electronic Simulation of Auditorium Acoustics.
Ph.D. thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-18 ($13.00).

Borish, J. (1984b).
Extension of the image model to arbitrary polyhedra.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 75(6):1827-1836.

Borish and Angel(1983)
Borish, J. and Angel, J. B. (1983).
An efficient algorithm for measuring the impulse response using pseudo-random noise.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 31(7):478-488.

Bosi, M. (1990).
A real-time system for spatial distribution of sound.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-66, Stanford University Department of Music.

Carter, N. P. (1993).
A generalized approach to automatic recognition of music scores.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-87, Stanford University Department of Music.

Chafe, C. (1985).
Bowed string synthesis and its control from a physical model.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-32, Stanford University Department of Music.
(Replaced by STAN-M-48).

Chafe, C. (1989).
Simulating performance on a bowed instrument.
In J. Pierce and M. V. Mathews, editors, Current Directions in Computer Music. MIT Press.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-48, May 1988 ($4.00).

Chafe, C. (1990a).
Pulsed noise and microtransients in physical models of musical instruments.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-65, Stanford University Department of Music.

Chafe, C. (1990b).
Pulsed noise in self-sustained oscillations of musical instruments.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Albuquerque, New York. IEEE Press.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-61, January 1990 ($3.00).

Chafe, C. (1991).
Dream machine 1990.
Computer Music Journal, 15(4):62-64.

Chafe, C. (1993).
Tactile audio feedback.
In [ICMC(1993)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-81).

Chafe, C. (1995a).
Adding vortex noise to wind instrument physical models.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 57-60.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Chafe, C. (1995b).
Adding vortex noise to wind instrument physical models.
In Proceedings of the 1995 International Meeting on Physical Modeling. Institute for Psychoacoustic and Music Research, University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Chafe, C. (1997).
Statistical pattern recognition for prediction of solo piano performance.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

Chafe and Jaffe(1986)
Chafe, C. and Jaffe, D. (1986).
Source separation and note identification in polyphonic music.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Tokyo, New York. IEEE Press.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-34 ($3.00).

Chafe et al.(1985a)Chafe, Jaffe, Kashima, Mont-Reynaud, and Smith
Chafe, C., Jaffe, D., Kashima, K., Mont-Reynaud, B., and Smith, J. (1985a).
Techniques for note identification in polyphonic music.
In [ICMC(1985)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-29, April 1986 ($3.00).

Chafe et al.(1985b)Chafe, Jaffe, Kashima, Mont-Reynaud, and Smith
Chafe, C., Jaffe, D., Kashima, K., Mont-Reynaud, B., and Smith, J. O. (1985b).
Techniques for note identification in polyphonic music.
In Proceedings of the 1985 International Computer Music Conference, Burnaby, B.C., Canada. Computer Music Association.

Chafe et al.(1982)Chafe, Mont-Reynaud, and Rush
Chafe, C., Mont-Reynaud, B., and Rush, L. (1982).
Toward an intelligent editor of digital audio: Recognition of musical constructs.
Computer Music Journal, 6(1):30-41.

Chafe and O'Modhrain(1996)
Chafe, C. and O'Modhrain, S. (1996).
Musical muscle memory and the haptic display of performance nuance.
In [ICMC(1996)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Chafe et al.(1986)Chafe, Smith, and Wood
Chafe, C., Smith, J., and Wood, P. (1986).
Current work at CCRMA: An overview.
In [ICMC(1986)].

Chomyszyn, J. (1994).
Loudness of musical sounds in a reverberant environment.
In [ICMC(1994)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Chomyszyn, J. (1995).
Distance of Sound in Reverberant Fields.
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Music, Stanford University.
Available as CCRMA Technical Report STAN-M-94 ($12.00).

Chowning, J. M. (1970).
The simulation of moving sound sources.
Preprint of the Audio Engineering Society 38th Convention, 1970 May 4-7, New York. ($3.00).

Chowning, J. M. (1972).
The Stanford computer music project.

Chowning, J. M. (1973).
The synthesis of complex audio spectra by means of frequency modulation.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 21(7):526-534.
Reprinted in Curtis Roads and John Strawn, eds. Foundations of Computer Music, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985 ($3.00).

Chowning, J. M. (1980).
Computer synthesis of the singing voice.
In J. Sundberg, editor, Sound Generation in Winds, Strings, Computers, pp. 4-13. Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Swedish Academy of Music.

Chowning, J. M. (1985).
John Chowning on composition.
In C. Roads, editor, Composers and the Computer. Los Altos, California: William Kaufmann, Inc.

Chowning, J. M. (1990).
Music from machines: Perceptual fusion and auditory perspective - for Ligeti.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-64, Stanford University Department of Music.

Chowning and Bristow(1986)
Chowning, J. M. and Bristow, D. (1986).
FM theory and applications.

Chowning et al.(1982a)Chowning, Chafe, Gordon, and Wood
Chowning, J. M., Chafe, C., Gordon, J. W., and Wood, P. (1982a).
Studio report: The Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics.
In [ICMC(1982)].

Chowning et al.(1982b)Chowning, Grey, Moorer, and Rush
Chowning, J. M., Grey, J. M., Moorer, J. A., and Rush, L. (1982b).
Instrumental timbre and related acoustical phenomena in the perception of music, Final Report.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-11, Stanford University Department of Music.

Chowning et al.(1974)Chowning, Grey, Rush, and Moorer
Chowning, J. M., Grey, J. M., Rush, L., and Moorer, J. A. (1974).
Computer simulation of music instrument tones in reverberant environments.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-1, Stanford University Department of Music.

Chowning et al.(1978)Chowning, Grey, Rush, Moorer, and Smith
Chowning, J. M., Grey, J. M., Rush, L., Moorer, J. A., and Smith, L. (1978).
Simulation of music instrument tones in reverberant environments, Final Report.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-8, Stanford University Department of Music.

Chowning and Mont-Reynaud(1986)
Chowning, J. M. and Mont-Reynaud, B. (1986).
Intelligent analysis of composite acoustic signals, Final Report.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-36, Stanford University Department of Music.

Chowning et al.(1984)Chowning, Rush, Mont-Reynaud, Chafe, Schloss, and Smith
Chowning, J. M., Rush, L., Mont-Reynaud, B., Chafe, C., Schloss, A., and Smith, J. (1984).
Intelligent systems for the analysis of digitized acoustic signals, Final Report.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-15, Stanford University Department of Music.

Chowning and Sheeline(1982)
Chowning, J. M. and Sheeline, C. (1982).
Auditory distance perception under natural sounding conditions, Final Report.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-12, Stanford University Department of Music.

Cook, P. R. (1987).
Numerical solution of boundary value problems in music acoustics.
In IEEE 1986 Student Papers.

Cook, P. R. (1988a).
Implementation of single reed instruments with arbitrary bore shapes using digital waveguide filters.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-50, Stanford University Department of Music.

Cook, P. R. (1988b).
Reverberation cancellation in musical signals using adaptive filters.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-51, Stanford University Department of Music.
Originally published June 1987, ($5.00).

Cook, P. R. (1989).
Synthesis of the singing voice using a physically parameterized model of the human vocal tract.
In [ICMC(1989)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-57 ($3.00).

Cook, P. R. (1990a).
Identification of Control Parameters in an Articulatory Vocal Tract Model, with Applications to the Synthesis of Singing.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Elec. Eng., Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-68 ($16.00).

Cook, P. R. (1990b).
SPASM: A real-time vocal tract physical model editor, controller, and singer: The companion software synthesis system.
In Proceedings of the Colloquium on Physical Modeling, Grenoble, France. ACROE.

Cook, P. R. (1991a).
LECTOR: An ecclesiastical latin control language for the spasm/singer instrument.
In [ICMC(1991)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-76 ($3.00).

Cook, P. R. (1991b).
Noise and aperiodicity in the glottal source: A study of singer voices.
In Twelfth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-75 ($3.00).

Cook, P. R. (1991c).
Non-linear periodic prediction for on-line identification of oscillator characteristics of woodwind instruments.
In [ICMC(1991)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-73).

Cook, P. R. (1991d).
TBone: An interactive waveguide brass instrument synthesis workbench for the next machine.
In [ICMC(1991)], pp. 297-299.
(Also contained in STAN-M-73).

Cook, P. R. (1992).
A meta-wind-instrument physical model, and a meta-controller for real time performance control.
In [ICMC(1992)], pp. 273-276.
(Also contained in STAN-M-80).

Cook, P. R. (1995a).
A hierarchical system for controlling synthesis by physical modeling.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 108-109.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Cook, P. R. (1995b).
Integration of physical modeling for synthesis and animation.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 525-528.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Cook, P. R. (1995c).
An investigation of singer pitch deviation as a function of pitch and dynamics.
In Thirteenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pp. 1:202-205. KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.

Cook, P. R. (1995d).
Speech and singing synthesis using physical models, some history and future directions.
In Greek Symposium on Physical Models and Applications in Psychoacoustics, Thessaloniki, Greece. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Cook, P. R. (1996).
Singing voice synthesis: History, current work, and future directions.
Computer Music Journal, 20(3).

Cook, P. R., editor (1999).
Music, Cognition and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Cook et al.(1993a)Cook, Kamarotos, Diamantopoulos, and Philippis
Cook, P. R., Kamarotos, D., Diamantopoulos, T., and Philippis, G. (1993a).
IGDIS (Instrument for Greek DIction and Singing): A Modern Greek Text to Speech/Singing Program for the SPASM/Singer Instrument.
In [ICMC(1993)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-81).

Cook and Morrill(1989)
Cook, P. R. and Morrill, D. (1989).
Hardware, software, and compositional tools for a real time improvised solo trumpet work.
In [ICMC(1989)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-56 ($3.00).

Cook et al.(1993b)Cook, Morrill, and Smith
Cook, P. R., Morrill, D., and Smith, J. O. (1993b).
A MIDI control and performance system for brass instruments.
In [ICMC(1993)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-81).

Cook and Scavone(1999a)
Cook, P. R. and Scavone, G. P. (1999a).
Synthesis ToolKit in C++, Version 2.02.
In SIGGRAPH 1999, Course Notes #23, Virtual Worlds/Real Sounds. Association for Computing Machinery.

Cook and Scavone(1999b)
Cook, P. R. and Scavone, G. P. (1999b).
The Synthesis ToolKit (STK).
In [ICMC(1999)], pp. 164-166.

Deutsch and Pierce(1992)
Deutsch, D. and Pierce, J. (1992).
The climate of auditory imagery and music.
In D. Reisberg, editor, Auditory Imagery. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Diener, G. (1988a).
Designing digital instruments with hierarchical waveguide networks.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-49, Stanford University Department of Music.

Diener, G. (1988b).
TTREES: An active data structure for computer music.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-53, Stanford University Department of Music.

Diener, G. (1989a).
Nutation: Structural organization versus graphical generality in a common music notation program.
In [ICMC(1989)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-59, September 1989 ($3.00).

Diener, G. (1989b).
TTREES: A tool for the compositional environment.
Computer Music Journal, 13(2):77-85.

Diener, G. (1990).
Modeling Music Notation: A Three-Dimensional Approach.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Music, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-69 ($13.00).

Dyer, L. (1991).
An Object-Oriented Real-Time Simulation of Music Performance Using Interactive Control.
Ph.D. thesis, California Institute of Technology.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-78 ($16.00).

Foster et al.(1982)Foster, Schloss, and Rockmore
Foster, S., Schloss, W. A., and Rockmore, A. J. (1982).
Toward an intelligent editor of digital audio: Signal processing methods.
Computer Music Journal, 6(1):42-51.

Friedlander and Smith(1984)
Friedlander, B. and Smith, J. O. (1984).
Analysis and performance evaluation of an adaptive notch filter.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 30(2):283-295.

Fujishima, T. (1999).
Realtime chord recognition of musical sound: a system using common lisp music.
In [ICMC(1999)], pp. 464-467.

Gang and Berger(1998)
Gang, D. and Berger, J. (1998).
A computational model of meter cognition during the audition of functional tonal music: Modeling a-priori bias in meter cognition.
In [ICMC(1998)].

Gang and Berger(1999)
Gang, D. and Berger, J. (1999).
A unified neurosymbolic model of the mutual influence of memory, context and prediction of time ordered sequential events during the audition of tonal music.
In Hybrid Systems and AI: Modeling, Analysis and Control of Discrete + Continuous Systems, Stanford University, CA. AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium.

Garcia and Pampin(1999)
Garcia, G. and Pampin, J. C. (1999).
Data compression of sinusoidal modeling parameters based on psychoacoustic masking.
In [ICMC(1999)], pp. 40-43.

Garnett, G. E. (1987).
Modeling piano sound using waveguide digital filtering techniques.
In [ICMC(1987)].

Gillespie, B. (1992a).
Dynamical modeling of the grand piano action.
In [ICMC(1992)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-80).

Gillespie, B. (1992b).
The touchback keyboard.
In [ICMC(1992)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-80).

Gillespie, B. (1994).
Virtual piano action: Design and implementation.
In [ICMC(1994)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Gillespie, B. (1996).
Haptic Displays of Systems with Changing Kinematic Constraints: The Virtual Piano Action.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Mech. Eng. Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-92 ($12.00).

Gillespie and O'Modhrain(1995)
Gillespie, B. and O'Modhrain, S. (1995).
The moose: A haptic user interface for blind persons with application to the digital sound studio.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-95, Stanford University Department of Music.

Gordon, J. W. (1984).
Perception of Attack Transients in Musical Tones.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Music, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-17 ($9.00).

Gordon, J. W. (1985).
System architecture for computer music.
Computing Surveys, 17(2):192-233.

Gordon, J. W. (1987a).
The perceptual attack time of musical tones.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 82(1):88-105.

Gordon, J. W. (1987b).
The role of psychoacoustics in computer music.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-38, Stanford University Department of Music.

Gordon and Grey(1978)
Gordon, J. W. and Grey, J. M. (1978).
Perception of spectral modifications on orchestral instrument tones.
Computer Music Journal, 2(1):24-31.

Gordon and Smith(1985)
Gordon, J. W. and Smith, J. O. (1985).
A sine generation algorithm for VLSI applications.
In [ICMC(1985)].

Gordon and Strawn(1985)
Gordon, J. W. and Strawn, J. (1985).
An introduction to the phase vocoder.
In J. Strawn, editor, Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology. Los Altos, CA: William Kaufmann.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-55, February 1987 ($6.00).

Grey, J. M. (1975).
An Exploration of Musical Timbre.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Psychology, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-2 ($10.00).

Grey, J. M. (1977a).
Experiments in the perception of instrumental timbre.
In Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education.
Invited Paper.

Grey, J. M. (1977b).
Multidimensional perceptual scaling of musical timbres.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 61(5):1270-1277.

Grey, J. M. (1978).
Timbre discrimination in musical patterns.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 64(2):467-472.

Grey and Gordon(1978)
Grey, J. M. and Gordon, J. W. (1978).
Perceptual effects of spectral modifications on musical timbres.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 63(5):1493-1500.

Grey and Moorer(1977)
Grey, J. M. and Moorer, J. A. (1977).
Perceptual evaluation of synthetic musical instrument tones.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 62(2):454-462.

Hewlett, W. B. (1995-96).
A derivative database format for high-speed searches.
Computing in Musicology, pp. 131-142.

Hewlett and Selfridge-Field(1998)
Hewlett, W. B. and Selfridge-Field, E., editors (1998).
Musical Similiarity: Concepts, Procedures, and Applications (Computing in Musicology 11).
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
For contents see

Hintzman et al.(1998)Hintzman, Caulton, and Levitin
Hintzman, D. L., Caulton, D. A., and Levitin, D. J. (1998).
Retrieval dynamics in recognition and list discrimination: Further evidence of separate processes of familiarity and recall.
Memory and Cognition, 26(3):449-462.

Hirschman, S. (1991).
Digital Waveguide Modeling and Simulation of Reed Woodwind Instruments.
Engineering thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-72 ($12.00).

Hirschman et al.(1991)Hirschman, Cook, and Smith
Hirschman, S., Cook, P. R., and Smith, J. O. (1991).
Digital waveguide modeling and simulation of reed woodwind instruments: An interactive development environment on the next computer.
In [ICMC(1991)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-73).

Holland, S. (1994).
Learning about harmony with harmony space: an overview.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-88, Stanford University Department of Music.

ICMC (1982).
Proceedings of the 1982 International Computer Music Conference, Venice, Italy. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1983).
Proceedings of the 1983 International Computer Music Conference, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1984).
Proceedings of the 1984 International Computer Music Conference, Paris. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1985).
Proceedings of the 1985 International Computer Music Conference, Burnaby, B.C., Canada. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1986).
Proceedings of the 1986 International Computer Music Conference, The Hague, Netherlands. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1987).
Proceedings of the 1987 International Computer Music Conference, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1989).
Proceedings of the 1989 International Computer Music Conference, Columbus, Ohio. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1990).
Proceedings of the 1990 International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow, England. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1991).
Proceedings of the 1991 International Computer Music Conference, Montreal, Canada. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1992).
Proceedings of the 1992 International Computer Music Conference, San Jose, CA. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1993).
Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference, Tokyo, Japan. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1994).
Proceedings of the 1994 International Computer Music Conference, Århus, Denmark. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1995).
Proceedings of the 1995 International Computer Music Conference, Banff, Canada. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1996).
Proceedings of the 1996 International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1997).
Proceedings of the 1997 International Computer Music Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1998).
Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference, Michigan, USA. International Computer Music Association.

ICMC (1999).
Proceedings of the 1999 International Computer Music Conference, Beijing, China. International Computer Music Association.

Igoudin and Smith(1996)
Igoudin, A. and Smith, J. O., editors (1996).
CCRMA Report, May 1996, Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-98.

Igoudin, A. L. (1997a).
Impact of MIDI on Electroacoustic Art Music.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Music, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-102 ($14.00).

Igoudin, A. L. (1997b).
Impact of MIDI on electroacoustic art music.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

Jaffe, D. A. (1983a).
Ensemble timing in computer music.
In [ICMC(1983)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-23 ($3.00).

Jaffe, D. A. (1983b).
A synthesizer debugger.
In [ICMC(1983)], pp. 110-112.

Jaffe, D. A. (1987).
Spectrum analysis tutorial - Parts I and II.
Computer Music Journal, 11(2 and 3):9-24.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-33, Revised 1987 ($6.00).

Jaffe, D. A. (1989).
An overview of the NeXT Music Kit.
In [ICMC(1989)], pp. 135-138.

Jaffe, D. A. (1990).
Efficient dynamic resource management on multiple DSPs, as implemented in the NeXT Music Kit.
In [ICMC(1990)], pp. 188-190.

Jaffe, D. A. (1991).
Musical and extra-musical applications of the NeXT Music Kit.
In [ICMC(1991)], pp. 521-524.

Jaffe, D. A. (1993).
The computer-extended ensemble.
LULU, Revista de teorias y tecnicas musicales, 1(2).

Jaffe, D. A. (1995).
Ten criteria for evaluating synthesis and processing techniques.
Computer Music Journal, 19(1):76-87.

Jaffe and Boynton(1989)
Jaffe, D. A. and Boynton, L. (1989).
An overview of the sound and music kits for the NeXT computer.
Computer Music Journal, 14(2):48-55.

Jaffe and Schloss(1992)
Jaffe, D. A. and Schloss, W. A. (1992).
The making of wildlife.
In [ICMC(1992)].

Jaffe and Schloss(1994a)
Jaffe, D. A. and Schloss, W. A. (1994a).
The computer-extended ensemble.
Computer Music Journal, 18(2):78-86.

Jaffe and Schloss(1994b)
Jaffe, D. A. and Schloss, W. A. (1994b).
A virtual piano concerto - coupling of the Mathews/Boie Radio Drum and the Yamaha Disklavier grand piano in ``The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World''.
In [ICMC(1994)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Jaffe and Smith(1983)
Jaffe, D. A. and Smith, J. O. (1983).
Extensions of the Karplus-Strong plucked string algorithm.
Computer Music Journal, 7(2):56-69.

Jaffe and Smith(1993)
Jaffe, D. A. and Smith, J. O. (1993).
Real time sound processing and synthesis on multiple DSPs using the Music Kit and the Ariel QuintProcessor.
In [ICMC(1993)].

Jaffe and Smith(1995)
Jaffe, D. A. and Smith, J. O. (1995).
Performance expression in commuted waveguide synthesis of bowed strings.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 343-346.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Jaffe et al.(1994)Jaffe, Smith, and Porcaro
Jaffe, D. A., Smith, J. O., and Porcaro, N. (1994).
The Music Kit on a PC.
In Proceedings of the First Brazilian Symp.osium on Computer Music, XIV Congress of the Brazilian Society of Computation, Caxambu, pp. 63-69, Canela, Brazil. Informática UFRGS.

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Karplus, K. and Strong, A. (1983).
Digital synthesis of plucked-string and drum timbres.
Computer Music Journal, 7(2):43-55.

Keisler, D. (1986).
Software for real-time microtonal control.
In [ICMC(1986)].

Keisler, D. (1987).
History and principles of microtonal keyboards.
Computer Music Journal, 11(1):18-28.

Keisler, D. (1988).
History and principles of microtonal keyboard design.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-45, Stanford University Department of Music.

Keisler, D. (1991).
Psychoacoustic Factors in Musical Intonation: Beats, Interval Tuning, and Inharmonicity.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Music, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-70 ($16.00).

Kim et al.(1997)Kim, Franco, and Neumeyer
Kim, Y., Franco, H., and Neumeyer, L. (1997).
Automatic pronunciation scoring of specific phone segments for language instruction.
In Proceedings of EUROSPEECH '97.

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Kim, Y. and Smith, J. O. (1999).
A speech feature based on Bark frequency warping - the Nonuniform Linear Prediction cepstrum.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY.

Knapp and Lusted(1988)
Knapp, R. and Lusted, H. (1988).
A real-time digital signal processing system for bioelectric control of music.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 5, pp. 2556-2558. IEEE Press.

Knapp and Lusted(1990)
Knapp, R. and Lusted, H. (1990).
Bioelectric controller for computer music applications.
Computer Music Journal, 14(1):42-47.

Kunze and Taube(1996)
Kunze, T. and Taube, H. (1996).
SEE - a structured event editor: Visualizing compositional data in Common Music.
In [ICMC(1996)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Lakatos, S. (1991a).
Recognition of complex auditory-spatial patterns.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-71, Stanford University Department of Music.

Lakatos, S. (1991b).
Temporal constraints on apparent motion in auditory space.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-74, Stanford University Department of Music.

LeBrun, M. (1977a).
A derivation of the spectrum of FM with a complex modulating wave.
Computer Music Journal, 1(4):51-52.
Reprinted in Curtis Roads and John Strawn, editors. Foundations of Computer Music. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985 ($3.00).

LeBrun, M. (1977b).
Notes on microcomputer music.
Computer Music Journal, 1(2):30-35.

LeBrun, M. (1979).
Digital waveshaping synthesis.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 27(4):250-266.

Leistikow and Scavone(2000)
Leistikow, R. and Scavone, G. P., editors (2000).
CCRMA Overview, April 2000, Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-106.

Levine, S. (1996a).
Critically sampled third octave filter banks.
In [ICMC(1996)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Levine, S. (1996b).
Effects processing on audio subband data.
In [ICMC(1996)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Levine and Smith(1998)
Levine, S. N. and Smith, J. O. (1998).
A sines+transients+noise audio representation for data compression and time/pitch-scale modifications.
Audio Engineering Society Convention, (Session on Analysis and Sythesis of Sound).
available online at

Levine et al.(1998)Levine, Verma, and Smith
Levine, S. N., Verma, T. S., and Smith, J. O. (1998).
Multiresolution sinusoidal modeling for wideband audio with modifications.
In Proceedings of the International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Seattle, New York. IEEE Press.
available online at

Levine et al.(1997)Levine, Verma, and Smith, III
Levine, S. N., Verma, T. S., and Smith, III, J. O. (1997).
Alias-free multiresolution sinusoidal modeling for polyphonic, wideband audio.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Levitin, D. J. (1992).
Absolute memory for musical pitch: More than the melody lingers on.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-79, Stanford University Department of Music.

Levitin, D. J. (1999a).
Absolute pitch: Self-reference and human memory.
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems.

Levitin, D. J. (1999b).
Music, Cognition and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics, chap. Experimental design in psychoacoustic research.
In [Cook(1999)].

Levitin, D. J. (1999c).
Music, Cognition and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics, chap. Memory for musical attributes.
In [Cook(1999)].

Levitin, D. J. (1999d).
Review of D. Deutsch, `The Psychology of Music'.
Music Perception.

Levitin, D. J. (1999e).
Review of R. Jourdain, `Music, The Brain, and Ecstasy'.
Musicae Scientiae.

Levitin, D. J. (1999f).
Tone deafness: Failures of musical anticipation and self-reference.
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems.

Levitin and Bellugi(1998)
Levitin, D. J. and Bellugi, U. (1998).
Musical abilities in individuals with Williams' Syndrome.
Music Perception, 15(4):357-389.

Levitin and Cook(1995)
Levitin, D. J. and Cook, P. R. (1995).
Absolute memory for musical tempo.
In Audio Engineering Society Convention. Audio Engineering Society.

Levitin and Russell(1999)
Levitin, D. J. and Russell, G. S. (1999).
Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, chap. Rao's Spacing Test.
New York: Wiley.

Lo, D. Y.-O. (1986).
Techniques for timbral interpolation.
In [ICMC(1986)].

Lo, D. Y.-O. (1987).
Towards a Theory of Timbre.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Hearing and Speech, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-42 ($18.00).

Lopez-Lezcano, F. (1994).
A dynamic spatial sound movement kit.
In [ICMC(1994)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Lopez-Lezcano, F. (1995).
PadMaster: an improvisation environment for real time performance.
In [ICMC(1995)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Lopez-Lezcano, F. (1996).
PadMaster: banging on algorithms with alternative controllers.
In [ICMC(1996)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Lopez-Lezcano and Pampin(1999)
Lopez-Lezcano, F. and Pampin, J. C. (1999).
Common lisp music update report.
In [ICMC(1999)], pp. 399-402.

Loy, G. D. (1981).
Notes on the implementation of MUSBOX: a compiler for the systems concepts digital synthesizer.
Computer Music Journal, 5(1):34-50.

Lu and Smith(1999)
Lu, H.-L. and Smith, J. O. (1999).
Joint estimation of vocal tract filter and glottal source waveform via convex optimization.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, pp. 79-82, New York. IEEE Press.
Available online at vickylu/research/VTestimation/estimation.htm.

Lusted and Knapp(1988)
Lusted, H. and Knapp, R. (1988).
Biomuse: Musical performance generated by human bioelectric signals.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 84, supplement 1:179.

Lusted and Knapp(1989)
Lusted, H. and Knapp, R. (1989).
Music produced by human bioelectric signals.
Presented at the AAAS 155th National Meeting, San Francisco, p. 139.

Lusted and Knapp(1990)
Lusted, H. and Knapp, R. (1990).
Musical performance by the handicapped generated from bioelectric signals.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87, supplement 1:41.

Luu et al.(1999)Luu, Kelley, and Levitin
Luu, P., Kelley, J. M., and Levitin, D. J. (1999).
Finding consciousness in the brain: A neurocognitive approach, chap. Brain evolution and the process of consciousness.
Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
In Press.

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Marks, J. and Polito, J. (1986).
Modeling piano tones.
In [ICMC(1986)].

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Electronic simulation of violin resonances.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 53(6):1620-1626.

Mathews, M. V. (1988).
Pickups for the vibrations of violin and guitar strings using piezoelectric bimorphic bender elements.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-54, Stanford University Department of Music.

Mathews, M. V. (1991).
The radio baton and conductor program, or: Pitch, the most important and least expressive part of music.
Computer Music Journal, 15(4):37-46.

Mathews and Barr(1988)
Mathews, M. V. and Barr, D. (1988).
The conductor program and mechanical baton.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-47, Stanford University Department of Music.

Mathews and Pierce(1987a)
Mathews, M. V. and Pierce, J. R. (1987a).
The acquisition of musical percepts with a new scale.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-40, Stanford University Department of Music.

Mathews and Pierce(1987b)
Mathews, M. V. and Pierce, J. R. (1987b).
The computer as a musical instrument.
Scientific American, 256(2):90-97.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-37 ($3.00).

McAdams, S. (1984).
Spectral Fusion, Spectral Parsing and the Formation of Auditory Images.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Hearing and Speech, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-22 ($23.00).

McAdams and Bregman(1979)
McAdams, S. and Bregman, A. (1979).
Hearing musical streams.
Computer Music Journal, 3(4):26-43.
Reprinted in Curtis Roads and John Strawn, eds. Foundations of Computer Music, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985 ($3.00).

McNabb, M. (1981).
Dreamsong: The composition.
Computer Music Journal, 5(4):36-53.

McNabb, M. (1986).
Computer music: Some aesthetic considerations.
In S. Emmerson, editor, The Language of Electroacoustic Music. New York: Harwood Academic Publishers.

Mellinger, D. K. (1991).
Event Formation and Separation in Musical Sound.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-77 ($23.00).

Mellinger et al.(1989)Mellinger, Garnett, and Mont-Reynaud
Mellinger, D. K., Garnett, G. E., and Mont-Reynaud, B. (1989).
Virtual digital signal processing in an object-oriented environment.
Computer Music Journal, 13(2):71-76.

Mellinger and Mont-Reynaud(1991)
Mellinger, D. K. and Mont-Reynaud, B. (1991).
Sound explorer: A workbench for investigating source separation.
In [ICMC(1991)], pp. 90-94.

Mont-Reynaud, B. (1985).
Problem-solving strategies in a music transcription system.
In IJCAI Proceedings, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 916-918.

Mont-Reynaud, B. (1987).
Pattern recognition problems in music.
Presented at the AI East Conference in Atlantic City.

Mont-Reynaud and Dannenberg(1987)
Mont-Reynaud, B. and Dannenberg, R. (1987).
Following an improvisation in real time.
In [ICMC(1987)], pp. 241-248.

Mont-Reynaud and Goldstein(1985)
Mont-Reynaud, B. and Goldstein, M. (1985).
On finding rhythmic patterns in musical lines.
In [ICMC(1985)], pp. 391-397.

Mont-Reynaud and Gresset(1990)
Mont-Reynaud, B. and Gresset, E. (1990).
PRISM: Pattern recognition in sound and music.
In [ICMC(1990)], pp. 153-155.

Mont-Reynaud and Mellinger(1988)
Mont-Reynaud, B. and Mellinger, D. K. (1988).
Source separation by frequency co-modulation.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Kyoto, Japan.

Moore, F. R. (1977a).
Real Time Interactive Computer Music Synthesis.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Elec. Eng., Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-7 ($11.00).

Moore, F. R. (1977b).
Table lookup noise for sinusoidal digital oscillators.
Computer Music Journal, 1(2):26-29.
Reprinted in Curtis Roads and John Strawn, eds. Foundations of Computer Music, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985 ($3.00).

Moore, F. R. (1978a).
An introduction to the mathematics of digital signal processing, Part I.
Computer Music Journal, 2(1):38-47.
Reprinted in John Strawn, ed. Digital Signal Processing: An Anthology, Los Altos, CA: William Kaufmann, Inc. 1985 ($3.00).

Moore, F. R. (1978b).
An introduction to the mathematics of digital signal processing, Part II.
Computer Music Journal, 2(2):38-60.
Reprinted in John Strawn, ed. Digital Signal Processing: An Anthology, Los Altos, CA: William Kaufmann, Inc. 1985 ($3.00).

Moorer, J. A. (1972).
Music and computer composition.
Communications of the ACM, 15(2).

Moorer, J. A. (1973).
The heterodyne filter as a tool for analysis of transient waveforms.
Tech. Rep. STAN-CS-73-379, Stanford University Computer Science Department.

Moorer, J. A. (1974).
The optimum comb method of pitch period analysis of continuous digitized speech.
In IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-22(5), pp. 330-338.

Moorer, J. A. (1975a).
On the loudness of complex, time-variant tones.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-4, Stanford University Department of Music.

Moorer, J. A. (1975b).
On the Segmentation and Analysis of Continuous Musical Sound by Digital Computer.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-3 ($11.00).

Moorer, J. A. (1976).
The synthesis of complex audio spectra by means of discrete summation formulae.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 24:717-727.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-5 ($3.00).

Moorer, J. A. (1977a).
On the transcription of musical sound by computer.
Computer Music Journal, 1(4):32-38.

Moorer, J. A. (1977b).
Signal processing aspects of computer music - a survey.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 65(8):1108-1137.
Reprinted in John Strawn, ed. Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology. Los Altos, CA: William Kaufmann, 1985.($3.00).

Moorer, J. A. (1978a).
How does a computer make music?
Computer Music Journal, 2(1):32-37.

Moorer, J. A. (1978b).
The use of the phase vocoder in computer music applications.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 26(1/2):42-45.

Moorer, J. A. (1979a).
About this reverberation business.
Computer Music Journal, 3(2):13-18.
Reprinted in Curtis Roads and John Strawn, eds. Foundations of Computer Music. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985. ($3.00).

Moorer, J. A. (1979b).
Data reduction techniques for high-quality digitized audio.
Preprint of the Audio Engineering Society 62nd Convention, 1979 March 13-16, Brussels, Belgium. ($3.00).

Moorer, J. A. (1979c).
The digital coding of high-quality musical sound.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 27(9):657-666.

Moorer, J. A. (1979d).
The use of linear prediction of speech in computer music applications.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 27(3):134-140.

Moorer, J. A. (1981).
Synthesizers I have known and loved.
Computer Music Journal, 5(1):4-12.

Moorer, J. A. (1983).
The manifold joys of conformal mapping: Applications to digital filtering in the studio.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 31(11):826-841.

Moorer et al.(1977a)Moorer, Grey, and Snell
Moorer, J. A., Grey, J. M., and Snell, J. (1977a).
Lexicon of analyzed tones. Part 1: A violin tone.
Computer Music Journal, 1(2):39-45.

Moorer et al.(1977b)Moorer, Grey, and Snell
Moorer, J. A., Grey, J. M., and Snell, J. (1977b).
Lexicon of analyzed tones. Part 2: Clarinet and oboe tones.
Computer Music Journal, 1(3):12-29.

Moorer et al.(1978)Moorer, Grey, and Snell
Moorer, J. A., Grey, J. M., and Snell, J. (1978).
Lexicon of analyzed tones. part 3: The trumpet.
Computer Music Journal, 2(2):23-31.

Moreno, E. I. (1992a).
The existence of unexplored dimensions of pitch: Expanded chromas.
In [ICMC(1992)].

Moreno, E. I. (1992b).
Expanded Tunings in Contemporary Music: Theoretical Innovations and Practical Applications.
Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.

Moreno, E. I. (1994).
A visual model for embedded chroma spaces.
In [ICMC(1994)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Moreno, E. I. (1995).
Embedding Equal Pitch Spaces and The Question of Expanded Chromas: An Experimental Approach.
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Music, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-93 ($12.00).

Muller, C. (1990).
Measurement of reverberation time in the variable reverberation time room.
Tech. Rep. TR-A-0076, ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan.

O'Modhrain, M. S. (1997).
Feel the music: Narration in touch and sound.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

O'Modhrain and Gillespie(1997)
O'Modhrain, M. S. and Gillespie, R. B. (1997).
The moose: A haptic user interface for blind persons.
In Proceedings of the Sixth World Wide Web Conference: Access Track.
This paper differs somewhat from STAN-M-95.

Oppenheim, D. V. (1986).
The need for essential improvements in the machine-composer interface used for the composition of electroacoustic computer music.
In [ICMC(1986)].

Oppenheim, D. V. (1987).
The PGG environment for music composition - a proposal.
In [ICMC(1987)].

Oppenheim, D. V. (1989).
DMIX: An environment for composition.
In [ICMC(1989)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-60 ($3.00) [Replaced by STAN-M-83].

Oppenheim, D. V. (1991).
SHADOW: An object-oriented performance-system for the DMIX environment.
In [ICMC(1991)].

Oppenheim, D. V. (1992).
Compositional tools for adding expression to music.
In [ICMC(1992)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-82, October 1993 ($3.00).

Oppenheim, D. V. (1993a).
DMIX - a multi faceted environment for composing and performing computer music: its philosophy, design, and implementation.
In Fourth Biennial Arts and Technology Symposium.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-83, October 1993 ($3.00) [Supersedes STAN-M-60].

Oppenheim, D. V. (1993b).
Slappability: A new metaphor for human computer interaction.
In Music Education: An Artificial Intelligence Perspective. London: Springer Verlag.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-85, October 1993 ($3.00).

Oppenheim et al.(1993)Oppenheim, Anderson, and Kirk
Oppenheim, D. V., Anderson, T., and Kirk, R. (1993).
Perceptually meaningful parameters: An object-oriented technique for their specification and interpretation.
In [ICMC(1993)].

Pampin, J. C. (1999).
Ats: a lisp environment for spectral modeling.
In [ICMC(1999)], pp. 44-47.

Parncutt and Levitin(1999)
Parncutt, R. and Levitin, D. J. (1999).
New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, chap. Absolute pitch.
New York: St. Martins Press.
In Press.

Pierce, J. R. (1990).
Rate, place, and pitch with tonebursts.
Music Perception, 7(3):205-212.

Pierce, J. R. (1991a).
Periodicity and pitch perception.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 90:1889-1893.

Pierce, J. R. (1991b).
Surprises and music.
Computer Music Journal, 15(4):31.

Pierce, J. R. (1992).
The Science of Musical Sound.
New York: W.H. Freeman.

Pierce, J. R. (1995).
Fletcher's discoveries concerning pitch.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 98(6):3019-3020.

Pierce and Duyne(1997)
Pierce, J. R. and Duyne, S. A. V. (1997).
A passive non-linear digital filter design which facilitates physics-based sound synthesis of highly nonlinear musical instruments.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101(2):1120-1126.

Pierce and Schubert(1987)
Pierce, J. R. and Schubert, E. D. (1987).
High level factors and the musical saliency of auditory phenomena.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-41, Stanford University Department of Music.

Porcaro et al.(1996a)Porcaro, Putnam, Scandalis, Jaffe, Smith, Stilson, and Duyne
Porcaro, N., Putnam, W., Scandalis, P., Jaffe, D., Smith, J. O., Stilson, T., and Duyne, S. V. (1996a).
SynthBuilder and Frankenstein, tools for the creation of musical physical models.
In G. Kramer, editor, International Conference on Auditory Display, Palo Alto. Santa Fe Institute and Xerox Parc.
Available online at icad/.

Porcaro et al.(1996b)Porcaro, Scandalis, Jaffe, and Smith
Porcaro, N., Scandalis, P., Jaffe, D., and Smith, J. O. (1996b).
Using SynthBuilder for the creation of physical models.
In [ICMC(1996)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Porcaro et al.(1995)Porcaro, Scandalis, Smith, Jaffe, and Stilson
Porcaro, N., Scandalis, P., Smith, J. O., Jaffe, D. A., and Stilson, T. (1995).
SynthBuilder--a graphical real-time synthesis, processing and performance system.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 61-62.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Putnam et al.(1995)Putnam, Rocchesso, and Smith
Putnam, W., Rocchesso, D., and Smith, J. O. (1995).
A numerical investigation of the invertibility of room transfer functions.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Putnam and Smith(1997)
Putnam, W. and Smith, J. O. (1997).
Design of fractional delay filters using convex optimization.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Putnam and Stilson(1996)
Putnam, W. and Stilson, T. (1996).
Frankenstein: A low cost multi-DSP compute engine for Music Kit.
In [ICMC(1996)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Risset and Duyne(1996)
Risset, J.-C. and Duyne, S. A. V. (1996).
Real-time performance interaction with a computer-controlled acoustic piano.
Computer Music Journal, 20(1).

Roads and Strawn(1985)
Roads, C. and Strawn, J., editors (1985).
Foundations of Computer Music.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Rocchesso, D. (1995).
The ball within the box: A sound-processing metaphor.
Computer Music Journal, 19(4):47-57.

Rocchesso and Smith(1994)
Rocchesso, D. and Smith, J. O. (1994).
Circulant feedback delay networks for sound synthesis and processing.
In [ICMC(1994)], pp. 378-381.
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Rocchesso and Smith(1997)
Rocchesso, D. and Smith, J. O. (1997).
Circulant and elliptic feedback delay networks for artificial reverberation.
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 5(1):51-60.

Samson, P. R. (1980).
A general-purpose digital synthesizer.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 28(3):106-113.

Scavone, G. P. (1995a).
Digital waveguide modeling of air-driven reed generators for the synthesis of brass and woodwind instrument sounds.
In Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symp.osium on Computer Music, pp. 132-138, Canela, Brazil. Informática UFRGS.

Scavone, G. P. (1995b).
Digital waveguide modeling of the non-linear excitation of single-reed woodwind instruments.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 521-524.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Scavone, G. P. (1996).
Modeling and control of performance expression in digital waveguide models of woodwind instruments.
In [ICMC(1996)], pp. 224-227.

Scavone, G. P. (1997).
An Acoustic Analysis of Single-Reed Woodwind Instruments with an Emphasis on Design and Performance Issues and Digital Waveguide Modeling Techniques.
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Music, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-100 ($22.00) or from

Scavone, G. P., editor (1998a).
CCRMA Overview, January 1998, Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-104.

Scavone, G. P., editor (1998b).
CCRMA Publications, 1970 - 1995, Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-103.

Scavone, G. P. (1998c).
The musical acoustics research library.
Catgut Acoustical Society Journal, 3(6 (Series II)):24-26.

Scavone, G. P., editor (1999a).
CCRMA Overview, January 1999, Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-105.

Scavone, G. P. (1999b).
Modeling wind instrument sound radiation using digital waveguides.
In [ICMC(1999)], pp. 355-358.

Scavone and Cook(1994)
Scavone, G. P. and Cook, P. R. (1994).
Combined linear and non-linear prediction in calibrating models of musical instruments to recordings.
In [ICMC(1994)], pp. 433-434.
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Scavone and Cook(1998)
Scavone, G. P. and Cook, P. R. (1998).
Real-time computer modeling of woodwind instruments.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA-98), Leavenworth, Washington, U.S.A., pp. 197-202. Acoustical Society of America.

Scavone and Mathews(1998)
Scavone, G. P. and Mathews, M. V. (1998).
The musical acoustics research library.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA-98), Leavenworth, Washington, U.S.A., pp. 359-363. Acoustical Society of America.

Scavone and Smith(1997a)
Scavone, G. P. and Smith, J. O. (1997a).
Digital waveguide modeling of woodwind toneholes.
In [ICMC(1997)], pp. 260-263.

Scavone and Smith(1997b)
Scavone, G. P. and Smith, J. O. (1997b).
Scattering parameters for the Keefe clarinet tonehole model.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA-97), Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 433-438.

Schloss, A. W. (1985).
On the Automatic Transcription of Percussive Music - From Acoustic Signal to High-Level Analysis.
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Hearing and Speech, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-27 ($10.00).

Schottstaedt, B. (1977).
The simulation of natural instrument tones using frequency modulation with a complex modulating wave.
Computer Music Journal, 1(4):46-50.
Reprinted in Curtis Roads and John Strawn, eds. Foundations of Computer Music, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985 ($3.00).

Schottstaedt, B. (1983).
Pla: A composer's idea of a language.
Computer Music Journal, 7(1):11-20.

Schottstaedt, B. (1984a).
Automatic species counterpoint.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-19, Stanford University Department of Music.

Schottstaedt, B. (1984b).
PLA - a tutorial and reference manual.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-24, Stanford University Department of Music.

Schottstaedt, B. (1994).
CLM: Music V meets Common Lisp.
Computer Music Journal, 18(2):30-37.

Schumacher and Chafe(1990)
Schumacher, R. T. and Chafe, C. (1990).
Characterization of aperiodicity in nearly periodic signals.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Albuquerque, New York. IEEE Press.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-62, December 1989 ($3.00).

Selfridge-Field, E. (1993).
Music Processing (Computer Music and Digital Audio Series, 9), chap. Music Analysis by Computer: Approaches and Issues, pp. 3-24.
Madison, Wisconsin and Oxford: A-R Editions, Inc. and Clarendon Press.

Selfridge-Field, E. (1996).
Computer musicology: Accomplishments and challenges.
Computer Music Journal, 20(4):29-32.

Selfridge-Field, E. (1997a).
In B. Enders, editor, Neue Musiktechnologie II: Vorträge und Berichte vom KlangArt-Kongres, chap. Bach in the Age of Technology, pp. 133-147. Mainz: Schott.
With a CD including live performances of four works simulated by computer in the style of J.S.  Bach.

Selfridge-Field, E. (1997b).
Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Updates viewable at

Selfridge-Field, E. (1997c).
Experiments with melody and meter, or the effects of music: The edison-bingham music research.
The Musical Quarterly, 81(2):291-310.

Selfridge-Field, E. (1998).
Musical Similiarity: Concepts, Procedures, and Applications (Computing in Musicology 11), chap. Conceptual and Representational Issues in Melodic Comparison, pp. 3-64.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Selfridge-Field, E. (2000).
In D. Cope, editor, Virtual Music, chap. Composition, Combinatorics, and Simulation: An Historical and Philosophical Enquiry. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

Selfridge-Field and Correia(1994)
Selfridge-Field, E. and Correia, E. J. (1994).
Musical Information in Musicology and Desktop Publishing.
Menlo Park: CCARH.
CD-ROM from the IEEE Computer Society Press (Albuquerque, NM), 1994. Also viewable at

Selfridge-Field and Correia(1995)
Selfridge-Field, E. and Correia, E. J., editors (1995).
Antonio Vivaldi: The Four Seasons and Other Violin Concertos Op.  8.
New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
Based on the MuseData databases.

Selfridge-Field and Correia(1999)
Selfridge-Field, E. and Correia, E. J., editors (1999).
Antonio Vivaldi: L'estro armonico, Op. 3.
New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
Based on the MuseData databases.

Serra, X. (1986).
A computer model for bar percussion instruments.
In [ICMC(1986)].

Serra, X. (1988).
An environment for the analysis, transformation and resynthesis of music sounds.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-52, Stanford University Department of Music.

Serra, X. (1989).
A System for Sound Analysis/Transformation/Synthesis Based on a Deterministic Plus Stochastic Decomposition.
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Music, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-58 ($15.00).

Serra and Smith(1990)
Serra, X. and Smith, J. O. (1990).
Spectral modeling synthesis: A sound analysis/synthesis system based on a deterministic plus stochastic decomposition.
Computer Music Journal, 14(4):12-24.

Serra and Smith(1991)
Serra, X. and Smith, J. O. (1991).
Sound-sheet examples for a sound analysis/synthesis system based on a deterministic plus stochastic decomposition.
Computer Music Journal, 15(1):86-87.

Serra and Wood(1988)
Serra, X. and Wood, P., editors (1988).
OVERVIEW, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (Recent Work), Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-44.
(out of print).

Sheeline, C. (1982).
An Investigation of the Effects of Direct and Reverberant Signal Interactions on Auditory Distance Perception.
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Hearing and Speech, Stanford University.
Available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-13 ($14.00).

Smith, J. O. (1981).
Digital Signal Processing Committee, IEEE Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Society: Programs for Digital Signal Processing (Book Review).
Computer Music Journal, 5(2):62-66.

Smith, J. O. (1982).
Synthesis of bowed strings.
In [ICMC(1982)].

Smith, J. O. (1983a).
Spectral pre-processing for audio digital filter design.
In [ICMC(1983)].

Smith, J. O. (1983b).
Techniques for Digital Filter Design and System Identification with Application to the Violin.
Ph.D. thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Stanford University.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-14 ($18.00).

Smith, J. O. (1984).
An allpass approach to digital phasing and flanging.
In [ICMC(1984)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-21 ($3.00).

Smith, J. O. (1985a).
Introduction to digital filter theory.
In J. Strawn, editor, Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology. Los Altos, California: William Kaufmann, Inc.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-20, April 1985 ($5.00).

Smith, J. O. (1985b).
A new approach to digital reverberation using closed waveguide networks.
In [ICMC(1985)], pp. 47-53.
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-31 ($3.00).

Smith, J. O. (1986a).
Efficient simulation of the reed-bore and bow-string mechanisms.
In [ICMC(1986)], pp. 275-280.
(Also contained in STAN-M-39).

Smith, J. O. (1986b).
Elimination of limit cycles and overflow oscillations in time-varying lattice and ladder digital filters.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-35, Stanford University Department of Music.
Short version published in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Circuits and Systems, San Jose, May 1986. Full version also available in STAN-M-39.

Smith, J. O. (1987a).
Music applications of digital waveguides.
Tech. Rep. STAN-M-39, Stanford University Department of Music.
(A compendium containing four related papers and presentation overheads on digital waveguide reverberation, synthesis, and filtering - $8.00).

Smith, J. O. (1987b).
Waveguide filter tutorial.
In [ICMC(1987)], pp. 9-16.

Smith, J. O. (1989a).
Computer music on the DSP56001.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Smith, J. O. (1989b).
Unit-generator implementation on the NeXT DSP Chip.
In Proceedings of the 1989 International Computer Music Conference, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 303-306. Computer Music Association.

Smith, J. O. (1990).
Efficient yet accurate models for strings and air columns using sparse lumping of distributed losses and dispersion.
In Proceedings of the Colloquium on Physical Modeling, Grenoble, France. ACROE.
Essentially superceded by Physical Modeling Using Digital Waveguides, 1992. Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-67, December 1990 ($4.00).

Smith, J. O. (1991a).
Viewpoints on the history of digital synthesis.
In [ICMC(1991)], pp. 1-10.
(Also contained in STAN-M-73).

Smith, J. O. (1991b).
Waveguide simulation of non-cylindrical acoustic tubes.
In [ICMC(1991)], pp. 304-307.
(Also contained in STAN-M-73).

Smith, J. O. (1992a).
Bandlimited interpolation - introduction and algorithm.
In Invited paper, Acoustical Society of America Conference, New Orleans.
(Expanded version of the 1984 paper with Phil Gossett).

Smith, J. O. (1992b).
The Kaiser window.
Mathematica notebook for Music 420 (EE 265), available online as

Smith, J. O. (1992c).
Physical modeling using digital waveguides.
Computer Music Journal, 16(4):74-91.
Special issue: Physical Modeling of Musical Instruments, Part I.

Smith, J. O. (1992d).
Rectangular, Hanning, and Hamming window transforms.
Mathematica notebook for Music 420 (EE 265), available online as

Smith, J. O. (1992e).
The window method for digital filter design.
Mathematica notebook for Music 420 (EE 265), available online as

Smith, J. O. (1993a).
Efficient synthesis of stringed musical instruments.
In [ICMC(1993)], pp. 64-71.
(Also contained in STAN-M-81).

Smith, J. O. (1993b).
Use of commutativity in simplifying acoustic simulations.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Smith, J. O. (1995a).
Digital waveguide models for sound synthesis based on musical acoustics.
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Acoustics (ICA-95), Trondheim, Norway.

Smith, J. O. (1995b).
Discrete-time modeling of acoustic systems.
CCRMA Associates Conference.
Monograph in progress.

Smith, J. O. (1995c).
Music synthesis techniques based on musical acoustics research.
In Proc. Int. Meeting on Physical Modeling in Music, Physical Modeling of Ancient Instruments, and Applications of Physical Modeling in Psychoacoustics, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Smith, J. O. (1996a).
Discrete-time modeling of acoustic systems with applications to sound synthesis of musical instruments.
In Proceedings of the Nordic Acoustical Meeting, Helsinki, pp. 21-32.
(Plenary paper.) Available online at

Smith, J. O. (1996b).
Physical modeling synthesis update.
Computer Music Journal, 20(2).

Smith, J. O. (1996c).
Recent results in discrete-time models of musical instruments.
In Proceedings of the Tempo Reale Workshop on Physical Model Synthesis of Sound, Florence, pp. 1-6.
(Keynote paper).

Smith, J. O. (1997a).
Acoustic modeling using digital waveguides.
In C. Roads, S. T. Pope, A. Piccialli, and G. De Poli, editors, Musical Signal Processing, pp. 221-263. Netherlands: Swets and Zietlinger.
Also available online at

Smith, J. O. (1997b).
Nonlinear commuted synthesis of bowed strings.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

Smith, J. O. (1997c).
Principles of digital waveguide models of musical instruments.
In M. Kahrs and K. Brandenburg, editors, Applications of DSP to Audio & Acoustics. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
In press.

Smith and Abel(1987)
Smith, J. O. and Abel, J. S. (1987).
Closed-form least-squares location estimation from range-difference measurements.
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, 35(12):1661-1669.

Smith and Abel(1995)
Smith, J. O. and Abel, J. S. (1995).
The bark bilinear transform.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Smith and Abel(1999)
Smith, J. O. and Abel, J. S. (1999).
The Bark and ERB bilinear transforms.
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing.
accepted for publication. Available online at

Smith and Allen(1981)
Smith, J. O. and Allen, J. B. (1981).
Variable bandwidth adaptive delta modulation.
Bell System Technical Journal, 60(5):719-737.

Smith and Angell(1982)
Smith, J. O. and Angell, J. B. (1982).
A constant-gain digital resonator tuned by a single coefficient.
Computer Music Journal, 6(4):36-40.

Smith and Cook(1992)
Smith, J. O. and Cook, P. R. (1992).
The second-order digital waveguide oscillator.
In [ICMC(1992)], pp. 150-153.
(Also contained in STAN-M-80).

Smith and Friedlander(1985)
Smith, J. O. and Friedlander, B. (1985).
Adaptive interpolated time-delay estimation.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 21(2):180-199.

Smith and Friedlander(1984a)
Smith, J. O. and Friedlander, B. (1984a).
Estimation of multipath delay.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, San Diego, pp. 15.9.1-15.9.4, New York. IEEE Press.

Smith and Friedlander(1984b)
Smith, J. O. and Friedlander, B. (1984b).
Extensions of the constant modulus algorithm.

Smith and Friedlander(1985a)
Smith, J. O. and Friedlander, B. (1985a).
Adaptive multipath delay estimation.
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, 33(4):812-822.

Smith and Friedlander(1985b)
Smith, J. O. and Friedlander, B. (1985b).
Global convergence of the constant modulus algorithm.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Tampa, Florida, pp. 30.5.1-30.5.4.

Smith et al.(1982)Smith, Gordon, Jaffe, Mont-Reynaud, Schloss, Schottstaedt, and Wieneke
Smith, J. O., Gordon, J., Jaffe, D., Mont-Reynaud, B., Schloss, A., Schottstaedt, W., and Wieneke, P. (1982).
Recent research in computer music at CCRMA.
In CmpCon Proc., pp. 35-39. IEEE Computer Soc., San Francisco, CA.

Smith and Gossett(1984)
Smith, J. O. and Gossett, P. (1984).
A flexible sampling-rate conversion method.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, San Diego, vol. 2, pp. 19.4.1-19.4.2, New York. IEEE Press.
An expanded tutorial based on this paper is available in the directory, file BandlimitedInterpolation.eps.Z, as is C code for implementing the technique in directory, file resample-n.m.tar.Z, where n.m denotes the latest version number. Note that the C source code is included so it is easy to port it to any platform supporting the C language.

Smith et al.(1983)Smith, Gutknecht, and Trefethen
Smith, J. O., Gutknecht, M., and Trefethen, L. N. (1983).
The Caratheodory-Fejer (CF) method for recursive digital filter design.
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, 31(6):1417-1426.

Smith et al.(1989)Smith, Jaffe, and Boynton
Smith, J. O., Jaffe, D. A., and Boynton, L. (1989).
Music system architecture on the NeXT computer.
Audio Engineering Society Convention.

Smith and Karjalainen(1996)
Smith, J. O. and Karjalainen, M. (1996).
Body modeling techniques for string instrument synthesis.
In [ICMC(1996)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Smith and Rocchesso(1994)
Smith, J. O. and Rocchesso, D. (1994).
Connections between feedback delay networks and waveguide networks for digital reverberation.
In [ICMC(1994)], pp. 376-377.
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Smith and Rocchesso(1998)
Smith, J. O. and Rocchesso, D. (1998).
Aspects of digital waveguide networks for acoustic modeling applications.
Submitted for publication.

Smith and Scavone(1997)
Smith, J. O. and Scavone, G. P. (1997).
The one-filter Keefe clarinet tonehole.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Smith and Serra(1987)
Smith, J. O. and Serra, X. (1987).
PARSHL: A program for the analysis/synthesis of inharmonic sounds based on a sinusoidal representation.
In [ICMC(1987)].
Also available as Stanford Music Department Technical Report STAN-M-43.

Smith and Van Duyne(1995a)
Smith, J. O. and Van Duyne, S. A. (1995a).
Commuted piano synthesis.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 319-326.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Smith and Van Duyne(1995b)
Smith, J. O. and Van Duyne, S. A. (1995b).
Overview of the commuted piano synthesis technique.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Smith and Van Duyne(1995c)
Smith, J. O. and Van Duyne, S. A. (1995c).
Recent results in piano synthesis via physical modeling.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA-95), Dourdan, France, pp. 503-509, France. Société Français d'Acoustique.

Smith, L. C. (1972).
Score, a musician's approach to computer music.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society.

Smith, L. C. (1973a).
Editing and printing music by computer.
J. of Music Theory.

Smith, L. C. (1973b).
Henry Cowell's Rhythmicana.
Yearbook for Inter-American Research.

Smith, III(1998)
Smith, III, J. O. (1998).
Virtual musique concréte--algorithmic synthesis of natural sound.
In Inventionen-98 (, Berlin. DAAD.
available online at

STAN-M-101 (1997).
CCRMA Papers Presented at the 1997 International Computer Music Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report, ($6.00).

STAN-M-73 (1991).
CCRMA Papers on Physical Modeling from the 1991 International Computer Music Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report, ($6.00).

STAN-M-80 (1992).
Physical Modeling and Signal Processing: CCRMA Papers Presented at the 1992 International Computer Music Conference, San Jose, CA.
Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report, ($6.00).

STAN-M-81 (1993).
CCRMA Papers Presented at the 1993 International Computer Music Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report, ($5.00).

STAN-M-89 (1994).
CCRMA Papers Presented at the 1994 International Computer Music Conference, Århus, Denmark.
Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report, ($6.00).

STAN-M-91 (1995).
CCRMA Papers Presented at the 1995 International Computer Music Conference, Banff, Canada.
Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report, ($6.00).

STAN-M-99 (1996).
CCRMA Papers Presented at the 1996 International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong.
Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report, ($7.00).

Stilson, T. (1995a).
Forward-going wave extraction in acoustic tubes.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 517-520.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Stilson, T. (1995b).
General weirdness with the Karplus-Strong string.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 110-111.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Stilson and Smith(1996a)
Stilson, T. and Smith, J. O. (1996a).
Alias-free digital synthesis of classic analog waveforms.
In [ICMC(1996)].
Available online at (Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Stilson and Smith(1996b)
Stilson, T. and Smith, J. O. (1996b).
Analyzing the Moog VCF with considerations for digital implementation.
In [ICMC(1996)].
Available online at (Also contained in STAN-M-99).

Stilson, T. S. (1997).
Applying root-locus techniques to the analysis of coupled modes in piano strings.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

Stilson and Thornburg(1998)
Stilson, T. S. and Thornburg, H. (1998).
Examples of using amplitude control systems in music synthesis.
In [ICMC(1998)].

Strawn, J. (1980).
Approximation and syntactic analysis of amplitude and frequency functions for digital sound synthesis.
Computer Music Journal, 4(3):3-24.

Strawn, J. (1982).
Research on timbre and musical contexts at CCRMA.
In [ICMC(1982)].

Strawn, J. (1985a).
Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology.
Los Altos, CA: William Kaufmann.

Strawn, J. (1985b).
Digital sound recording and synthesis.
In C. Roads and J. Strawn, editors, Computer Music Tutorial. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Strawn, J. (1985c).
Editing time-varying spectra.
Audio Engineering Society 78th Convention, 1985 May 3-6, Anaheim, CA. ($3.00).

Strawn, J. (1985d).
Modeling Musical Transitions.
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Music, Stanford University.
Available as CCRMA Technical Report STAN-M-26 ($18.00).

Strawn, J. (1985e).
Orchestral instruments: Analysis of performed transitions.
Preprint of the Audio Engineering Society 78th Convention, 1985 May 3-6, Anaheim, CA. ($3.00).

Tanaka, A. (1992).
Implementing quadraphonic audio on the NeXT.
In [ICMC(1992)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-80).

Taube, H. (1989).
Common Music: A music composition language in Common Lisp and CLOS.
In [ICMC(1989)].
Also available as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report STAN-M-63 ($3.00) and in Proc. of EUROPAL 90, Cambridge, England, March 1990.

Taube, H. (1993).
Stella: Persistent score representation and score editing in Common Music.
Computer Music Journal, 17(4).

Taube and Kunze(1995)
Taube, H. and Kunze, T. (1995).
Capella: A graphical interface for algorithmic composition.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 377-380.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Taube and Kunze(1997)
Taube, H. and Kunze, T. (1997).
An HTTP interface to Common Music.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

Thornburg, H. (1999).
Antialiasing for nonlinearities: Acoustic modeling and synthesis applications.
In [ICMC(1999)].

Trautmann, S. D. (1995a).
A physical string model with a twist.
In [ICMC(1995)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Trautmann, S. D. (1995b).
Some Aspects of Applying Psychoacoustic Principles to Soundfield Reconstruction.
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Music, Stanford University.
Available as CCRMA Technical Report STAN-M-96 ($13.00).

Trautmann, S. D. (1995c).
Toward a CLM sound localization instrument employing modified wavefront reconstruction.
In [ICMC(1995)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Van Duyne and Smith(1993a)
Van Duyne, S. and Smith, J. O. (1993a).
Physical modeling with the 2-D digital waveguide mesh.
In [ICMC(1993)], pp. 40-47.
(Also contained in STAN-M-81).

Van Duyne(1992)
Van Duyne, S. A. (1992).
Low piano tones: Modeling nearly harmonic spectra with regions of FM.
In [ICMC(1992)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-80).

Van Duyne(1997)
Van Duyne, S. A. (1997).
Coupled mode synthesis.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

Van Duyne et al.(1997)Van Duyne, Jaffe, Scandalis, and Stilson
Van Duyne, S. A., Jaffe, D. A., Scandalis, P., and Stilson, T. S. (1997).
A lossless, click-free, pitchbend-able delay line loop interpolation scheme.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

Van Duyne et al.(1994)Van Duyne, Pierce, and Smith
Van Duyne, S. A., Pierce, J. R., and Smith, J. O. (1994).
Traveling-wave implementation of a lossless mode-coupling filter and the wave digital hammer.
In [ICMC(1994)], pp. 411-418.
(Also contained in STAN-M-89. Presented at the Conference of the Acoustical Society of America, November, 1994).

Van Duyne and Smith(1992)
Van Duyne, S. A. and Smith, J. O. (1992).
Implementation of a variable pick-up point on a waveguide string model with FM/AM applications.
In [ICMC(1992)], pp. 154-157.
(Also contained in STAN-M-80).

Van Duyne and Smith(1993b)
Van Duyne, S. A. and Smith, J. O. (1993b).
The 2-D digital waveguide mesh.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Van Duyne and Smith(1994)
Van Duyne, S. A. and Smith, J. O. (1994).
A simplified approach to modeling dispersion caused by stiffness in strings and plates.
In [ICMC(1994)], pp. 407-410.
(Also contained in STAN-M-89).

Van Duyne and Smith(1995a)
Van Duyne, S. A. and Smith, J. O. (1995a).
Developments for the commuted piano.
In [ICMC(1995)], pp. 335-343.
(Also contained in STAN-M-91).

Van Duyne and Smith(1995b)
Van Duyne, S. A. and Smith, J. O. (1995b).
The tetrahedral waveguide mesh: Multiply-free computation of wave propagation in free space.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Van Duyne and Smith(1996)
Van Duyne, S. A. and Smith, J. O. (1996).
The 3D tetrahedral digital waveguide mesh with musical applications.
In [ICMC(1996)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-99).

van Walstijn and Smith(1998)
van Walstijn, M. and Smith, J. O. (1998).
Use of truncated infinite impulse response (TIIR) filters in implementing efficient digital waveguide models of flared horns and piecewise conical bores with unstable one-pole filter elements.
In Proc. Int. Symp. Musical Acoustics (ISMA-98), Leavenworth, Washington, pp. 309-314. Acoustical Society of America.

Verma et al.(1997)Verma, Levine, and Meng
Verma, T. S., Levine, S. N., and Meng, T. H. (1997).
Transient modeling synthesis: a flexible analysis/synthesis tool for transient signals.
In [ICMC(1997)].
(Also contained in STAN-M-101).

Wang and Smith, III(1997a)
Wang, A. and Smith, III, J. O. (1997a).
On fast FIR filters implemented as tail-canceling IIR filters.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 45(6):1415-1427.

Wang and Smith, III(1997b)
Wang, A. and Smith, III, J. O. (1997b).
Some properties of tail-canceling IIR filters.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, New York. IEEE Press.

Wang, A. L.-C. (1994).
Instantaneous and Frequency-Warped Signal Processing Techniques for Auditory Source Separation.
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Elec. Eng., Stanford University.
Available as CCRMA Technical Report STAN-M-86 ($18.00).

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