In the analysis phase, sinusoidal peaks are measured over time in a sequence of FFTs, and these peaks are grouped into ``tracks'' across time. A detailed discussion of various options for this can be found in [246,174,271,84,248,223,10,146], and a particular case is detailed in Appendix H.
The end result of the analysis pass is a collection of amplitude and frequency envelopes for each spectral peak versus time. If the time advance from one FFT to the next is fixed (5ms is a typical choice for speech analysis), then we obtain uniformly sampled amplitude and frequency trajectories as the result of the analysis. The sampling rate of these amplitude and frequency envelopes is equal to the frame rate of the analysis. (If the time advance between FFTs is ms, then the frame rate is defined as Hz.) For resynthesis using inverse FFTs, these data may be used unmodified. For resynthesis using a bank of sinusoidal oscillators, on the other hand, we must somehow interpolate the envelopes to create envelopes at the signal sampling rate (typically kHz or higher).
It is typical in computer music to linearly interpolate the amplitude and frequency trajectories from one frame to the next [271].11.10 Let's call the piecewise-linear upsampled envelopes and , defined now for all at the normal signal sampling rate. For steady-state tonal sounds, the phase may be discarded at this stage and redefined as the integral of the instantaneous frequency when needed: