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LADSPA plugins

In this section you will find LADSPA (Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API) and several plugin collections. LADSPA plugins are used by many audio and video applications.


Fedora package

Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA). The main rpm includes the header file needed to compile plugins and some dorumentation and simple example programs. To install type:

yum install ladspa ladspa-devel


ladspa [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]
ladspa-devel [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

LADSPA: SWH plugins

Fedora package

A collection of LADSPA plugins written by Steve Harris. To install type:

yum install ladspa-swh-plugins


ladspa-swh-plugins [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

LADSPA: CMT plugins

Fedora package

``The Computer Music Toolkit (CMT) is a collection of LADSPA plugins for use with software synthesis and recording packages on Linux. See the license before use.

The CMT is developed primarily by Richard W.E. Furse the principle designer of the LADSPA standard, with additional plugins by Jezar and David Bartold.''

To install type:

yum install ladspa-cmt-plugins


ladspa-cmt-plugins [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

LADSPA: MCP plugins

Fedora package

``A set of audio plugins for LADSPA by Fons Adriaensen. Currently contains a phaser, a chorus and a moog vcf.''

To install type:

yum install ladspa-mcp-plugins


ladspa-mcp-plugins [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

LADSPA: REV plugins

Fedora package

``This reverb is based on gverb by Juhana Sadeharju, but the code (now C++) is entirely original. I added a second input for stereo operation, and some code to prevent FP denormalisation. This is a preliminary release, and this plugin will probably change a lot in future versions.''

To install type:

yum install rev-plugins


ladspa-rev-plugins [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

LADSPA: VCO plugins

Fedora package

``Pulse-VCO: Anti-aliased dirac pulse oscillator (flat amplitude spectrum) Saw-VCO : Anti-aliased sawtooth oscillator (1/F amplitude spectrum)

Both oscillators are based on the same principle of using a precomputed interpolated dirac pulse. For the sawtooth version, the 'edge' is made by integrating the anti-aliased pulse. Aliases should be below -80dB for fundamental frequencies below Fsamp / 6 (i.e. up to 8 kHz at Fsamp = 48 kHz). This frequency range includes the fundamental frequencies all known musical instruments.''

To install type:

yum install ladspa-vco-plugins


ladspa-vco-plugins [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

LADSPA: FIL plugins

Fedora package

``There's one plugin in this first release, a four-band parametric equaliser. Each section has an active/bypass switch, frequency, bandwidth and gain controls. There is also a global bypass switch and gain control.''

To install type:

yum install ladspa-fil-plugins


ladspa-fil-plugins [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

LADSPA: AMB plugins

Fedora package

``A set of first order Ambisonics plugins I use with Ardour. Included are: mono and stereo input panner, horizontal rotation, and square and hexagon horizontal decoders. See the README for more.''

To install type:

yum install ladspa-amb-plugins


ladspa-amb-plugins [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

LADSPA: Bandlimited Oscillator Plugins

Fedora package

``BLOP comprises a set of LADSPA plugins that generate bandlimited sawtooth, square, variable pulse and slope-variable triangle waves, for use in LADSPA hosts, principally for use with one of the many modular software synthesisers available.

They are wavetable based, and are designed to produce output with harmonic content as high as possible over a wide pitch range.''

To install type:

yum install ladspa-blop-plugins


ladspa-blop-plugins [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

LADSPA: TAP plugins

Fedora package

``TAP-plugins is short for Tom's Audio Processing plugins. It is a bunch of LADSPA plugins for digital audio processing, intended for use in a professional DAW environment such as Ardour.''

To install type:

yum install ladspa-tap-plugins

In addition to the LADSPA plugins you can also install TAP's Reverb Editor, a Jack aware application that can be used to edit and test reverberation patches.

yum install tap-reverbed

You can also install detailed documentation for both the TAP LASPA Plugins and the TAP Reverb Editor:

yum install tap-plugins-doc


ladspa-tap-plugins [i386: fc11 | x86_64: fc11 ]

ladspa-tap-plugins-doc [i386: fc10 fc11 fc12 c5 | x86_64: fc10 fc11 fc12 c5]
tap-reverbed [i386: fc10 fc11 fc12 c5 | x86_64: fc10 fc11 fc12 c5]

LADSPA: Caps plugins

Fedora package

``caps, the C* Audio Plugin Suite, is a collection of refined LADSPA units including instrument amplifier emulation, stomp-box classics, versatile 'virtual analog' oscillators, fractal oscillation, reverb, equalization and others.''

To install type:

yum install ladspa-caps-plugins


ladspa-caps-plugins [i386: fc10 fc11 fc12 c5 | x86_64: fc10 fc11 fc12 c5]


``pvoc is a collection of LADSPA units and a command line tool for time compression/expansion of sound data making use of the phase-vocoding technique''

To install type:

yum install ladspa-pvoc-plugins


ladspa-pvoc-plugins [i386: fc10 fc11 fc12 c5 | x86_64: fc10 fc11 fc12 c5]

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© Copyright 2001...2019 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano, CCRMA, Stanford University.
All rights reserved.