System Environment/Kernel

kernel-rt-devel - Development package for building kernel modules to match the rt kernel

This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the rt kernel package.
License:GPLv2 Group:System Environment/Kernel
URL: Source: kernel


Name Version Release Type Size Built
kernel-rt-devel 3.2.2 1.rt10.1.fc15.ccrma x86_64 29.42 MiB Tue Jan 31 11:56:27 2012
kernel-rt-devel 3.0.7 1.rt20.1.fc15.ccrma x86_64 28.16 MiB Mon Oct 24 16:13:53 2011
kernel-rt-devel 3.0.6 1.rt18.1.fc15.ccrma x86_64 28.16 MiB Thu Oct 13 12:43:19 2011


* Mon Jan 30 04:00:00 2012 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu>
- all the cpu power stuff in kernel-tools does not exist in fc < 16, 
  so disable it early in the game (cpuspeed is there, we have to test
  to see if it is still working on a 3.2.2 kernel)
* Mon Jan 30 04:00:00 2012 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu> 3.2.2-1.rt10.1
- move to 3.2.2-1 Fedora src.rpm for fc16
* Sun Jan 29 04:00:00 2012 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu> 3.2.0-2.rt10.1
- start fleshing up the .src.rpm for including the rt patches, based
  on .src.rpm for 3.2.0-2.fc17
- remove linux-3.0-perf-werror.patch, no longer needed

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