ImageMagick (1)

       NAME    ImageMagick - commandline utilities to create, edit, or convert


       animate [ options ... ] file [ [ options ... ] file ... ]

       composite [ options ... ] image composite [ mask ] composited

       conjure [ options ] script.msl [ [ options ] script.msl ]

       convert [ [ options ... ] [ input_file ...  ] ... [ output_file ] ]

       display [ options ... ] file ...  [ [options ... ]file ... ]

       identify file [ file ... ]

       import [ options ... ] file

       mogrify [ options ... ] file ...

       montage [ options ... ] file [ [ options ... ] file ... ] output_file


       ImageMagick provides a suite of  commandline  utilities  for  creating,
       converting, editing, and displaying images:

       Display is a machine architecture independent image processing and dis-
       play program. It can display an image on any workstation  display  run-
       ning an X server.

       Import  reads  an image from any visible window on an X server and out-
       puts it as an image file. You can capture a single window,  the  entire
       screen, or any rectangular portion of the screen.

       Montage  creates  a composite by combining several separate images. The
       images are tiled on the composite image with  the  name  of  the  image
       optionally appearing just below the individual tile.

       Convert converts an input file using one image format to an output file
       with a differing image format.

       Mogrify transforms an image or a sequence of images.  These  transforms
       include image scaling, image rotation, color reduction, and others. The
       transmogrified image overwrites the original image.

       Name   Mode Description
        o  8BIM      *rw- Photoshop resource format
        o  AFM       *r-- TrueType font
        o  APP1      *rw- Photoshop resource format
        o  ART       *r-- PF1: 1st Publisher
        o  AVI       *r-- Audio/Visual Interleaved
        o  AVS       *rw+ AVS X image
        o  BIE       *rw- Joint Bi-level Image experts Group
                          interchange format
        o  BMP       *rw+ Microsoft Windows bitmap image
        o  CAPTION   *r+  Caption (requires separate size info)
        o  CMYK      *rw- Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black
                          samples (8 or 16 bits, depending on
                          the image depth)
        o  CMYKA     *rw- Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and
                          matte samples (8 or 16 bits, depending
                          on the image depth)
        o  CUT       *r-- DR Halo
        o  DCM       *r-- Digital Imaging and Communications in
                           Medicine image
        o  DCX       *rw+ ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush
        o  DIB       *rw+ Microsoft Windows bitmap image
        o  DPS       *r-- Display Postscript
        o  DPX       *r-- Digital Moving Picture Exchange
        o  EPDF      *rw- Encapsulated Portable Document Format
        o  EPI       *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
                          Interchange format
        o  EPS       *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
        o  EPS2      *-w- Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
        o  EPS3      *-w- Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript
        o  EPSF      *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
        o  EPSI      *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
                          Interchange format
        o  EPT       *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript with TIFF
        o  FAX       *rw+ Group 3 FAX
        o  FILE      *r-- Uniform Resource Locator
        o  FITS      *rw- Flexible Image Transport System
        o  FPX       *rw- FlashPix Format
        o  FTP       *r-- Uniform Resource Locator
        o  G3        *rw- Group 3 FAX
        o  GIF       *rw+ CompuServe graphics interchange format
        o  GIF87     *rw- CompuServe graphics interchange format
                          (version 87a)
        o  GRADIENT  *r-- Gradual passing from one shade to
        o  GRANITE   *r-- Granite texture
        o  GRAY      *rw+ Raw gray samples (8 or 16 bits,
                          depending on the image depth)
        o  H         *rw- Internal format
        o  HDF       -rw+ Hierarchical Data Format
        o  HISTOGRAM *-w- Histogram of the image
        o  HTM       *-w- Hypertext Markup Language and a
                          client-side image map
        o  HTML      *-w- Hypertext Markup Language and a
                          interchange format
        o  JBIG      *rw+ Joint Bi-level Image experts Group
                          interchange format
        o  JP2       *rw- JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format Syntax
        o  JPC       *rw- JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
        o  JPEG      *rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group
                          JFIF format
        o  JPG       *rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group
                          JFIF format
        o  LABEL     *r-- Text image format
        o  LOGO      *rw- ImageMagick Logo
        o  M2V       *rw+ MPEG-2 Video Stream
        o  MAP       *rw- Colormap intensities (8 or 16 bits,
                          depending on the image depth) and
                          indices (8 or 16 bits, depending
                          on whether colors exceeds 256).
        o  MAT       *-w+ MATLAB image format
        o  MATTE     *-w+ MATTE format
        o  MIFF      *rw+ Magick image format
        o  MNG       *rw+ Multiple-image Network Graphics
        o  MONO      *rw- Bi-level bitmap in least-significant-
                          -byte-first order
        o  MPC       -rw- Magick Persistent Cache image format
        o  MPEG      *rw+ MPEG-1 Video Stream
        o  MPG       *rw+ MPEG-1 Video Stream
        o  MPR       *r-- Magick Persistent Registry
        o  MSL       *r-- Magick Scripting Language
        o  MTV       *rw+ MTV Raytracing image format
        o  MVG       *rw- Magick Vector Graphics
        o  NETSCAPE  *r-- Netscape 216 color cube
        o  NULL      *r-- Constant image of uniform color
        o  OTB       *rw- On-the-air bitmap
        o  P7        *rw+ Xv thumbnail format
        o  PAL       *rw- 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
        o  PALM      *rw- Palm Pixmap format
        o  PBM       *rw+ Portable bitmap format (black and white)
        o  PCD       *rw- Photo CD
        o  PCDS      *rw- Photo CD
        o  PCL       *-w- Page Control Language
        o  PCT       *rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
        o  PCX       *rw- ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush
        o  PDB       *r-- Pilot Image Format
        o  PDF       *rw+ Portable Document Format
        o  PFA       *r-- TrueType font
        o  PFB       *r-- TrueType font
        o  PFM       *r-- TrueType font
        o  PGM       *rw+ Portable graymap format (gray scale)
        o  PICON     *rw- Personal Icon
        o  PICT      *rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
        o  PIX       *r-- Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
        o  PLASMA    *r-- Plasma fractal image
        o  PM        *rw- X Windows system pixmap (color)
        o  PNG       *rw- Portable Network Graphics
        o  PNM       *rw+ Portable anymap
        o  PPM       *rw+ Portable pixmap format (color)
        o  PREVIEW   *-w- Show a preview an image enhancement,
                          effect, or f/x

        o  RGBA      *rw+ Raw red, green, blue, and matte samples
                          (8 or 16 bits, depending on the image
        o  RLA       *r-- Alias/Wavefront image
        o  RLE       *r-- Utah Run length encoded image
        o  ROSE      *rw- 70x46 Truecolor test image
        o  SCT       *r-- Scitex HandShake
        o  SFW       *r-- Seattle Film Works
        o  SGI       *rw+ Irix RGB image
        o  SHTML     *-w- Hypertext Markup Language and a
                          client-side image map
        o  STEGANO   *r-- Steganographic image
        o  SUN       *rw+ SUN Rasterfile
        o  SVG       *rw+ Scalable Vector Gaphics
        o  TEXT      *rw+ Raw text
        o  TGA       *rw+ Truevision Targa image
        o  TIF       *rw+ Tagged Image File Format
        o  TIFF      *rw+ Tagged Image File Format
        o  TILE      *r-- Tile image with a texture
        o  TIM       *r-- PSX TIM
        o  TTF       *r-- TrueType font
        o  TXT       *rw+ Raw text
        o  UIL       *-w- X-Motif UIL table
        o  UYVY      *rw- 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
        o  VDA       *rw+ Truevision Targa image
        o  VICAR     *rw- VICAR rasterfile format
        o  VID       *rw+ Visual Image Directory
        o  VIFF      *rw+ Khoros Visualization image
        o  VST       *rw+ Truevision Targa image
        o  WBMP      *rw- Wireless Bitmap (level 0) image
        o  WMF       *r-- Windows Metafile
        o  WPG       *r-- Word Perfect Graphics
        o  X         *rw- X Image
        o  XBM       *rw- X Windows system bitmap (black
                          and white)
        o  XC        *r-- Constant image uniform color
        o  XCF       *r-- GIMP image
        o  XML       *r-- Scalable Vector Gaphics
        o  XPM       *rw- X Windows system pixmap (color)
        o  XV        *rw+ Khoros Visualization image
        o  XWD       *rw- X Windows system window dump (color)
        o  YUV       *rw- CCIR 601 4:1:1

                     *    Native blob support
                     r    Read
                     w    Write
                     +    Multi-image

       Support for some  of  these  formats  require  additional  programs  or
       libraries.  README tells where to find this software.

       Note,  a  format delineated with + means that if more than one image is
       specified, it is composited into a single multi-image file. Use +adjoin
       if you want a single image produced for each frame.


       Options  are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on
       the command line remains in effect for the set of images that  follows,
       until  the  set is terminated by the appearance of any option or -noop.
       Some options only affect the decoding of images  and  others  only  the
       encoding.  The latter can appear after the final group of input images.

       This is a  combined  list  of  the  commandline  options  used  by  the
       ImageMagick  utilities (animate, composite, convert, display, identify,
       import, mogrify and montage).

       In this document, angle brackets ("<>") enclose  variables,  and  curly
       brackets  ("{}") enclose optional parameters. For example, "-fuzz <dis-
       tance>{%}" means you can use the option "-fuzz 10" or "-fuzz 2%".

              join images into a single multi-image file

              By default, all images of an image sequence are  stored  in  the
              same file. However, some formats (e.g. JPEG) do not support more
              than one image and are saved to separate files. Use  +adjoin  to
              force this behavior.

       -affine <matrix>
              drawing transform matrix

              This  option provides a transform matrix {sx,rx,ry,sy,tx,ty} for
              use by subsequent -draw or -transform options.

              remove pixel aliasing

              append a set of images

              This option creates a single image where the images in the orig-
              inal set are stacked top-to-bottom.  If they are not of the same
              width, any narrow images will be expanded to fit using the back-
              ground  color.   Use +append to stack images left-to-right.  The
              set of images is terminated by the appearance of any option.  If
              the  -append  option  appears after all of the input images, all
              images are appended.

              average a set of images

              The set of images is terminated by the appearance of any option.
              If  the  -average  option appears after all of the input images,
              all images are averaged.

       -backdrop <color>

       -background <color>
              the background color

              The  color is specified using the format described in the "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

       -blur <radius>x<sigma>
              blur the image with a gaussian operator

              Blur with the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).

       -border <width>x<height>
              surround the image with a border of color

              See -geometry for details about the geometry specification.

       -bordercolor <color>
              the border color

              The color is specified using the format described in the  "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

       -borderwidth <geometry>
              the border width

       -box <color>
              set the color of the annotation bounding box

              The  color is specified using the format described in the "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

              See -draw for further details.

       -cache <threshold>
              megabytes of memory available to the pixel cache

              Image pixels are stored in memory until 80 megabytes  of  memory
              have  been  consumed.  Subsequent pixel operations are cached on
              disk. Operations to memory are significantly faster but if  your
              computer  does  not  have a sufficient amount of free memory you
              may want to adjust this threshold value.

       -channel <type>
              the type of channel

              Choose from: Red, Green, Blue, Opacity, Cyan,  Magenta,  Yellow,
              or Black.

              Use  this option to extract a particular channel from the image.
              Matte, for example, is useful for extracting the opacity  values
              from an image.
              and x and y are offsets that give the location of  the  leftmost
              column and topmost row to remove.

              The  x  offset normally specifies the leftmost column to remove.
              If the -gravity option  is  present  with  NorthEast,  East,  or
              SouthEast gravity, it gives the distance leftward from the right
              edge of the image to the rightmost column to remove.  Similarly,
              the  y  offset normally specifies the topmost row to remove, but
              if the -gravity option is  present  with  SouthWest,  South,  or
              SouthEast  gravity,  it  specifies  the distance upward from the
              bottom edge of the image to the bottom row to remove.

              The -chop option removes entire rows and columns, and moves  the
              remaining corner blocks leftward and upward to close the gaps.

       -clip  apply the clipping path, if one is present

              If  a clipping path is present, it will be applied to subsequent

              For example, if you type the following command:

                   convert -clip -negate cockatoo.tif negated.tif

              only the pixels within the clipping path are negated.

              The -clip feature requires the XML library.  If the XML  library
              is not present, the option is ignored.

              merge a sequence of images

              Each  image N in the sequence after Image 0 is replaced with the
              image created by flattening images 0 through N.

              The set of images is terminated by the appearance of any option.
              If  the  -coalesce option appears after all of the input images,
              all images are coalesced.

       -colorize <value>
              colorize the image with the pen color

              Specify the amount of colorization  as  a  percentage.  You  can
              apply  separate  colorization values to the red, green, and blue
              channels of the image with a colorization value list  delineated
              with slashes (e.g. 0/0/50).

       -colormap <type>
              define the colormap type

              Choose between shared or private.

              This  option  only  applies  when the default X server visual is
              preferred number of colors in the image

              The actual number of colors in the image may be less  than  your
              request, but never more. Note, this is a color reduction option.
              Images with less unique colors than specified with  this  option
              will have any duplicate or unused colors removed. Refer to quan-
              tize for more details.

              Note, options -dither, -colorspace, and  -treedepth  affect  the
              color reduction algorithm.

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

              Choices  are:  GRAY,  OHTA,  RGB,  Transparent, XYZ, YCbCr, YIQ,
              YPbPr, YUV, or CMYK.

              Color reduction, by default, takes place in the RGB color space.
              Empirical  evidence suggests that distances in color spaces such
              as YUV or YIQ correspond to perceptual  color  differences  more
              closely  than do distances in RGB space.  These color spaces may
              give better results when color  reducing  an  image.   Refer  to
              quantize for more details.

              The  Transparent  color  space  behaves uniquely in that it pre-
              serves the matte channel of the image if it exists.

              The -colors or -monochrome option is required for this option to
              take effect.

       -comment <string>
              annotate an image with a comment

              Use  this  option to assign a specific comment to the image. You
              can include the image filename, type, width,  height,  or  other
              image attribute by embedding special format characters:

                   %b   file size
                   %c   comment
                   %d   directory
                   %e   filename extention
                   %f   filename
                   %h   height
                   %i   input filename
                   %k   number of unique colors
                   %l   label
                   %m   magick
                   %n   number of scenes
                   %o   output filename
                   %p   page number
                   \r   carriage return

              For example,

                   -comment "%m:%f %wx%h"

              produces an image comment of MIFF:bird.miff 512x480 for an image
              titled bird.miff and whose width is 512 and height is 480.

              If the first character of string is @, the image comment is read
              from a file titled by the remaining characters in the string.

       -compose <operator>
              the type of image composition

              [This option is not used by convert but this section is included
              because it describes the composite operators that  are  used  by
              the -draw option of convert.]

              By  default,  each of the composite image pixels are replaced by
              the corresponding image tile pixel. You can choose an  alternate
              composite operation:


              How each operator behaves is described below.


                    .in 20

                    The result will be the union of the two image shapes, with
                    opaque areas of composite image  obscuring  image  in  the
                    region of overlap.

                    .in 20

                    The  resulting  image is composite image with the shape of
                    image cut out.


                    .in 20

                    The result is the same shape as image image, with  compos-
                    ite  image obscuring image where the image shapes overlap.
                    Note this differs from over because the portion of compos-
                    ite  image  outside  image's  shape does not appear in the


                    .in 20

                    The result is the image data from both composite image and
                    image  that  is  outside  the overlap region.  The overlap
                    region will be blank.


                    .in 20

                    The result is just the sum of the image data.  Output val-
                    ues  are  cropped to 255 (no overflow).  This operation is
                    independent of the matte channels.


                    .in 20

                    The result of composite  image  -  image,  with  underflow
                    cropped  to  zero.   The  matte channel is ignored (set to
                    255, full coverage).


                    .in 20

                    The result of composite image + image, with overflow wrap-
                    ping around (mod 256).


                    .in 20

                    The  result  of  composite  image  - image, with underflow
                    wrapping around (mod 256).  The add and subtract operators
                    can be used to perform reversible transformations.


                    The result of composite image * image.  This is useful for
                    the creation of drop-shadows.


                    .in 20

                    The result image shaded by composite image.


                    .in 20

                    The  resulting  image  is  image  replaced  with composite
                    image.  Here the matte information is ignored.


                    .in 20

                    The resulting image is the red  layer  in  image  replaced
                    with  the  red layer in composite image.  The other layers
                    are copied untouched.


                    .in 20

                    The resulting image is the green layer in  image  replaced
                    with the green layer in composite image.  The other layers
                    are copied untouched.


                    .in 20

                    The resulting image is the blue layer  in  image  replaced
                    with  the blue layer in composite image.  The other layers
                    are copied untouched.


                    .in 20

                    The resulting image is the matte layer in  image  replaced
                    with the matte layer in composite image.  The other layers
                    are copied untouched.

               The image compositor requires a matte, or alpha channel in  the
               image  for some operations.  This extra channel usually defines
               a mask which represents a  sort  of  a  cookie-cutter  for  the
               image.   This is the case when matte is 255 (full coverage) for
               pixels inside the shape, zero outside, and between zero and 255
               on  the  boundary.   For  certain operations, if image does not
               have a matte channel, it is initialized with 0  for  any  pixel

              Specify  +compress  to store the binary image in an uncompressed
              format.  The default is the compression type  of  the  specified
              image file.

              If LZW compression is specified but LZW compression has not been
              enabled, the image data will be written in an  uncompressed  LZW
              format  that  can  be  read by LZW decoders.  This may result in
              larger-than-expected GIF files.

              "Lossless" refers to lossless JPEG, which is only  available  if
              the JPEG library has been patched to support it.

              Use  the -quality option to set the compression level to be used
              by JPEG, PNG, MIFF, and MPEG encoders.  Use the -sampling_factor
              option  to set the sampling factor to be used by JPEG, MPEG, and
              YUV encoders for downsampling the chroma channels.

              enhance or reduce the image contrast

              This option  enhances  the  intensity  differences  between  the
              lighter  and  darker  elements  of  the  image. Use -contrast to
              enhance the image or +contrast to reduce the image contrast.

       -crop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              preferred size and location of the cropped image

              See -geometry for details about the geometry specification.

              The width and height give the size of  the  image  that  remains
              after  cropping,  and x and y are offsets that give the location
              of the top left corner of the cropped image with respect to  the
              original image.  To specify the amount to be removed, use -shave

              To specify a percentage width or height to be  removed  instead,
              append  %.  For  example  to crop the image by ten percent (five
              percent on each side of the image), use -crop 10%.

              If the x and y offsets are present, a single image is generated,
              consisting  of the pixels from the cropping region.  The offsets
              specify the location of the upper left corner  of  the  cropping
              region measured downward and rightward with respect to the upper
              left corner of the image.  If the  -gravity  option  is  present
              with  NorthEast,  East,  or SouthEast gravity, it gives the dis-
              tance leftward from the right edge of the  image  to  the  right
              edge  of the cropping region.  Similarly, if the -gravity option
              is present with SouthWest, South, or SouthEast gravity, the dis-
              tance is measured upward between the bottom edges.

              Amount  defines  the  number of positions each colormap entry is

       -debug enable debug printout

              break down an image sequence into constituent parts

              The sequence of images is terminated by the  appearance  of  any
              option.   If  the  -deconstruct  option appears after all of the
              input images, all images are deconstructed.

       -delay <1/100ths of a second>
              display the next image after pausing

              This option is useful for  regulating  the  animation  of  image
              sequences  Delay/100  seconds  must expire before the display of
              the next image. The default is no delay between each showing  of
              the image sequence. The maximum delay is 65535.

              You  can  specify  a delay range (e.g. -delay 10-500) which sets
              the minimum and maximum delay.

       -density <width>x<height>
              vertical and horizontal resolution in pixels of the image

              This  option  specifies  an  image  density  when   decoding   a
              PostScript or Portable Document page. The default is 72 dots per
              inch in the horizontal and vertical direction.  This  option  is
              used in concert with -page.

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

              This is the number of bits in a color sample within a pixel. The
              only acceptable values are 8 or 16.  Use this option to  specify
              the  depth  of  raw  images whose depth is unknown such as GRAY,
              RGB, or CMYK, or to change the depth of any image after  it  has
              been read.

              obtain image by descending window hierarchy

              reduce the speckles within an image

       -displace <horizontal scale>x<vertical scale>
              shift image pixels as defined by a displacement map

              With this option, composite image is used as a displacement map.
              Black, within the displacement map, is a maximum  positive  dis-
              specifies the X server to contact

              This option is used with convert for  obtaining  image  or  font
              from this X server.  See X(1).

       -dispose <method>
              GIF disposal method

              Here are the valid methods:

                   0     No disposal specified.
                   1     Do not dispose between frames.
                   2     Overwrite frame with background color
                         from header.
                   3     Overwrite with previous frame.

       -dissolve <percent>
              dissolve an image into another by the given percent

              The  opacity  of  the composite image is multiplied by the given
              percent, then it is composited over the main image.

              apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image

              The basic strategy of dithering is to trade intensity resolution
              for  spatial  resolution by averaging the intensities of several
              neighboring pixels.  Images which suffer from severe  contouring
              when reducing colors can be improved with this option.

              The -colors or -monochrome option is required for this option to
              take effect.

              Use +dither to turn off dithering and to render Postscript with-
              out text or graphic aliasing.

       -draw <string>
              annotate an image with one or more graphic primitives

              Use  this  option  to annotate an image with one or more graphic
              primitives.  The primitives include  shapes,  text,  transforma-
              tions, and pixel operations.  The shape primitives are

                   point           x,y
                   line            x0,y0 x1,y1
                   rectangle       x0,y0 x1,y1
                   roundRectangle  x0,y0 x1,y1 wc,hc
                   arc             x0,y0 x1,y1 a0,a1
                   ellipse         x0,y0 rx,ry a0,a1
                   circle          x0,y0 x1,y1
                   polyline        x0,y0  ...  xn,yn

              The transformation primitives are

                   rotate          degrees
                   translate       dx,dy
                   scale           sx,sy
                   skewX           degrees
                   skewY           degrees

              The pixel operation primitives are

                   color           x0,y0 method
                   matte           x0,y0 method

              The  shape  primitives  are  drawn in the color specified in the
              preceding -stroke option. Except for the line and  point  primi-
              tives, they are filled with the color specified in the preceding
              -fill option.  For unfilled shapes, use -fill none.

              Point requires a single coordinate.

              Line requires a start and end coordinate.

              Rectangle expects an upper left and lower right coordinate.

              RoundRectangle has the upper left and  lower  right  coordinates
              and the width and height of the corners.

              Circle  has  a  center coordinate and a coordinate for the outer

              Use Arc to circumscribe an arc within a rectangle.  Arcs require
              a  start  and  end point as well as the degree of rotation (e.g.
              130,30 200,100 45,90).

              Use Ellipse to draw a partial  ellipse  centered  at  the  given
              point with the x-axis and y-axis radius and start and end of arc
              in degrees (e.g. 100,100 100,150 0,360).

              Finally, polyline and polygon require three or more  coordinates
              to define its boundaries.  Coordinates are integers separated by
              an optional comma.  For example, to define a circle centered  at
              100,100 that extends to 150,150 use:

                   -draw 'circle 100,100 150,150'

              Paths  (See  Paths)  represent  an outline of an object which is
              defined in terms of moveto (set a  new  current  point),  lineto
              (draw  a  straight  line),  curveto  (draw a curve using a cubic
              bezier), arc (elliptical or circular arc) and  closepath  (close
              the  current  shape  by  drawing a line to the last moveto) ele-
              ments. Compound paths (i.e., a path with subpaths, each consist-
              ing  of  a  single  moveto followed by one or more line or curve
              operations) are possible to allow effects such as "donut  holes"

              You  can  use  0,0  for  the  image size, which means to use the
              actual dimensions found in the image header. Otherwise, it  will
              be  scaled to the given dimensions.  See -compose for a descrip-
              tion of the composite operators.

              Use text to annotate an image with text. Follow the text coordi-
              nates  with a string. If the string has embedded spaces, enclose
              it in double quotes. Optionally you can include the image  file-
              name, type, width, height, or other image attribute by embedding
              special format character.  See -comment for details.

              For example,

                   -draw 'text 100,100 "%m:%f %wx%h"'

              annotates the image with MIFF:bird.miff  512x480  for  an  image
              titled bird.miff and whose width is 512 and height is 480.

              If  the  first character of string is @, the text is read from a
              file titled by the remaining characters in the string.

              Rotate rotates subsequent shape primitives and  text  primitives
              about  the  origen  of  the  main  image.  If the -region option
              precedes the -draw option, the origen for transformations is the
              upper left corner of the region.

              Translate translates them.

              Scale scales them.

              SkewX and SkewY skew them with respect to the origen of the main
              image or the region.

              The transformations modify the current affine matrix,  which  is
              initialized  from  the  initial  affine  matrix  defined  by the
              -affine option.  Transformations are cumulative within the -draw
              option.   The initial affine matrix is not affected; that matrix
              is only changed by the appearance of another -affine option.  If
              another  -draw  option  appears,  the  current  affine matrix is
              reinitialized from the initial affine matrix.

              Use color to change the color of a pixel to the fill color  (see
              -fill). Follow the pixel coordinate with a method:


              Use  matte  to  the change the pixel matte value to transparent.
              Follow the pixel coordinate with a method (see the color  primi-
              tive for a description of methods). The point method changes the
              matte value of the target pixel. The replace method changes  the
              matte  value  of  any pixel that matches the color of the target
              pixel. Floodfill changes the  matte  value  of  any  pixel  that
              matches the color of the target pixel and is a neighbor, whereas
              filltoborder changes the matte value of any neighbor pixel  that
              is  not  the border color (-bordercolor).  Finally reset changes
              the matte value of all pixels.

              You can set the primitive color, font,  and  font  bounding  box
              color with -fill, -font, and -box respectively. Options are pro-
              cessed in command line order so be sure  to  use  these  options
              before the -draw option.

       -edge <radius>
              detect edges within an image

              emboss an image

       -encoding <type>
              specify the font encoding

              Choose from AdobeCustom, AdobeExpert, AdobeStandard, AppleRoman,
              BIG5, GB2312, Latin 2, None, SJIScode, Symbol, Unicode, Wansung.

       -endian <type>
              specify endianness (MSB or LSB) of output image

              Use +endian to revert to unspecified endianness.

              apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image

              perform histogram equalization to the image

       -fill <color>
              color to use when filling a graphic primitive

              The  color is specified using the format described in the "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

              See -draw for further details.

       -filter <type>
              use this type of filter when resizing an image

              Use this option to affect the resizing  operation  of  an  image

              The default filter is Lanczos

              flatten a sequence of images

              The  sequence of images is replaced by a single image created by
              composing each image after the first over the first image.

              The sequence of images is terminated by the  appearance  of  any
              option.   If  the -flatten option appears after all of the input
              images, all images are flattened.

       -flip  create a "mirror image"

              reflect the scanlines in the vertical direction.

       -flop  create a "mirror image"

              reflect the scanlines in the horizontal direction.

       -font <name>
              use this font when annotating the image with text

              You can tag a font to specify whether it is a Postscript,  True-
              type,  or  OPTION1  font.   For example, Arial.ttf is a Truetype
              font, ps:helvetica is Postscript, and x:fixed is OPTION1.

       -foreground <color>
              define the foreground color

              The color is specified using the format described in the  "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

       -format <type>
              the image format type

              This option will convert any image to the image format you spec-
              ify.  See ImageMagick(1) for a list of image format  types  sup-
              ported by ImageMagick.

              By  default  the file is written to its original name.  However,
              if the filename extension matches a supported format, the exten-
              Use this option to print information about the image in a format
              of  your  choosing.   You  can include the image filename, type,
              width, height, or other image attributes  by  embedding  special
              format characters:

                   %b   file size
                   %c   comment
                   %d   directory
                   %e   filename extention
                   %f   filename
                   %h   height
                   %i   input filename
                   %k   number of unique colors
                   %l   label
                   %m   magick
                   %n   number of scenes
                   %o   output filename
                   %p   page number
                   %q   quantum depth
                   %s   scene number
                   %t   top of filename
                   %u   unique temporary filename
                   %w   width
                   %x   x resolution
                   %y   y resolution
                   %#   signature
                   \n   newline
                   \r   carriage return

              For example,

                   -format "%m:%f %wx%h"

              displays  MIFF:bird.miff  512x480  for an image titled bird.miff
              and whose width is 512 and height is 480.

              If the first character of string is @, the format is read from a
              file titled by the remaining characters in the string.

       -frame <width>x<height>+<outer bevel width>+<inner bevel width>
              surround the image with an ornamental border

              See -geometry for details about the geometry specification.  The
              -frame option is not affected by the -gravity option.

              The color of  the  border  is  specified  with  the  -mattecolor
              command line option.

       -frame include the X window frame in the imported image

       -fuzz <distance>{%}
              colors within this distance are considered equal

              A number of algorithms search for a target color. By default the
              color must be exact. Use this option to match  colors  that  are

       -gamma <value>
              level of gamma correction

              The same color image displayed on two different workstations may
              look  different  due  to differences in the display monitor. Use
              gamma correction to adjust for this color difference. Reasonable
              values extend from 0.8 to 2.3.

              You  can apply separate gamma values to the red, green, and blue
              channels of the image with a gamma value  list  delineated  with
              slashes (e.g., 1.7/2.3/1.2).

              Use  +gamma  value to set the image gamma level without actually
              adjusting the image pixels. This option is useful if  the  image
              is  of a known gamma but not set as an image attribute (e.g. PNG

       -gaussian <radius>x<sigma>
              blur the image with a gaussian operator

              Use the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).

       -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{@} {!}{<}{>}
              preferred size and location of the Image window.

              By default, the window size is the image size and  the  location
              is chosen by you when it is mapped.

              By  default,  the  width and height are maximum values. That is,
              the image is expanded or contracted to fit the width and  height
              value while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image. Append an
              exclamation point to the geometry to force  the  image  size  to
              exactly  the  size  you  specify.  For  example,  if you specify
              640x480! the image width is set to 640 pixels and height to 480.

              If  only the width is specified, the width assumes the value and
              the height is chosen to maintain the aspect ratio of the  image.
              Similarly,  if  only  the  height  is specified (e.g., -geometry
              x256), the width is chosen to maintain the aspect ratio.

              To specify a percentage width or height instead, append  %.  The
              image  size is multiplied by the width and height percentages to
              obtain the final image dimensions. To increase the  size  of  an
              image,  use a value greater than 100 (e.g. 125%). To decrease an
              image's size, use a percentage less than 100.

              Use @ to specify the maximum area in pixels of an image.
              the  < or > from being interpreted by your shell as a file redi-

              When used with animate and display, offsets are handled  in  the
              same  manner as in X(1) and the -gravity option is not used.  If
              the x is negative, the offset  is  measured  leftward  from  the
              right  edge  of  the screen to the right edge of the image being
              displayed.  Similarly, negative y is measured between the bottom
              edges.   The  offsets  are  not affected by "%"; they are always
              measured in pixels.

              When used as a composite option, -geometry gives the  dimensions
              of  the  image  and  its  location with respect to the composite
              image.  If the -gravity option is present with NorthEast,  East,
              or  SouthEast  gravity,  the  x represents the distance from the
              right edge of the image to  the  right  edge  of  the  composite
              image.  Similarly, if the -gravity option is present with South-
              West, South, or SouthEast gravity, y  is  measured  between  the
              bottom edges. Accordingly, a positive offset will never point in
              the direction  outside  of  the  image.   The  offsets  are  not
              affected by "%"; they are always measured in pixels.  To specify
              the dimensions of the composite image, use the -resize option.

              When used as a convert, import or mogrify option,  -geometry  is
              synonymous  with  -resize  and  specifies the size of the output
              image.  The offsets, if present, are ignored.

              When used as a montage option,  -geometry  specifies  the  image
              size  and  border  size  for  each tile; default is 256x256+0+0.
              Negative  offsets  (border  dimensions)  are  meaningless.   The
              -gravity  option  affects  the placement of the image within the
              tile; the default gravity for this purpose is  Center.   If  the
              "%" sign appears in the geometry specification, the tile size is
              the specified percentage of the original dimensions of the first
              tile.  To specify the dimensions of the montage, use the -resize

       -gravity <type>
              direction primitive  gravitates to when annotating the image.

              Choices are: NorthWest, North, NorthEast,  West,  Center,  East,
              SouthWest, South, SouthEast.

              The direction you choose specifies where to position the text or
              other graphic primitive when annotating the image.  For  example
              Center  gravity forces the text to be centered within the image.
              By default, the image gravity is NorthWest.  See -draw for  more
              details about graphic primitives.

              The  -gravity  option is also used in concert with the -geometry
              option and other options that take <geometry>  as  a  parameter,
              that  an image gravitates within a tile.  The default gravity is
              Center for this purpose.

       -help  print usage instructions

       -iconGeometry <geometry>
              specify the icon geometry

              Offsets, if present in the geometry specification,  are  handled
              in  the  same manner as the -geometry option, using X11 style to
              handle negative offsets.

              iconic animation

              make image immutable

       -implode <factor>
              implode image pixels about the center

       -intent <type>
              use this type of rendering intent when managing the image color

              Use this option to affect the the color management operation  of
              an  image  (see -profile).  Choose from these intents: Absolute,
              Perceptual, Relative, Saturation

              The default intent is undefined.

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

              Choices are: None, Line, Plane, or  Partition.  The  default  is

              This  option  is  used to specify the type of interlacing scheme
              for raw image formats such as RGB or YUV.

              None means do not interlace (RGBRGBRGBRGBRGBRGB...),

              Line            uses            scanline             interlacing
              (RRR...GGG...BBB...RRR...GGG...BBB...), and

              Plane uses plane interlacing (RRRRRR...GGGGGG...BBBBBB...).

              Partition is like plane except the different planes are saved to
              individual files (e.g. image.R, image.G, and image.B).

              Use Line or Plane to create an interlaced PNG or   GIF  or  pro-
              gressive JPEG image.

              For example,

                   -label "%m:%f %wx%h"

              produces an image label of MIFF:bird.miff 512x480 for  an  image
              titled bird.miff and whose width is 512 and height is 480.

              If  the  first character of string is @, the image label is read
              from a file titled by the remaining characters in the string.

              When converting to PostScript, use  this  option  to  specify  a
              header  string  to print above the image. Specify the label font
              with -font.

       -level <value>
              adjust the level of image contrast

              Give three point values delineated with commas: black, mid,  and
              white  (e.g.  10,1.0,65000).   The  white and black points range
              from 0 to MaxRGB and mid ranges from 0 to 10.

              the line width for subsequent draw operations

       -list <type>
              the type of list

              Choices are: Delegate, Format, Magic, Module, or Type.

              This option lists entries  from  the  ImageMagick  configuration

       -loop <iterations>
              add Netscape loop extension to your GIF animation

              A value other than zero forces the animation to repeat itself up
              to iterations times.

       -magnify <factor>
              magnify the image

       -map <filename>
              choose a particular set of colors from this image

              [convert or mogrify]

              By default, color reduction chooses an  optimal  set  of  colors
              that  best  represent the original image. Alternatively, you can

       -map <type>
               display image using this type.

              [animate or display]

              Choose from these Standard Colormap types:


              The X server must support the Standard Colormap you choose, oth-
              erwise an error  occurs.  Use  list  as  the  type  and  display
              searches the list of colormap types in top-to-bottom order until
              one is located. See xstdcmap(1) for one way of creating Standard

       -mask <filename>
              Specify a clipping mask

              The  image  read  from  the file is used as a clipping mask.  It
              must have the same dimensions as the image being masked.

              If the mask image contains an opacity channel,  the  opacity  of
              each pixel is used to define the mask.  Otherwise, the intensity
              (gray level) of each pixel is used.

              Use +mask to remove the clipping mask.

              It is not necessary to use -clip to activate the mask; -clip  is
              implied by -mask.

       -matte store matte channel if the image has one

              If  the  image  does  not have a matte channel, create an opaque

              Use +matte to ignore the matte channel and to  avoid  writing  a
              matte channel in the output file.

       -mattecolor <color>
              specify the color to be used with the -frame option

              The  color is specified using the format described in the "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

       -median <radius>
              apply a median filter to the image

       -mode <value>
              mode of operation

       -modulate <value>
              transform the image to black and white

       -morph <frames>
              morphs an image sequence

              Both the image pixels and size are linearly interpolated to give
              the appearance of a meta-morphosis from one image to the next.

              The sequence of images is terminated by the  appearance  of  any
              option.   If  the  -morph  option appears after all of the input
              images, all images are morphed.

              create a mosaic from an image sequence

              The -page option is used to locate the images within the mosaic.

              The  sequence  of  images is terminated by the appearance of any
              option.  If the -mosaic option appears after all  of  the  input
              images, all images are included in the mosaic.

       -name  name an image

              replace every pixel with its complementary color

              The  red,  green,  and blue intensities of an image are negated.
              White becomes black, yellow becomes blue, etc.  Use  +negate  to
              only negate the grayscale pixels of the image.

       -noise <radius|type>
              add or reduce noise in an image

              The  principal  function  of noise peak elimination filter is to
              smooth the objects within an image without losing edge  informa-
              tion and without creating undesired structures. The central idea
              of the algorithm is to replace a pixel with its next neighbor in
              value  within a pixel window, if this pixel has been found to be
              noise. A pixel is defined as noise if and only if this pixel  is
              a maximum or minimum within the pixel window.

              Use radius to specify the width of the neighborhood.

              Use  +noise  followed  by a noise type to add noise to an image.
              Choose from these noise types:


              This is a contrast enhancement technique.

       -opaque <color>
              change this color to the pen color within the image

              The color is specified using the format described in the  "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

              See -fill for more details.

       -page <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{!}{<}{>}
              size and location of an image canvas

              Use this option to specify the dimensions of the PostScript page
              in dots per inch or a TEXT page in pixels.  The  choices  for  a
              Postscript page are:

                   11x17         792  1224
                   Ledger       1224   792
                   Legal         612  1008
                   Letter        612   792
                   LetterSmall   612   792
                   ArchE        2592  3456
                   ArchD        1728  2592
                   ArchC        1296  1728
                   ArchB         864  1296
                   ArchA         648   864
                   A0           2380  3368
                   A1           1684  2380
                   A2           1190  1684
                   A3            842  1190
                   A4            595   842
                   A4Small       595   842
                   A5            421   595
                   A6            297   421
                   A7            210   297
                   A8            148   210
                   A9            105   148
                   A10            74   105
                   B0           2836  4008
                   B1           2004  2836
                   B2           1418  2004
                   B3           1002  1418
                   B4            709  1002
                   B5            501   709
                   C0           2600  3677
                   C1           1837  2600
                   C2           1298  1837
                   C3            918  1298
                   C4            649   918
                   C5            459   649
                   C6            323   459
                   Flsa          612   936


              For a Postscript page, the image is sized as  in  -geometry  and
              positioned relative to the lower left hand corner of the page by
              {+-}<xoffset>{+-}<y offset>. Use -page 612x792>, for example, to
              center  the image within the page. If the image size exceeds the
              Postscript page, it is reduced to fit  the  page.   The  default
              gravity  for the -page option is NorthWest, i.e., positive x and
              y offset are measured rightward and downward from the  top  left
              corner of the page, unless the -gravity option is present with a
              value other than NorthWest.

              The default page dimensions for a TEXT image is 612x792.

              This option is used in concert with -density.

       -paint <radius>
              simulate an oil painting

              Each pixel is replaced by the most frequent color in a  circular
              neighborhood whose width is specified with radius.

       -pause <seconds>
              pause between animation loops [animate]

              Pause  for  the specified number of seconds before repeating the

       -pause <seconds>
              pause between snapshots [import]

              Pause for the specified number of seconds before taking the next

       -pen <color>
              specify the pen color for drawing operations

              The  color is specified using the format described in the "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

       -ping  efficiently determine image characteristics

       -pointsize <value>
              pointsize of the Postscript, OPTION1, or TrueType font

       -preview <type>
              image preview type

              Use this option to affect the  preview  operation  of  an  image
              (e.g.   convert  -preview  Gamma Preview:gamma.png). Choose from
              these previews:

                   Add Noise

              The default preview is JPEG.

       -process <command>
              process a sequence of images

              The sequence of images is terminated by the  appearance  of  any
              option.   If  the -process option appears after all of the input
              images, all images are processed.

       -profile <filename>
              add ICM, IPTC, or generic profile  to image

              -profile filename adds  an  ICM  (ICC  color  management),  IPTC
              (newswire information), or a generic profile to the image.

              Use  +profile  icm,  +profile  iptc, or +profile profile_name to
              remove the respective profile.  Use identify  -verbose  to  find
              out  what  profiles  are in the image file.  Use +profile "*" to
              remove all profiles.

              To extract a profile, the -profile option is not used.  Instead,
              simply  write  the  file  to an image format such as APP1, 8BIM,
              ICM, or IPTC.

              For example, to extract the Exif data (which is stored  in  JPEG
              files in the APP1 profile), use

                  convert cockatoo.jpg exifdata.app1

       -quality <value>
              JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level

              slowest).   It  has no effect on the image appearance, since the
              compression is always lossless.

              For the MNG and PNG image formats, the quality  value  sets  the
              zlib compression level (quality / 10) and filter-type (quality %
              10). Compression levels range from 0  (fastest  compression)  to
              100  (best  but  slowest). For compression level 0, the Huffman-
              only strategy is used, which is fastest but not necessarily  the
              worst compression.

              If  filter-type  is 4 or less, the specified filter-type is used
              for all scanlines:

                   0: none
                   1: sub
                   2: up
                   3: average
                   4: Paeth

              If filter-type is 5, adaptive filtering is used when quality  is
              greater  than 50 and the image does not have a color map, other-
              wise no filtering is used.

              If filter-type is 6,  adaptive  filtering  with  minimum-sum-of-
              absolute-values is used.

              Only  if  the output is MNG, if filter-type is 7, the LOCO color
              transformation and adaptive filtering with  minimum-sum-of-abso-
              lute-values are used.

              The  default  is  quality  is  75,  which  means nearly the best
              compression with adaptive filtering.  The quality setting has no
              effect  on  the appearance of PNG and MNG images, since the com-
              pression is always lossless.

              For further information, see the PNG specification.

       -raise <width>x<height>
              lighten or darken image edges

              This will create  a  3-D  effect.   See  -geometry  for  details
              details about the geometry specification.  Offsets are not used.

              Use -raise to create a raised effect, otherwise use +raise.

       -region <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              apply options to a portion of the image

              The x and y offsets are treated in the same manner as in  -crop.
              resize an image

              This is an alias for the -geometry option and it behaves in  the
              same  manner. If the -filter option precedes the -resize option,
              the specified filter is used.

              There are some exceptions:

              When used as a composite option, -resize conveys  the  preferred
              size  of  the output image, while -geometry conveys the size and
              placement of the composite image within the main image.

              When used as a montage option,  -resize  conveys  the  preferred
              size  of  the montage, while -geometry conveys information about
              the tiles.

       -roll {+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              roll an image vertically or horizontally

              See -geometry for details the geometry specification.  The x and
              y offsets are not affected by the -gravity option.

              A negative x  offset rolls the image left-to-right. A negative y
              offset rolls the image top-to-bottom.

       -rotate <degrees>{<}{>}
              apply Paeth image rotation to the image

              Use > to rotate the image only if its width exceeds the  height.
              <  rotates  the image only if its width is less than the height.
              For example, if you specify -rotate "-90>" and the image size is
              480x640,  the  image  is  not rotated.  However, if the image is
              640x480, it is rotated by -90 degrees.   If  you  use  >  or  <,
              enclose it in quotation marks to prevent it from being misinter-
              preted as a file redirection.

              Empty triangles left over from rotating  the  image  are  filled
              with  the  color  defined as background (class backgroundColor).
              See X(1) for details.

       -sample <geometry>
              scale image with pixel sampling

              See -geometry for  details  about  the  geometry  specification.
              -sample  ignores  the -filter selection if the -filter option is
              present.  Offsets,  if  present  in  the  geometry  string,  are
              ignored, and the -gravity option has no effect.

       -sampling_factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              sampling  factors  used  by  JPEG  or  MPEG-2  encoder  and  YUV

              See  -geometry  for  details  about  the geometry specification.
              -scale uses a simpler, faster  algorithm,  and  it  ignores  the
              -filter selection if the -filter option is present.  Offsets, if
              present in the geometry string, are ignored,  and  the  -gravity
              option has no effect.

       -scene <value>
              set scene number

              This option sets the scene number of an image or the first image
              in an image sequence.

       -scenes <value-value>
              range of image scene numbers to read

              Each image in the range is read with the filename followed by  a
              period  (.)  and  the decimal scene number.  You can change this
              behavior by embedding a %d, %0Nd, %o, %0No, %x, or  %0Nx  printf
              format specification in the file name. For example,

                  montage -scenes 5-7 image.miff

              makes   a  montage  of  files  image.miff.5,  image.miff.6,  and
              image.miff.7, and

                  animate -scenes 0-12 image%02d.miff

              animates files image00.miff, image01.miff, through image12.miff.

              specify the screen to capture

              This  option  indicates that the GetImage request used to obtain
              the image should  be  done  on  the  root  window,  rather  than
              directly  on  the specified window.  In this way, you can obtain
              pieces of other windows that overlap the specified  window,  and
              more importantly, you can capture menus or other popups that are
              independent windows but appear over the specified window.

       -seed <value>
              pseudo-random number generator seed value

       -segment <cluster threshold>x<smoothing threshold>
              segment an image

              Segment an image by analyzing the histograms of the color compo-
              nents  and identifying units that are homogeneous with the fuzzy
              c-means technique.

              Specify cluster threshold as the number of pixels in each  clus-
              ter  must  exceed  the  the  cluster  threshold to be considered
              valid.  Smoothing  threshold  eliminates  noise  in  the  second
              derivative of the histogram.  As the value is increased, you can
              expect a smoother second derivative.  The default  is  1.5.  See

       -shadow <radius>x<sigma>
              shadow the montage

              use shared memory

              This  option  specifies  whether  the utility should attempt use
              shared memory for pixmaps.  ImageMagick must  be  compiled  with
              shared  memory support, and the display must support the MIT-SHM
              extension.  Otherwise, this option is ignored.  The  default  is

       -sharpen <radius>x<sigma>
              sharpen the image

              Use  a gaussian operator of the given radius and standard devia-
              tion (sigma).

       -shave <width>x<height>
              shave pixels from the image edges

              Specify the width of the region to be removed from both sides of
              the  image  and the height of the regions to be removed from top
              and bottom.

       -shear <x degrees>x<y degrees>
              shear the image along the X or Y axis

              Use the specified positive or negative shear angle.

              Shearing slides one edge of an image along the X or Y axis, cre-
              ating a parallelogram. An X direction shear slides an edge along
              the X axis, while a Y direction shear slides an edge along the Y
              axis.  The  amount  of the shear is controlled by a shear angle.
              For X direction shears, x degrees is measured relative to the  Y
              axis,  and  similarly,  for Y direction shears y degrees is mea-
              sured relative to the X axis.

              Empty triangles left over from shearing  the  image  are  filled
              with  the  color  defined as background (class backgroundColor).
              See X(1) for details.

              operate silently

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

              Use this option to specify the width and height  of  raw  images

              Finally, use this option to choose a particular resolution layer
              of a JBIG or JPEG image (e.g. -size 1024x768).

       -snaps <value>
              number of screen snapshots

              Use  this  option  to grab more than one image from the X server
              screen, to create an animation sequence.

       -solarize <factor>
              negate all pixels above the threshold level

              Specify factor as the percent threshold of the  intensity  (0  -

              This  option produces a solarization effect seen when exposing a
              photographic film to light during the development process.

       -spread <amount>
              displace image pixels by a random amount

              Amount defines the size of the neighborhood around each pixel to
              choose a candidate pixel to swap.

       -stegano <offset>
              hide watermark within an image

              Use  an  offset  to start the image hiding some number of pixels
              from the beginning of the image.  Note this offset and the image
              size.   You  will  need this information to recover the stegano-
              graphic image (e.g. display -size 320x256+35 stegano:image.png).

              composite two images to create a stereo anaglyph

              The  left side of the stereo pair is saved as the red channel of
              the output image.  The right side is saved as the green channel.
              Red-green  stereo  glasses  are  required  to  properly view the
              stereo image.

       -stroke <color>
              color to use when stroking a graphic primitive

              The color is specified using the format described in the  "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

       -swirl <degrees>
              swirl image pixels about the center

              Degrees defines the tightness of the swirl.

       -text_font <name>
              font for writing fixed-width text

              Specifies  the name of the preferred font to use in fixed (type-
              writer style) formatted text.  The default is 14 point  Courier.

              You  can tag a font to specify whether it is a Postscript, True-
              type, or OPTION1 font.  For example, Courier.ttf is  a  Truetype
              font and x:fixed is OPTION1.

       -texture <filename>
              name of texture to tile onto the image background

       -threshold <value>
              threshold the image

              Create  a  bi-level  image such that any pixel intensity that is
              equal or exceeds the threshold is reassigned the maximum  inten-
              sity otherwise the minimum intensity.

       -tile <filename>
              tile image when filling a graphic primitive

       -tile <geometry>
              layout of images [montage]

       -title <string>
              assign title to displayed image [animate, display, montage]

              Use this option to assign a specific title to the image. This is
              assigned to the image window and is typically displayed  in  the
              window  title  bar.   Optionally you can include the image file-
              name, type, width, height, or other image attribute by embedding
              special format characters:

                   %b   file size
                   %c   comment
                   %d   directory
                   %e   filename extention
                   %f   filename
                   %h   height
                   %i   input filename
                   %k   number of unique colors
                   %l   label
                   %m   magick
                   %n   number of scenes
                   %o   output filename
                   %p   page number
                   \r   carriage return

              For example,

                   -title "%m:%f %wx%h"

              produces  an  image title of MIFF:bird.miff 512x480 for an image
              titled bird.miff and whose width is 512 and height is 480.

              transform the image

              This option applies the transformation matrix  from  a  previous
              -affine option.

                  convert -affine 2,2,-2,2,0,0 -transform bird.ppm bird.jpg

       -transparent <color>
              make this color transparent within the image

              The  color is specified using the format described in the "Color
              Names" section of X(1).

       -treedepth <value>
              tree depth for the color reduction algorithm

              Normally, this integer value is zero or one. A zero or one tells
              display  to choose an optimal tree depth for the color reduction

              An optimal depth generally allows the best representation of the
              source  image with the fastest computational speed and the least
              amount of memory.  However, the default depth  is  inappropriate
              for  some  images. To assure the best representation, try values
              between 2 and 8 for this parameter.  Refer to quantize for  more

              The -colors or -monochrome option is required for this option to
              take effect.

       -trim  trim an image

              This option removes any edges that are exactly the same color as
              the  corner  pixels.   Use -fuzz to make -trim remove edges that
              are nearly the same color as the corner pixels.

       -type <type>
              the image type

              Choose from: Bilevel, Grayscale,  Palette,  PaletteMatte,  True-
              Color, TrueColorMatte, ColorSeparation, ColorSeparationMatte, or
                  convert bird.pgm -type TrueColor bird.jpg

              Similarly, using -type TrueColorMatte will force the encoder  to
              write  an  alpha channel even though the image is opaque, if the
              output format supports transparency.

       -update <seconds>
               detect when image file is modified and redisplay.

              Suppose that while you are displaying an image the file that  is
              currently displayed is over-written.  display will automatically
              detect that the input file has been changed and update the  dis-
              played image accordingly.

       -units <type>
              the type of image resolution

              Choose from: Undefined, PixelsPerInch, or PixelsPerCentimeter.

       -unsharp <radius>x<sigma>
              sharpen the image with an unsharp mask operator

              Use the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).

              use the pixmap

              print detailed information about the image

              This  information  is  printed:  image scene number; image name;
              image size; the image class (DirectClass  or  PseudoClass);  the
              total number of unique colors; and the number of seconds to read
              and transform the image.  Refer to miff for a description of the
              image class.

              If  -colors  is  also  specified, the total unique colors in the
              image and color reduction error values  are  printed.  Refer  to
              quantize for a description of these values.

       -view <string>
              FlashPix viewing parameters

       -visual <type>
              animate images using this X visual type

              Choose from these visual classes:


              that  can  display  the  most simultaneous colors on the default
              screen is chosen.

       -watermark <brightness>x<saturation>
              percent brightness and saturation of a watermark

       -wave <amplitude>x<wavelength>
              alter an image along a sine wave

              Specify amplitude and wavelength of the wave.

       -window <id>
              make image the background of a window

              id can be a window id or name.  Specify root to select X's  root
              window as the target window.

              By  default the image is tiled onto the background of the target
              window.   If backdrop or -geometry are specified, the  image  is
              surrounded  by  the  background color.  Refer to X RESOURCES for

              The image will not display on the root window if the  image  has
              more  unique colors than the target window colormap allows.  Use
              -colors to reduce the number of colors.

              specify the window group

       -write <filename>
              write  an image sequence [convert, composite]

              The image sequence following the -write filenameoption is  writ-
              ten  out,  and  then processing continues with the same image in
              its current state if there are additional options.   To  restore
              the image to its original state after writing it, use the +write
              filename option.

       -write <filename>
              write the image to a file [display]

              If filename already exists, you will be prompted as  to  whether
              it should be overwritten.

              By  default, the image is written in the format that it was read
              in as.  To specify a particular image  format,  prefix  filename
              with  the image type and a colon (e.g., ps:image) or specify the
              image type as the filename suffix  (e.g.,  See  con-
              vert(1)  for  a  list of valid image formats.  Specify file as -
              for standard output. If file has the extension .Z  or  .gz,  the
              file  size  is  compressed  using compress or gzip respectively.
              Precede the image file name with | to pipe to a system  command.

       the  first few bytes of the file. To specify a particular image format,
       precede  the  filename  with  an  image  format  name   and   a   colon
       (  or  specify the image type as the filename suffix.  The
       magic number takes precedence over the filename suffix and  the  prefix
       takes  precedence  over the magic number and the suffix in input files.
       The prefix takes precedence over the filename suffix in  output  files.
       To read the "built-in" formats (GRANITE, H, LOGO, NETSCAPE, PLASMA, and
       ROSE) use a prefix (including the colon) without a filename or  suffix.
       To read the XC format, follow the colon with a color specification.  To
       read the CAPTION format, follow the colon with a text string or with  a
       filename prefixed with the at symbol (@).

       When  you  specify X as your image type, the filename has special mean-
       ing. It specifies an X window by id, name, or root. If no  filename  is
       specified,  the window is selected by clicking the mouse in the desired

       Specify input_file as - for standard input, output_file as - for  stan-
       dard  output.  If  input_file  has the extension .Z or .gz, the file is
       uncompressed with uncompress or gunzip respectively. If output_file has
       the  extension .Z or .gz, the file is compressed using with compress or
       gzip respectively.

       Finally, when running on platforms that allow  it,  precede  the  image
       file  name  with | to pipe to or from a system command (this feature is
       not available on VMS, Win32 and Macintosh platforms).

       Use an optional index enclosed in brackets after an input file name  to
       specify  a  desired  subimage  of  a multi-resolution image format like
       Photo CD (e.g.  img0001.pcd[4])  or  a  range  for  MPEG  images  (e.g.
       video.mpg[50-75]).  A  subimage  specification  can  be  disjoint (e.g.
       image.tiff[2,7,4]). For raw images, specify a subimage with a  geometry
       (e.g. -size 640x512 image.rgb[320x256+50+50]).  Single images are writ-
       ten with the filename you specify. However, multi-part images (e.g.,  a
       multi-page PostScript document with +adjoin specified) are written with
       the filename followed by a period (.) and the scene  number.   You  can
       change  this  behavior  by  embedding a %d, %0Nd, %o, %0No, %x, or %0Nx
       printf format specification in the file name. For example,


       writes files image00.miff, image01.miff, etc.

       When running a commandline utility, you can prepend an at sign @  to  a
       filename to read a list of image filenames from that file. This is con-
       venient in the event you have too many image filenames to  fit  on  the
       command line.


              To get the default host, display number, and screen.


       animate(1), display(1), animate(1), display(1), identify(1), import(1),
       montage(1), mogrify(1), composite(1)

       whom  the  ImageMagick  is furnished to do so, subject to the following

       The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
       in all copies or substantial portions of ImageMagick.

       The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express
       or implied, including  but  not  limited  to  the  warranties  of  mer-
       chantability,  fitness  for a particular purpose and noninfringement.In
       no event shall ImageMagick Studio be liable for any claim,  damages  or
       other  liability,  whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise,
       arising from, out of or in connection with ImageMagick or  the  use  or
       other dealings in ImageMagick.

       Except  as contained in this notice, the name of the ImageMagick Studio
       LLC shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the  sale,
       use  or  other dealings in ImageMagick without prior written authoriza-
       tion from the ImageMagick Studio.


        John Cristy, ImageMagick Studio LLC,
       Glenn Randers-Pehrson, ImageMagick Studio LLC.

ImageMagick                Date: 2002/02/15 01:00:00            ImageMagick(1)