Previous CCRMA concerts
Fall Concert 1994
- Tuesday November 15th 1994
Campbell Recital Hall, 8pm
Winter Concert 1995
- Saturday February 4th 1995
Dinkelspiel Auditorium, 8pm
LIPM Concert
- Sunday March 5th 1995
Ballroom (CCRMA), 8pm
Spring Concert 1995
- Saturday April 15th 1995
Dinkelspiel Auditorium, 8pm
- Summer Concert 1995
- Thursday July 20th 1995
Frost Auditorium, 7pm
Winter Concert 1996
- Saturday February 10th 1996
Dinkelspiel Auditorium, 8pm
Summer Concert 1996
- Thursday, July 18th 1996
CCRMA Courtyard (The Knoll), 8pm
Fall Concert 1996
- Thursday, October 24th 1996
Campbell Recital Hall, 8pm
Winter Concert 1997
- Tuesday, March 11th, 1997
Campbell Recital Hall, Braun Music Center, 8pm
Summer Concert 1997
- Thursday July 24, 1997, 8 pm
CCRMA Courtyard.
Fall Concert 1997
- Thursday, November 13th, 1997
Campbell Recital Hall, 8pm
Winter Concert 1998
- Thursday, February 5th, 1998
Campbell Recital Hall, Braun Music Center, 8pm
Summer Concert
- Thursday, July 23rd, 1998
The Knoll, Stanford University
Fall Concert
- Monday, October 26th, 1998
Cambell Recital Hall, Braun Music Center, Stanford University
Winter Concert
- Monday, March 8th, 1999
Cambell Recital Hall, Braun Music Center, Stanford University
- Thursday, April 29th, 1999
Cambell Recital Hall, Braun Music Center, Stanford University
- Friday, May 14th & Saturday May 15th, 1999
Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT), 1750 Arch Street, Berkeley. For information, call CNMAT at (510) 643-9990
An Evening of Music and Dance
- Friday, May 24th, 1999
Dinkelspiel Auditorium, 8pm
Summer Concert 1999
- Thursday July 22, 1999, 8pm
The Knoll, Stanford University
Countdown Fall 1999 Concert
- Sunday November 21, 1999, 8pm
Campbell Recital Hall, Braun Music Center, Stanford University
Fall 1999 Concert
- Monday December 6, 1999, 8pm
Campbell Recital Hall, Braun Music Center, Stanford University
Winter 2000 Concert
- February 17, 2000, 8pm
Auditorium of the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at
Stanford University
CCRMA/CNMAT 2000 Concerts
- April 19-22 2000, 8pm
Summer Concert 2000
- July 20, 2000, 8pm
The Knoll, Stanford University
Computer Music from Korea
- November 27, 2000, 8pm
Campbell Recital Hall, Braun Music Center, Stanford University
Earsay Composers Collective
- January 31, 2001, 8pm
The Ballroom, The Knoll, Stanford University
Bay Area Exchange concert
- February 8, 2001, 8pm
The Ballroom, The Knoll, Stanford University
Winter Concert 2001
- March 16, 2001, 8pm
Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University
Helen Bledsoe, flute recital
- April 3, 2001, 8pm
The Ballroom, The Knoll, Stanford University
Summer Concert 2001
- July 27, 2001, 8pm
The Knoll, Stanford University
Friends of CCRMA Concert
- February 26, 2002, 8 pm
The Ballroom, The Knoll, Stanford University
FEMS Exchange Concert
- March 14, 2002, 8 pm
The Ballroom, The Knoll, Stanford University
CCRMA Concert/Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival XI
- March 22, 2002, 3 pm
Black Box Theater, Center for the Performing Arts, University of Florida
Southern California Computer Music Exchange Concert
- April 25, 2002, 8 pm
The Ballroom, The Knoll, Stanford University
Nicholas Isherwood of Voxnova
- May 13, 2002, 8 pm
The Ballroom, The Knoll, Stanford University
Summer Concert 2002
- July 25, 2002, 8 pm
The Knoll, Stanford University
Winter Concert 2003
- February 13, 2003, 8 pm
The Knoll, Stanford University
Brooklyn College Exchange Concert
- April 4, 2003, 8 pm
The Knoll, Stanford University
Music From the Edge Festival
- April 11-13, 2003
Dinkelspiel Hall, Campbell Recital Hall, and the Knoll, Stanford University
©1996-2003 CCRMA, Stanford University. All rights reserved.