Virtual Bass


Virtual Bass is a virtual instrument designed with "Leap Motion", a sensor device which can track both hands' gestures and positions. The following image shows how to interact with Leap Motion.

Here are instructions for playing virtual bass:
1. Sweep left hand to decide the pitch
2. Make a fist with left hand to "stick" the pitch node (pitch will be unchangeable)
3. Sweep right hand to switch strings
4. Click with right index or middle finger to "pluck" the string
5. Rotate right wrist and thumb to "slap"

Design Ideas

Virtual Bass provides users with an alternative way to play Midi bass.
To simplify the playing process, the program only tracks x coordinate of left hand, positions of right hand and its three fingers' velocities.
Elegant interface displays which pitch node is chosen, reference positions of both hands, and visualizes the moment when users pluck the string.


Fig 1. Instruction screen

Fig 2. Playing...

Fig 3. Sticking the pitch node


Download Virtual Bass
