
Matlab debugging
>dbstop if error

flip program example

>~craig/bin/linux/flip -u msearch_acoustic
flip -d ===> dos
flip -t ===> show type of file


>latex file.tex
>dvips -o file.ps file.dvi
>dvipdf file.dvi file.pdf
>latex2html file.tex


>tar cvzf directory.tar.gz directory/
>tar xvzf file.tar.gz


1) First, at the header of the text, insert a line to include the 
graphics packages such as; \usepackage{graphics} 

2) Move yougraphic files(*.eps,*.jpg,...) under the current directory. 

3) Use the following command to include the figures; 

4) Compile it with 'LaTeX' button, not 'PDFLaTex'. 

5) Push the button 'DVI->PS'. 

6) Use Adobe 'distiller' to convert '*.ps' to '*.pdf'. 


at ccrma

cmn27> xhost + saga2

telnet saga22

saga2> echo $SHELL

saga2> setenv DISPLAY cmn27:0.0


saga2> echo $SHELL

saga2> set DISPLAY=cmn27:0.0


cmn27>lpr -Pnp2 a.ps

cmn27>lpq -Pnp2

cmn27>lprm 209

saga2:~/cs138> cp hw2_* hw2/.


cmn27>mail dang

~r filename //to send a file


saga2>ps -u unjung

saga2>kill -9 28720


cmn26>enscript -Pnp2 -G2r file.name


cmn27>mount /mnt/floppyd

cmn27>cd /mnt/floppyd


cmn27>more file.name

cmn27>umount /mnt/floppy


you should login in cmn23

cmn23>lpr -PLocal_Printer 
          // Mac printer at classroom


cmn27>wp8 // WordPerfect


To execute the beatmeter

cmn27~/mus151>wish beatmeter.tcl


cmn27>acroread *.pdf

cmn27>gv *.ps

To convert .ps to .pdf

cmn27>ps2pdf *.ps *.pdf

cmn27>pdf2ps *.pdf *.ps

To decompress .gz

cmn27>gzip -d filename.gz


To switch the desktop of linux environment.

Run "switchdesk" command at terminal and you will see a window pop up. 
Select KDE, log out and log in again.     

To translate sound files from one format to another, possibly doing a sound
effect. In particular, .wav files to .snd

cmn27>sox xxx.wav -t .au xxx.snd

From .snd to .wav

cmn27>sox -t .au Ab-1.snd A.wav


To make links between files

cmn27>ln -s /usr/ccrma/snd/unjung sndfiles
         symblic link


cmn27>mv command

   1.  To rename a file, enter:
       mv  file1  file2

       This renames file1 to file2.a.  If a file named file2 already exists,
       its old contents are replaced with those of file1.

   2.  To move a directory, enter:
       mv  dir1  dir2

       This moves dir1 to dir2.  It moves all files and directories under
       dir1 to the directory named dir2, if the second directory exists.
       Otherwise, the directory dir1 gets renamed dir2.

   3.  To move a file to another directory and give it a new name, enter:
       mv  file1  dir1/file2

       This moves file1 to dir1/file2.  The name file1 is removed from the
       current directory, and the same file appears as file2 in the directory

   4.  To move a file to another directory, keeping the same name, enter:
       mv  file1  dir1

       This moves file1 to dir1/file1.

   5.  To move several files into another directory, enter:
       mv  file1  dir1/file2  /u/dir2

       This moves file1 to /u/dir2/file1 and dir1/file2 to /u/dir2/file2.

   6.  To use mv with pattern-matching characters, enter:
       mv  dir1/*  .

       This moves all files in the directory dir1 into the current directory
       (.), giving them the same names they had in dir1.  This also empties
       dir1.  Note that you must type a space between the * (asterisk) and
       the . (dot).


cmn27>rmdir command

  The rmdir command removes a directory from the system.  The directory must
  be empty before you can remove it, and you must have write permission in
  its parent directory.  Use the ls -al command to see if a directory is


  To empty and remove a directory, enter:
  rm mydir/* mydir/.*
  rmdir mydir
  This removes the contents of mydir, then removes the empty directory. The
  rm command displays an error message about trying to remove the directories
  . (dot) and .. (dot dot), and then rmdir removes them.


cmn27>cp command


   1.  To copy one file to another, enter:
       cp file1 file2

       If file2 exists (and is writable), it is replaced by file1.

   2.  To copy files to a directory, enter:
       cp file1 file2 dir1

       dir1 must exist.

   3.  To copy all files in a directory and preserve their modification
       times, enter:
       cp -p dir1/* dir2
   4.  To copy a directory tree to another directory, enter:
       cp -R dir1 dir2

       The dir1 tree is created in dir2.


cmn27>To remove links between files

> 1. how could I remove the links? if I decided not to link it anymore

Simply type
        rm Sound
and *the link* will disappear, while the /usr/ccrma/snd/unjung will
still remain there. 

> When I typed
>      ~/Library/Web>ln -s /usr/ccrma/web/CCRMA/Courses/220a/unjung ta220
> Now, it created unjung@ in ta220 directory like this:
>      ~/Library/Web/ta220/unjung@
> I tried to do remove unjung@ and tried to access to unjung@, it only
> says "unjung@ is not a directory nor a file...

Ok,  don't put '@': In other words, do
        rm ~/Library/Web/ta220/unjung
instead of
        rm ~/Library/Web/ta220/unjung@
And try
        cd ~/Library/Web/ta220/unjung
instead of
        cd ~/Library/Web/ta220/unjung@

Remember that '@' is not a part of a filename but just a fancy character
added by 'ls' command (More specifically, by '-F' option of 'ls' 
which is automatically made active when you type simply 'ls'
in ccrma domain.  For more details, try 'man ls' and 
'more /usr/ccrma/adm/.CCRMA/.cshrc'), so you don't have to include
'@' at any situations when you specify a filename.

Good luck!

% Takuya FUJISHIMA (BF#Eg BBv:H)


Subject: Re: snd---record: sliders on the right side

The various soundcards have different controls, but they're
all a big secret, so Snd just brings out whatever is out
there, and you have to play with the sliders to see what
they do.


> flute.fusl

This is the output of the lisp compiler.

> clm_lnxacl_STEREO-FLUTE.c

This is the output of the run macro.

> clm_lnxacl_STEREO-FLUTE.o

This the output of the c compiler.

> clm_lnxacl_STEREO-FLUTE.so*

This is the shared object version of the .o file; it is
required by the version of Lisp we're using.


To make a symbolic link:

ln -s source destination


chmod command
user (u), group (g), and/or other (o) can read (r), write (w) or execute (x) the

cmn24> chmod g-rwx 
cmn24> chmod o-rwx



latex filename
dvips -o file.ps filename
   saves it to a file called file.ps
dvips filename
   will print output directly

start with file.tex
latex filename

generates file.dvi

start with file.dvi
dvips filename


Search for a string in a file

cmn32>grep -options pattern filename


Useful Unix command

ls ................. show directory, in alphabetical order
logout ............. logs off system
mkdir .............. make a directory
rmdir .............. remove directory (rm -r to delete folders with files)
rm ................. remove files
cd ................. change current directory
man (command) ...... shows help on a specific command
talk (user) ........ pages user for chat - (user) is a email address
write (user) ....... write a user on the local system (control-c to end)

pico (filename) .... easy to use text editor to edit files
pine ............... easy to use mailer
more (file) ........ views a file, pausing every screenful

sz ................. send a file (to you) using zmodem
rz ................. recieve a file (to the unix system) using zmodem

telnet (host) ...... connect to another Internet site
ftp (host) ......... connects to a FTP site
archie (filename) .. search the Archie database for a file on a FTP site
irc ................ connect to Internet Relay Chat
lynx ............... a textual World Wide Web browset
gopher ............. a Gopher database browser
tin, trn ........... read Usenet newsgroups

passwd ............. change your password
chfn ............... change your "Real Name" as seen on finger
chsh ............... change the shell you log into

grep ............... search for a string in a file
tail ............... show the last few lines of a file
who ................ shows who is logged into the local system
w .................. shows who is logged on and what they're doing
finger (emailaddr).. shows more information about a user
df ................. shows disk space available on the system
du ................. shows how much disk space is being used up by folders
chmod .............. changes permissions on a file
bc ................. a simple calculator

make ............... compiles source code
gcc (file.c) ....... compiles C source into a file named 'a.out'

gzip ............... best compression for UNIX files
zip ................ zip for IBM files
tar ................ combines multiple files into one or vice-versa
lharc, lzh, lha .... un-arc'ers, may not be on your system

dos2unix (file) (new) - strips CR's out of dos text files
unix2dos (file) (new) - adds CR's to unix text files


cmn32>tar tf filename
cmn32>tar xvf AuditoryToolbox.tar


mpeg3 file player

cmn2>xmms file.mp3


mp3 to wav converter

cmn2>mp32wav file.mp3 file.wav

% I have added a command in .cshrc file.
      # mp32wav
        alias mp32wav 'mpg123 -b 10000 -s "$1" | sox -t raw -r 22050 -s -w
-c2 - "$2"'

"du -s /user/y/yxxx/" in a terminal, where yxxx is your login name
will print the total usage you currently have. "du -s /user/y/yxxx/* |
sort -n" will print a sorted list of the usage inside your home dir...
to play a midi file
cmn32>timidity a.mid
to convert midi(a.mid) to wave as a filename of a.wav
cmn32>timidity -Ow a.mid -o a.wav