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A very small ripple (0.1 or 0.2 dB) produces very little ringing, whereas a large ripple (eg. 20 dB) produces a very strong harmonic ring. The filter design algorithm sometimes can't fulfill the design criteria -- a particular combination of cutoff frequencies, ripple, and attenuation. If that happens, the user is warned that the filter is not initialized, and the filter is bypassed. This may happen, for instance, if you ask for a very steep attenuation with very low ripple.Elliptic: filter initialized.Get filter attenuation in dB.Get filter ripple in dB.Elliptic: filter not yet initialized. (You may need to relax the specs.)%f %f // elliptic filter with %ld sections real %.4s at %f complex %.4s pair at %f +-j %f const= %f %f %f %f %f