// @title simpleOut.ck // @author Tim O'Brien (tsob@ccrma) // @desc Same as simple.ck but outputs 4 wav files // @desc A musical swarm simulation implementation in ChucK // @version chuck- / ma-0.2.2c // @revision 1 // @note Adapted from Craig Reynolds' original boids algorithm // from 1986 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boids) // run with: // chuck -s -o4 --bufsize16384 -g../faustSTKforChucK/tibetanBowl.chug -g../faustSTKforChucK/blowHole.chug DBAP4.ck simpleOut.ck > output.dat // or ./simpleOut.sh //---------------------------------- // Vars 17 => int n; // number of dimensions 1.0 => float dimLim; // max position val for each dimension dimLim/10.0 => float bVisionLimit; // boid vision for collision avoidance 20 => int updateTime; //in ms 10 * updateTime => int minIOI; //in ms 80 * updateTime => int maxIOI; //in ms 5.0 => float attraction; // attraction factor // writing signals to files... dac.chan(0) => WvOut out1 => blackhole; dac.chan(1) => WvOut out2 => blackhole; dac.chan(2) => WvOut out3 => blackhole; dac.chan(3) => WvOut out4 => blackhole; me.sourceDir() + "/1_output.wav" => string _capture1; me.sourceDir() + "/2_output.wav" => string _capture2; me.sourceDir() + "/3_output.wav" => string _capture3; me.sourceDir() + "/4_output.wav" => string _capture4; _capture1 => out1.wavFilename; _capture2 => out2.wavFilename; _capture3 => out3.wavFilename; _capture4 => out4.wavFilename; //---------------------------------- // Startup Boid boids[4]; //instantiate boids Attractor attractors[1]; //instantiate attractors randomizeBoids(boids); //randomize boid positions //randomizeAttractors(attractors); //randomize attractor positions //---------------------------------- // Main score spork ~ attractorScore(attractors); swarmloop(boids, attractors, 9000); 5::second => now; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // finish the show out1.closeFile(); out2.closeFile(); out3.closeFile(); out4.closeFile(); //---------SWARM-FUNCTIONS------------------------------------------- fun void swarmloop( Boid boids[], Attractor attractors[], int steps ) { 0 => int step; 0.0 => float noteTime; while( step < steps ) { updateTime::ms => now; moveBoids(boids, attractors); if( noteTime < updateTime*step) { makeSound( centroid(boids) ) +=> noteTime; } 1 +=> step; } } fun float[] centroid( Boid boids[] ) { float centroidVal[n]; for ( 0 => int i; i < n; i++ ) { 0.0 => centroidVal[i]; for ( 0 => int j; j < boids.cap(); j++ ) { boids[j].position[i] +=> centroidVal[i]; } boids.cap() /=> centroidVal[i]; Math.min(1.0,Math.max(0.0,centroidVal[i])) => centroidVal[i]; } return centroidVal; } fun float makeSound( float centroidVal[] ) { float val[n]; for(0 => int i; i val[i]; } centroidVal[n-1] => float ioi; ( ioi * (maxIOI - minIOI) ) + minIOI => ioi; centroidVal[n-2] => float instFNum; //centroidVal[n-3] => float tonicNum; 48 => float tonicNum; centroidVal[n-4] => float scaleFNum; Math.floor( instFNum * 6 ) => instFNum; instFNum $ int => int instNum; tonicNum * 16 => tonicNum; Math.floor( scaleFNum * 6 ) $ int => int scaleNum; chout <= now/second <= " " <= centroidVal[0] <= " " <= centroidVal[1] <= " " <= centroidVal[2] <= " " <= instFNum <= IO.newline(); //<= centroidVal[3] <= " " <= centroidVal[4] <= " " <= centroidVal[5] <= " " <= centroidVal[6] <= " " <= centroidVal[7] <= " " <= centroidVal[8] <= " " <= centroidVal[9] <= " " <= centroidVal[10] if(instNum==0) { spork ~ bowlSmack( val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4], val[5], val[6], scaleNum, tonicNum ); } else if(instNum==1) { spork ~ blowBot( val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4], val[5], scaleNum, tonicNum ); } else if(instNum==2) { spork ~ bower( val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4], val[5], val[6], val[7], val[8], scaleNum, tonicNum ); } else if(instNum==3) { spork ~ holeBlow( val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4], val[5], val[6], val[7], val[8], val[9], val[10], val[11], scaleNum, tonicNum ); } else if(instNum==4) { spork ~ sax( val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4] ); } else if(instNum==5) { spork ~ monster( val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4] ); } return ioi; } //---ATTRACTOR-SCORE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fun void attractorScore( Attractor attractors[] ) { for ( 0 => int k; k<18; k++) { for ( 0=> int j; j < attractors.cap(); j++ ) { for ( 0=> int i; i < n; i++ ) { Std.rand2f(0.0,1.0) => attractors[j].position[i]; } Math.sin(2.0 * pi * (k$float)/18.0) => attractors[j].position[n-1]; //ioi (k % 6) => attractors[j].position[n-2]; //instrument } 10::second => now; } 5::second => now; } //---SYNTHS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fun void blowBot( float freq, float amp, float dur, float lrPan, float frPan, float noiseGain, int scaleNum, float tonicNum ) { 40.0 => float minFreq; 70.0 => float maxFreq; 0.5 => float minAmp; 1.0 => float maxAmp; minIOI => int minDur; //in ms maxIOI => int maxDur; //in ms noiseGain*(0.7) + 0.3 => noiseGain; freq*(maxFreq - minFreq) + minFreq => freq; amp *(maxAmp - minAmp) + minAmp => amp; dur *(maxDur - minDur) + minDur => dur; 3.0 *=> dur; 2.0 *=> lrPan; 2.0 *=> frPan; 1.0 -=> lrPan; 1.0 -=> frPan; BlowBotl bottle => LPF lpf => Gain g => Envelope env => JCRev rev => DBAP4 spks; spks.setPosition(frPan,lrPan); g.gain(0.2 ); rev.mix(0.7); 1.0 => env.value; Std.mtof(scaleMidi(freq,tonicNum,scaleNum)) => freq; freq => lpf.freq; 1.0 => lpf.Q; freq => bottle.freq; freq*Std.rand2(1,3)/Std.rand2(1,3) => bottle.vibratoFreq; 1.0 => bottle.vibratoGain; bottle.volume(amp); bottle.noiseGain(noiseGain); bottle.startBlowing(1.0); dur*0.9::ms => env.duration; env.target(0.0); dur::ms => now; bottle.stopBlowing(1.0); } fun void bowlSmack( float freq, float amp, float dur, float lrPan, float frPan, float modType, float nonlinearity, int scaleNum, float tonicNum ) { 42.0 => float minFreq; 80.0 => float maxFreq; 0.1 => float minAmp; 0.5 => float maxAmp; minIOI => int minDur; //in ms maxIOI => int maxDur; //in ms freq*(maxFreq - minFreq) + minFreq => freq; amp *(maxAmp - minAmp) + minAmp => amp; dur *(maxDur - minDur) + minDur => dur; //2.0 *=> dur; 2.0 *=> lrPan; 2.0 *=> frPan; 1.0 -=> lrPan; 1.0 -=> frPan; Tibetan_Bowl bowl => Envelope env => DBAP4 spks; spks.setPosition(frPan,lrPan); 1.0 => env.value; 1 => bowl.Excitation_Selector; //1=hit,0=bow Math.round(modType * 4) $ int => bowl.Modulation_Type; nonlinearity / 16.0 => bowl.Nonlinearity; Std.mtof(scaleMidi(freq,tonicNum,scaleNum)) => bowl.freq; 1.0 => bowl.gate; amp*0.2 => bowl.gain; dur::ms => now; env.duration(dur::ms); env.target(0.0); (2*dur)::ms => now; } fun void holeBlow( float freq, float amp, float dur, float lrPan, float frPan, float modType, float nonlinearity, float vibratoFreq, float vibratoGain, float vibratoAttack, float vibratoRelease, float nlAttack, int scaleNum, float tonicNum ) { 30.0 => float minFreq; 60.0 => float maxFreq; 0.1 => float minAmp; 0.5 => float maxAmp; minIOI => int minDur; //in ms maxIOI => int maxDur; //in ms freq*(maxFreq - minFreq) + minFreq => freq; amp *(maxAmp - minAmp) + minAmp => amp; dur *(maxDur - minDur) + minDur => dur; //2.0 *=> dur; 2.0 *=> lrPan; 2.0 *=> frPan; 1.0 -=> lrPan; 1.0 -=> frPan; /* Reed_Stiffness Tone_Hole_Openness Vent_Openness Noise_Gain Pressure Modulation_Frequency Nonlinearity_Attack */ BlowHole hole => Envelope env => DBAP4 spks; spks.setPosition(frPan,lrPan); 1.0 => env.value; Math.round(modType * 4) $ int => hole.Modulation_Type; nonlinearity / 16.0 => hole.Nonlinearity; Std.mtof(scaleMidi(freq,tonicNum,scaleNum)) => hole.freq; 1.0 => hole.gate; amp => hole.gain; nlAttack * 2.0 => hole.Nonlinearity_Attack; vibratoFreq * 6.0 + 3.0 => hole.Vibrato_Freq; vibratoGain / 20.0 => hole.Vibrato_Gain; dur::ms => now; env.duration(dur::ms); env.target(0.0); (2*dur)::ms => now; } fun void bower( float freq, float amp, float dur, float lrPan, float frPan, float bowPressure, float bowPosition, float vibratoFreq, float vibratoGain, int scaleNum, float tonicNum ) { 40.0 => float minFreq; 72.0 => float maxFreq; 0.1 => float minAmp; 0.5 => float maxAmp; minIOI => int minDur; //in ms maxIOI => int maxDur; //in ms freq*(maxFreq - minFreq) + minFreq => freq; amp *(maxAmp - minAmp) + minAmp => amp; dur *(maxDur - minDur) + minDur => dur; //2.0 *=> dur; 2.0 *=> lrPan; 2.0 *=> frPan; 1.0 -=> lrPan; 1.0 -=> frPan; Bowed bow => Envelope env => DBAP4 spks; spks.setPosition(frPan,lrPan); 1.0 => env.value; Std.mtof(scaleMidi(freq,tonicNum,scaleNum)) => bow.freq; bowPressure => bow.bowPressure; bowPosition => bow.bowPosition; vibratoFreq * 6.0 + 2.0 => bow.vibratoFreq; vibratoGain / 20.0 => bow.vibratoGain; 1.0 => bow.startBowing; amp => bow.volume; dur::ms => now; env.duration(dur::ms); env.target(0.0); (2*dur)::ms => now; } fun void monster( float rate, float amp, float lrPan, float frPan, float sampleNum ) { string filename[11]; me.sourceDir() + "/child/" => string pathname; pathname + "monster2.wav" => filename[0]; pathname + "kangaroo.wav" => filename[1]; pathname + "murcs.wav" => filename[2]; pathname + "thatsthephone.wav" => filename[3]; pathname + "ears.wav" => filename[4]; pathname + "ears.wav" => filename[5]; pathname + "trousers.wav" => filename[6]; pathname + "cupoftea.wav" => filename[7]; pathname + "banana.wav" => filename[8]; pathname + "bear.wav" => filename[9]; pathname + "alldone.wav" => filename[10]; Math.floor(sampleNum * filename.cap()) $ int => int sampIndex; swarmBufPlayer( rate, amp, lrPan, frPan, filename[sampIndex] ); } fun void sax( float rate, float amp, float lrPan, float frPan, float sampleNum ) { string filename[10]; me.sourceDir() + "/sax/" => string pathname; pathname + "a3.wav" => filename[0]; pathname + "gb2-v127.wav" => filename[1]; pathname + "eb3-v115.wav" => filename[2]; pathname + "c3.wav" => filename[3]; pathname + "eb2-v127.wav" => filename[4]; pathname + "gb3-v115.wav" => filename[5]; pathname + "a2.wav" => filename[6]; pathname + "gb4-v95.wav" => filename[7]; pathname + "a4.wav" => filename[8]; pathname + "c3_dirty.wav" => filename[9]; Math.floor(sampleNum * filename.cap()) $ int => int sampIndex; 3.0 /=> amp; swarmBufPlayer( rate, amp, lrPan, frPan, filename[sampIndex] ); } fun void swarmBufPlayer( float rate, float amp, float lrPan, float frPan, string filename ) { 2.0 *=> lrPan; 2.0 *=> frPan; 1.0 -=> lrPan; 1.0 -=> frPan; SndBuf buf => DBAP4 spks; spks.setPosition(frPan,lrPan); filename => buf.read; 0 => buf.pos; amp => buf.gain; (rate*0.5)+0.75 => rate; rate => buf.rate; (buf.samples()$float / rate)::samp => dur waitTime; waitTime => now; } //---------MORE-FUNCTIONS------------------------------------------ fun float scaleMidi( float midiNote, float midiTonic, int scaleNum ) { int scale[]; if (scaleNum == 0) { // 0: pentatonic [ 0, 3, 5, 7, 10 ] @=> scale; } else if (scaleNum == 1) { // 1: symmetric diminished [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10] @=> scale; } else if (scaleNum == 2) { // 2: major [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11] @=> scale; } else if (scaleNum == 3) { // 3: minor (aeolian) [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10] @=> scale; } else if (scaleNum == 4) { // 4: harmonic minor [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11] @=> scale; } else { //pentatonic [ 0, 2, 4, 7, 9 ] @=> scale; } (midiTonic-3.0) % 15.0 => midiTonic; 48.0 +=> midiTonic; Math.floor((midiNote - midiTonic) / 15.0) => float baseOctave; (midiNote - 3.0) % 15.0 => float pitchClass; Math.floor( pitchClass * scale.cap() / 15.0 ) => float scaleDegree; scale[scaleDegree$int] => float scalePitch; return (midiTonic + (baseOctave*15.0) + scalePitch); } //randomly position all boids in a boid[] array fun void randomizeBoids( Boid boids[] ) { for ( 0=> int j; j < boids.cap(); j++ ) { boids[j].randPos(); } } //randomly position all attractors in an attractor[] array fun void randomizeAttractors( Attractor attractors[] ) { for ( 0=> int j; j < attractors.cap(); j++ ) { attractors[j].randPos(); } } //move swarm 1 step based on calculated velocities fun void moveBoids( Boid boids[], Attractor attractors[] ) { for ( 0=> int j; j < boids.cap(); j++ ) { boids[j].move(boids, attractors); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-SWARM-SIMULATION---------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-----BOID-CLASS------------------------------------------------------------ class Boid { 1.5 => float avoidanceFactor; // scale of collision avoidance force float position[n]; float velocity[n]; // randomly position boid fun void randPos() { for ( 0=> int i; i < position.cap(); i++ ){ Std.rand2f(0.0,dimLim) => position[i]; } } fun void move( Boid boids[], Attractor attractors[] ) { for ( 0=> int i; i < position.cap(); i++ ){ updateVel(boids, attractors)[i] + position[i] => position[i]; position[i] % dimLim => position[i]; } } fun float[] updateVel( Boid boids[], Attractor attractors[] ) { float v1[n]; float v2[n]; float v4[n]; float tempV[n]; rule1(boids) @=> v1; rule2(boids) @=> v2; rule4(attractors) @=> v4; for ( 0=> int i; i < v1.cap(); i++ ){ v1[i] + v2[i] + v4[i] => tempV[i]; } return tempV; } fun float[] rule1( Boid boids[] ) { //clumping (attraction to swarm centroid) float vector1[n]; //for clumping for ( 0=> int j; j < vector1.cap(); j++ ) {0.0=>vector1[j];} //iterate over boids for ( 0=> int j; j < boids.cap(); j++ ) { //iterate over dimensions for ( 0=> int i; i < position.cap(); i++ ) { vector1[i] + (boids[j].position[i] - position[i]) => vector1[i]; } } //divide by total number of boids to get average for ( 0=> int i; i < vector1.cap(); i++ ) { vector1[i] / ( boids.cap() - 1 ) => vector1[i]; } return vector1; } fun float[] rule2( Boid boids[] ) { //avoidance (try to avert boid collisions): float vector2[n]; for ( 0=> int j; j < vector2.cap(); j++ ) {0.0=>vector2[j];} //iterate over boids for ( 0=> int j; j < boids.cap(); j++ ) { //iterate over dimensions for ( 0=> int i; i < position.cap(); i++ ) { if ( (Std.fabs( position[i] - boids[j].position[i] ) < bVisionLimit) && (Std.fabs( position[i] - boids[j].position[i] ) != 0.0) ) { vector2[i] + ( position[i] - boids[j].position[i] ) => vector2[i]; } } } return vector2; } //NOTE: NO rule3 BECAUSE WE DON'T IMPOSE VELOCITY MATCHING/SCHOOLING fun float[] rule4( Attractor attractors[] ) { //attractors float vector4[n]; for ( 0=> int j; j < vector4.cap(); j++ ) {0.0=>vector4[j];} //iterate over attractors for ( 0=> int j; j < attractors.cap(); j++ ) { //iterate over dimensions for ( 0=> int i; i < position.cap(); i++ ) { vector4[i] + (attractors[j].position[i] - position[i])*attraction => vector4[i]; } } return vector4; } } //-----ATTRACTOR-CLASS------------------------------------------ class Attractor { float position[n]; // randomly position attractor fun void randPos() { for ( 0=> int i; i < position.cap(); i++ ) { Std.rand2f(0.0,dimLim) => position[i]; } } }