Audio Visualizer HW2!
Title: Bird Call!
Instructions: Pressing the “F key” changes perspective towards the left side of the spectrum
(lower frequencies), if you hold “F” and “G” at the same time there is a camera pan. Similarly,
the “J key” changes perspective to the right side (higher frequencies) and the “H” key adds a
camera pan. The space bar has us zoom through time looking at the spectrogram history. The
wire moves to the waveform. !
Description: !
This was a fun design challenge that definitely tested my “paring down” skills. I realized that
picking and choosing was a virtue and I sadly ran out of time to implement every idea. The
narrative I crafted was around a driving beat which builds over 8-bar sections. It culminates
with the “phone call” that flings the birds totally o the wire, the eponymous “Bird Call!” I
added a lot of camera movement to punch up the narrative by focusing on dierent relevant
portions of the spectrum as new sounds were introduced. Also, when the magnitude of the
input gets over a certain threshold the sky turns black. Each time a bird dips below that
magnitude it flashes back to blue. I tried to set that threshold just on the edge to get a strobe-
like eect when the phone dial begins. While working on this project I encountered a lot of
issues with freezing and learned quite a bit about how to deal with time/frame rate/sporks.
Definitely going to start with writing out my next concept in full before jumping into
experimentation on future projects. I think this will help with my tendency to get sucked into
one detail for way too long. I received lots of help from Kunwoo/Andrew on this project!!