Reading Response #2
to Artful Design • Chapter 2: “Designing Expressive Toys”

Sneha Shah
8 October 2023
Music 256A / CS476a, Stanford University

Reading Response: How to Approach Design?

** I now realise that I understood the chosen principle wrong, and my response can be seen instead towards Principle 2.1 Design for Play and Delight.

From this week's reading, I'd primarily like to respond to Artful Design Principle 2.2: Design Inside Out with the context of the second chapter.

I see Chapter 2 of Artful Design as a chapter of case studies in using technology to create mediums of expression. What I love about the apps described (Ocarina and Sonic Lighter) is that they are both designed so extensively. What I mean by this, is that each app does not only do what they are intended to do, they go beyond and take advantage of a user's tendency to play around and try to break apps to create more features. The ocarina allows users to create, adding another layer to the design hierarchy. My favourite feature of the app is the green rings that emit when you bloww the ocarina.

I particularly love the lighter app for its appearance of purposeless-ness, yet being fun and intriguing. It is designed to be more. Sonic Lighter wholly encompasses the principle Design Inside Out by its various features. Not only can you switch it on and blow it out like a physical lighter, you can also "burn" the sides of your phone and even light other phones with it! It doesn't use bluetooth, but specific frequency sine waves. I find that beautiful. It accounts for users getting playful and creates interesting responses to different use cases. It goes beyond the “function” of looking like a lighter.

Another part of Principle 2.2 is something I extrapolated from the chapter. I’m realising design takes time. It takes multiple iterations of “is this right? what else?”. This is something I want to internalise as I don't usually give time to things I create or do. Most times, I submit or stop after a first iteration. In general, I hate everything I design, but now think that I just needed to give it more time and create subsequent versions to make it something I'm proud of. For example, this reading response went through a single iteration and no time to play around with the format of the content or the content itself. I aim to have a second or even third pass for the next week.

Lastly, I want to give a shoutout to Principle 2.7: Design to Lower Inhibition, which is something I've always wanted to do. Creating anything (music included) is something I find very intimidating, and some training is usually required to play/ take advantage of classical instruments. I love apps that lower the barrier to making music, and personally know many people who would be happier with it.