MUS 256A - Final Project

Sneha Kaushik Shah (13 Dec 2023)

About Melodia - A music puzzle game.

Objective: Avoid obstacles and collect all the puzzle pieces
to solve the music! Each piece will bring you one step closer
to playing a popular melody.
Accompany the melody with your up and down movement!

Melodia - Introduction

Melodia - Gameplay

Download the code here:
Command prompt to run: chuck --bufsize:4096
Up arrow: move up
Down arrow: move down
ENTER: start game
R: restart game/ change direction of movement
C: show controls


Image 1
Image 1
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 1

MUS 256A HW4 Music Game - Milestone 2

Sneha Kaushik Shah (27 Nov 2023)

Music Game

A music creation game - the up and down movement should control muusic.
Download the code here:
Command prompt to run: chuck

MUS 256A Final Project - Milestone 1

Sneha Kaushik Shah (15 Nov 2023)

Design Idea 1 - A paint and game

I enjoy doodling and wanted to incorporate that into this system.
This is a game in 2 parts. the first part allows a user to paint objects
onto a blank canvas, and the sceond part is an obstacle course. The objects
will be thrown at the user and in avoiding them, make sounds. The background
could be controled by object motion and the main melody by the user movement.

Design Idea 2 - Harmonize

Harmonies and acapella - these are the theme. User records a voice for the melody.
Then using this, different harmonies are offered to add on, allowing users to create
an acapella song without having to sing every part. This involves identifying the
singing pitch, and then scaling it for each harmony. The visuals will be similar to
an audio visualizer for each part with user interaction for choosing options.

Design Idea 3 - Instrument

A theremin for the laptop screen? It's a very simple idea so wondering how I could build on this.