FoxyTale Winter Edition


FoxyTale is a music jumping/tapping game generated based on midi files. Its protagonist is a little fox who can do a series of actions including jumping, rolling, “moonwalking” and “swinging.” The pitch of the music notes is mapped to different objects displayed at various heights. The objects correspond to either the first or the third beat of each measure. As the objects move at the same speed as the music, it shows the trend of the music.

Game Rules

The player needs to control the fox to perform the required action for each object in order to “pass” and play the note corresponding to that object. If the player misses a note, the melody will appear halted for the duration of the note missed and recover when the user hits the next note. Each “hit” note is worth 10 points, and each “missed” note costs 5 points. The score is shown at the upper-left corner.


The game is inspired by classic jumping games like Super Mario and Space is Key, etc. We attempt to add musical components to this kind of game in order to give the player not only the visual but also audio simulations. We are also inspired by Magic Piano and other instrument-playing games because we want to give the players the feeling of playing music and tapping on the rhythm too.


-The graphic design intends to create a joyful holiday mood. The fox is chosen for its simplicity and cuteness. A particle system is used to create the snow and the gifts spreading to add more visual animation.

-The System design follows the object-orientated design principles. Besides the package that comes with openFrameworks, there are one class for the fox with all its attributes, one class for each object that represent the music notes, one class to represent the particle, and one controller class to generate all the particles.

Download Code & Usage

-Download and Install openFrameworks and Xcode -Add the entire unzipped folder for this project to the openFrameworks folder under /apps/myApps/.
-Open FoxyWinterTale.xcodeproj in Xcode
-Compile FoxyWinterTale Release and run it

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