HW3 log
to Artful Design Homework 3: Sequencers

Benny Shicheng Zhang
Oct.29 2023
Music 256A / CS476a, Stanford University

Zen Pad V 1.0.0

UnArtful Illustration with Basic Operation

Artful Illustration with Bass Slap

Project Download here
Milestone 2

A Video Demo for Wheel sequencer.
Interactive functions and more beautiful styling will be added on this week. I don't know why white noise come out if I instantiate more than 30 SinOsc objects .

Sound parameter mapping
number of rings => number of SinOSC's beep playhead;
rotation rate of each ring => spectral frequency of each SinOsc beep;
rotation rate of each ring => loop freuquency of each SinOsc beep ;

Milestone 1

1 2 3 4