HW2 log
to Artful Design Homework 2: Sonic Visualizer

Benny Shicheng Zhang
Oct.11 2023
Music 256A / CS476a, Stanford University

Crazy Tubbies v.1.0.0

Download the Crazy Tubbies Chugl Project here
The Final Result Video!
Also a screen recording of the DAW project ;>
If you like the music, you can download it here;>
And the FL Project file of the music;>
Crazy Tubbies Phase 1 Screenshot Crazy Tubbies Phase 1 Screenshot Crazy Tubbies Phase 1 Screenshot Crazy Tubbies Phase 1 Screenshot Crazy Tubbies Phase 1 Screenshot Crazy Tubbies Phase 1 Screenshot Crazy Tubbies Phase 1 Screenshot Crazy Tubbies Phase 1 Screenshot
# How to use the Crazy tubbies Sonic Visualizer

1. go to hw2 directory
2. run "chuck KB.ck hw2.ck", you will open the visualizer
3. To change visualizer styling, try to press and hold different number key (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
4. Enjoy your crazy trip!

# Design Procedure

Music (time spent ~ 10hrs)
1. On Sunday night I first created the sound track in flstudio, I first improvised the teletubby theme melody on the piano first, and then use through-compose & improvisation method to develop the piece. The tool I use is a sampler called Kontakt and a synthesizer called Serum (for wobble bass creation).
The piece in this section is:

phase 1 : happy green place0-0:58
phase 2 : 0:58-1:29 bossa yellow
phase 3: 1:29 -1:49 music increase to sacred
phase 4: 1: 49 - 2:07 sacred music
phase 5: 2:07 -:2:34 jujusound
phase 6: 2:34-2:47 going down
phase 7: 2:47 -3:10 dubstep
phase 8: 3:10-3:30 all

And I prepare 8 in chugl to accomodate these eight styles.
(A Recording of the flstudio project could be accessed in the hw2 website.)

Chugl Coding(time spent ~ 15 hours)

1. My philosophy of creating the app is using synethesia association between the audio timbre and the color design.
2. Phase 1: I want to replicate the teletubby garden (the green grass, the babysun, all the tubbies).
3. Phase 2: Then when the bossa nova groove come in, tubbies are still happy but a sightly different. Do you notice that?
4. Phase 3: Then Tubbies feel something wrong, music ascends.
5. Phase 4: The evil "butties" nested inside the tubbies come out, sunbaby freaks out.
6. Phase 5: Metamorphosis still happens.
7. Phase 6: Metamorphosis almost end.
8. Phase 7: butties successfully infect sunbaby. Sunbaby becomes bunsaby.Bunsaby is radiating its energy.
9. Phase 8: Bunsaby and butties energy run out. Teletubbies and Sunbaby come back! World is saved!

Milestone 2
After realizing I cannot extract the pixel of the FileTexture easily, I abandon on my privous "SenluoWanxiang" plan in chugl. Instead, this time I try to make a 'Teletubby' Waterfall to fulfill milestone 2 requirement.

Chuck file: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~shicheng/256A/hw2/hw2.ck
Zip file: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~shicheng/256A/hw2/hw2.zip
Video file: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~shicheng/256A/hw2/mileston2.mp4

I have thought many ideas, such as plant-vs-zombie layout but this time is 25 rows corresponden to 25 Bark Scale, and in the left there is a machine throwing cat heads in a trajectory to the right. The trajectory is depends on the energy of the 25 rows bark scale.
But in the end, I settle down to create a sonic visualizer called 森罗万象 which maps the 25 bark scale to 25 video effect(VFX) and see the effect on how it distort the background image set by user. It will be interestsing and please see the full pdf illustration at

Play with chugl
I have runned all the ck files provided and experiment around it by changing existed functions parameter(color, shape, position etc.). I will do further exploration in this week.