Homework 3

Motion signal processing

Mocap data: walk_circle2.bvh

First example

Original .mel file
Modified .mel file

Plot of the signal modified: the x-rotation of the upper left leg (channel 41) in the middle frequency range (negative value).

Second example

Modified .mel file

Plot of the signal modified: the x-rotation of the lower left leg (channel 44) in the middle frequency range (positive value).

Third example

Mocap data: MACHO.BVH

Original .mel file
Modified .mel file
Plot of the signal modified: rotation of the upper right leg

Multitarget interpolation

Interpolation between the drag queen and the macho
original macho
Not too macho anymore
Plot of the z-rotation of the right arm versus the interpolated z-rotation
Plot of the x-rotation of the right arm versus the interpolated x-rotation
Plot of the y-rotation of the right arm versus the interpolated y-rotation