//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: KB.ck // desc: keyboard input for ChuGL and general usage // // Tracks which keys are held down at any given time. // Uses msg.key for this because: // - consistent across mac and windows // - differentiates between keys like left shift, right shift // - msg.which not consistent across platforms // - msg.ascii doesn't pick up many keys like shift and arrow keys // // author: Andrew Zhu Aday (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~azaday/) // date: May 2023 // // note: may eventually want to add this to builtin cpp HID input manager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class KB { // ========================= // Key mappings from https://gist.github.com/MightyPork/6da26e382a7ad91b5496ee55fdc73db2 // ========================= /** * Modifier masks - used for the first byte in the HID report. * NOTE: The second byte in the report is reserved, 0x00 */ 0x00 => static int KEY_MOD_LCTRL; 0x01 => static int KEY_MOD_LSHIFT; 0x03 => static int KEY_MOD_LALT; 0x07 => static int KEY_MOD_LMETA; 0x0f => static int KEY_MOD_RCTRL; 0x1f => static int KEY_MOD_RSHIFT; 0x3f => static int KEY_MOD_RALT; 0x80 => static int KEY_MOD_RMETA; /** * Scan codes - last N slots in the HID report (usually 6). * 0x00 if no key pressed. * * If more than N keys are pressed, the HID reports * KEY_ERR_OVF in all slots to indicate this condition. */ 0x00 => static int KEY_NONE; // No key pressed 0x01 => static int KEY_ERR_OVF; // Keyboard Error Roll Over; used for all slots if too many keys are pressed ("Phantom key") 0x04 => static int KEY_A; // Keyboard a and A 0x05 => static int KEY_B; // Keyboard b and B 0x06 => static int KEY_C; // Keyboard c and C 0x07 => static int KEY_D; // Keyboard d and D 0x08 => static int KEY_E; // Keyboard e and E 0x09 => static int KEY_F; // Keyboard f and F 0x0a => static int KEY_G; // Keyboard g and G 0x0b => static int KEY_H; // Keyboard h and H 0x0c => static int KEY_I; // Keyboard i and I 0x0d => static int KEY_J; // Keyboard j and J 0x0e => static int KEY_K; // Keyboard k and K 0x0f => static int KEY_L; // Keyboard l and L 0x10 => static int KEY_M; // Keyboard m and M 0x11 => static int KEY_N; // Keyboard n and N 0x12 => static int KEY_O; // Keyboard o and O 0x13 => static int KEY_P; // Keyboard p and P 0x14 => static int KEY_Q; // Keyboard q and Q 0x15 => static int KEY_R; // Keyboard r and R 0x16 => static int KEY_S; // Keyboard s and S 0x17 => static int KEY_T; // Keyboard t and T 0x18 => static int KEY_U; // Keyboard u and U 0x19 => static int KEY_V; // Keyboard v and V 0x1a => static int KEY_W; // Keyboard w and W 0x1b => static int KEY_X; // Keyboard x and X 0x1c => static int KEY_Y; // Keyboard y and Y 0x1d => static int KEY_Z; // Keyboard z and Z 0x1e => static int KEY_1; // Keyboard 1 and ! 0x1f => static int KEY_2; // Keyboard 2 and @ 0x20 => static int KEY_3; // Keyboard 3 and # 0x21 => static int KEY_4; // Keyboard 4 and $ 0x22 => static int KEY_5; // Keyboard 5 and % 0x23 => static int KEY_6; // Keyboard 6 and ^ 0x24 => static int KEY_7; // Keyboard 7 and & 0x25 => static int KEY_8; // Keyboard 8 and * 0x26 => static int KEY_9; // Keyboard 9 and ( 0x27 => static int KEY_0; // Keyboard 0 and ) 0x28 => static int KEY_ENTER; // Keyboard Return (ENTER) 0x29 => static int KEY_ESC; // Keyboard ESCAPE 0x2a => static int KEY_BACKSPACE; // Keyboard DELETE (Backspace) 0x2b => static int KEY_TAB; // Keyboard Tab 0x2c => static int KEY_SPACE; // Keyboard Spacebar 0x2d => static int KEY_MINUS; // Keyboard - and _ 0x2e => static int KEY_EQUAL; // Keyboard = and + 0x2f => static int KEY_LEFTBRACE; // Keyboard [ and { 0x30 => static int KEY_RIGHTBRACE; // Keyboard ] and } 0x31 => static int KEY_BACKSLASH; // Keyboard \ and | 0x32 => static int KEY_HASHTILDE; // Keyboard Non-US # and ~ 0x33 => static int KEY_SEMICOLON; // Keyboard ; and : 0x34 => static int KEY_APOSTROPHE; // Keyboard ' and " 0x35 => static int KEY_GRAVE; // Keyboard ` and ~ 0x36 => static int KEY_COMMA; // Keyboard , and < 0x37 => static int KEY_DOT; // Keyboard . and > 0x38 => static int KEY_SLASH; // Keyboard / and ? 0x39 => static int KEY_CAPSLOCK; // Keyboard Caps Lock 0x3a => static int KEY_F1; // Keyboard F1 0x3b => static int KEY_F2; // Keyboard F2 0x3c => static int KEY_F3; // Keyboard F3 0x3d => static int KEY_F4; // Keyboard F4 0x3e => static int KEY_F5; // Keyboard F5 0x3f => static int KEY_F6; // Keyboard F6 0x40 => static int KEY_F7; // Keyboard F7 0x41 => static int KEY_F8; // Keyboard F8 0x42 => static int KEY_F9; // Keyboard F9 0x43 => static int KEY_F10; // Keyboard F10 0x44 => static int KEY_F11; // Keyboard F11 0x45 => static int KEY_F12; // Keyboard F12 0x46 => static int KEY_SYSRQ; // Keyboard Print Screen 0x47 => static int KEY_SCROLLLOCK; // Keyboard Scroll Lock 0x48 => static int KEY_PAUSE; // Keyboard Pause 0x49 => static int KEY_INSERT; // Keyboard Insert 0x4a => static int KEY_HOME; // Keyboard Home 0x4b => static int KEY_PAGEUP; // Keyboard Page Up 0x4c => static int KEY_DELETE; // Keyboard Delete Forward 0x4d => static int KEY_END; // Keyboard End 0x4e => static int KEY_PAGEDOWN; // Keyboard Page Down 0x4f => static int KEY_RIGHT; // Keyboard Right Arrow 0x50 => static int KEY_LEFT; // Keyboard Left Arrow 0x51 => static int KEY_DOWN; // Keyboard Down Arrow 0x52 => static int KEY_UP; // Keyboard Up Arrow 0x53 => static int KEY_NUMLOCK; // Keyboard Num Lock and Clear 0x54 => static int KEY_KPSLASH; // Keypad / 0x55 => static int KEY_KPASTERISK; // Keypad * 0x56 => static int KEY_KPMINUS; // Keypad - 0x57 => static int KEY_KPPLUS; // Keypad + 0x58 => static int KEY_KPENTER; // Keypad ENTER 0x59 => static int KEY_KP1; // Keypad 1 and End 0x5a => static int KEY_KP2; // Keypad 2 and Down Arrow 0x5b => static int KEY_KP3; // Keypad 3 and PageDn 0x5c => static int KEY_KP4; // Keypad 4 and Left Arrow 0x5d => static int KEY_KP5; // Keypad 5 0x5e => static int KEY_KP6; // Keypad 6 and Right Arrow 0x5f => static int KEY_KP7; // Keypad 7 and Home 0x60 => static int KEY_KP8; // Keypad 8 and Up Arrow 0x61 => static int KEY_KP9; // Keypad 9 and Page Up 0x62 => static int KEY_KP0; // Keypad 0 and Insert 0x63 => static int KEY_KPDOT; // Keypad . and Delete 0x64 => static int KEY_102ND; // Keyboard Non-US \ and | 0x65 => static int KEY_COMPOSE; // Keyboard Application 0x66 => static int KEY_POWER; // Keyboard Power 0x67 => static int KEY_KPEQUAL; // Keypad = 0x68 => static int KEY_F13; // Keyboard F13 0x69 => static int KEY_F14; // Keyboard F14 0x6a => static int KEY_F15; // Keyboard F15 0x6b => static int KEY_F16; // Keyboard F16 0x6c => static int KEY_F17; // Keyboard F17 0x6d => static int KEY_F18; // Keyboard F18 0x6e => static int KEY_F19; // Keyboard F19 0x6f => static int KEY_F20; // Keyboard F20 0x70 => static int KEY_F21; // Keyboard F21 0x71 => static int KEY_F22; // Keyboard F22 0x72 => static int KEY_F23; // Keyboard F23 0x73 => static int KEY_F24; // Keyboard F24 0x74 => static int KEY_OPEN; // Keyboard Execute 0x75 => static int KEY_HELP; // Keyboard Help 0x76 => static int KEY_PROPS; // Keyboard Menu 0x77 => static int KEY_FRONT; // Keyboard Select 0x78 => static int KEY_STOP; // Keyboard Stop 0x79 => static int KEY_AGAIN; // Keyboard Again 0x7a => static int KEY_UNDO; // Keyboard Undo 0x7b => static int KEY_CUT; // Keyboard Cut 0x7c => static int KEY_COPY; // Keyboard Copy 0x7d => static int KEY_PASTE; // Keyboard Paste 0x7e => static int KEY_FIND; // Keyboard Find 0x7f => static int KEY_MUTE; // Keyboard Mute 0x80 => static int KEY_VOLUMEUP; // Keyboard Volume Up 0x81 => static int KEY_VOLUMEDOWN; // Keyboard Volume Down 0x85 => static int KEY_KPCOMMA; // Keypad Comma 0x87 => static int KEY_RO; // Keyboard International1 0x88 => static int KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA; // Keyboard International2 0x89 => static int KEY_YEN; // Keyboard International3 0x8a => static int KEY_HENKAN; // Keyboard International4 0x8b => static int KEY_MUHENKAN; // Keyboard International5 0x8c => static int KEY_KPJPCOMMA; // Keyboard International6 0x90 => static int KEY_HANGEUL; // Keyboard LANG1 0x91 => static int KEY_HANJA; // Keyboard LANG2 0x92 => static int KEY_KATAKANA; // Keyboard LANG3 0x93 => static int KEY_HIRAGANA; // Keyboard LANG4 0x94 => static int KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU; // Keyboard LANG5 0xb6 => static int KEY_KPLEFTPAREN; // Keypad ( 0xb7 => static int KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN; // Keypad ) 0xe0 => static int KEY_LEFTCTRL; // Keyboard Left Control 0xe1 => static int KEY_LEFTSHIFT; // Keyboard Left Shift 0xe2 => static int KEY_LEFTALT; // Keyboard Left Alt 0xe3 => static int KEY_LEFTMETA; // Keyboard Left GUI 0xe4 => static int KEY_RIGHTCTRL; // Keyboard Right Control 0xe5 => static int KEY_RIGHTSHIFT; // Keyboard Right Shift 0xe6 => static int KEY_RIGHTALT; // Keyboard Right Alt 0xe7 => static int KEY_RIGHTMETA; // Keyboard Right GUI 0xe8 => static int KEY_MEDIA_PLAYPAUSE; 0xe9 => static int KEY_MEDIA_STOPCD; 0xea => static int KEY_MEDIA_PREVIOUSSONG; 0xeb => static int KEY_MEDIA_NEXTSONG; 0xec => static int KEY_MEDIA_EJECTCD; 0xed => static int KEY_MEDIA_VOLUMEUP; 0xee => static int KEY_MEDIA_VOLUMEDOWN; 0xef => static int KEY_MEDIA_MUTE; 0xf0 => static int KEY_MEDIA_WWW; 0xf1 => static int KEY_MEDIA_BACK; 0xf2 => static int KEY_MEDIA_FORWARD; 0xf3 => static int KEY_MEDIA_STOP; 0xf4 => static int KEY_MEDIA_FIND; 0xf5 => static int KEY_MEDIA_SCROLLUP; 0xf6 => static int KEY_MEDIA_SCROLLDOWN; 0xf7 => static int KEY_MEDIA_EDIT; 0xf8 => static int KEY_MEDIA_SLEEP; 0xf9 => static int KEY_MEDIA_COFFEE; 0xfa => static int KEY_MEDIA_REFRESH; 0xfb => static int KEY_MEDIA_CALC; // open kb devices static KBManager devices[]; // init flag static int isInit; // starts all keyboard devices fun static void initialize() { // test flag if( isInit ) return; // set flag true => isInit; // num to open int num; Hid tester; while( true ) { // try to open keyboard if( !tester.openKeyboard( num, true ) ) break; // create a new manager KBManager kb; // start it spork ~ kb.start( num ); // append it devices << kb; // increment it num++; } } // get number of KB devices fun static int numDevices() { return devices.size(); } // is key down (on any device?) fun static int isKeyDown(int keycode) { // iterate over all open devices for( auto device : devices ) if( device.isKeyDown(keycode) ) return true; // not found, the key is not down on any device return false; } fun static Event @ keyDownEvent(int keycode, int whichDevice) { // in bound? if( whichDevice < 0 || whichDevice >= devices.size() ) return null; // return event on the specified device return devices[whichDevice].keyDownEvent( keycode ); } fun static Event @ keyDownEvent(int keycode, string nameSubstr) { // iterate over all open devices for( auto device : devices ) if( device.name().find(nameSubstr) >= 0 ) return device.keyDownEvent(keycode); // no match for name return null; } fun static void start() { // check flag if( isInit ) return; // HACK just to initialize the pre-ctor KB kb; // start it KB.initialize(); // keep all child shreds in play while( true ) eon => now; } } // do this once if( KB.isInit ) me.exit(); // static instantiate (hack) new KBManager[0] @=> KB.devices; // start KB.start(); // KBManager class (not public, used by KB) class KBManager { // state -1 => int lastKeyPressed; // events Event keyDownEvents[0xff]; Event anyKeyDownEvent; // name of the device string deviceName; // state vector int keyState[0xff]; // keycodes are 1byte, max size is 2^8 = 256 fun int isKeyDown(int keycode) { if (keycode < 0 || keycode >= keyState.size()) { return 0; } return keyState[keycode]; } fun Event @ keyDownEvent(int keycode) { return keyDownEvents[keycode]; } fun string name() { return deviceName; } // start listening for kbd input and tracking state fun void start(int device) { Hid hi; HidMsg msg; // open keyboard (get device number from command line) if( !hi.openKeyboard( device ) ) { cherr <= "keyboard " + device + " not found" <= IO.newline(); me.exit(); } <<< "keyboard '" + hi.name() + "' ready", "" >>>; hi.name() => this.deviceName; while( true ) { hi => now; while( hi.recv( msg ) ) { if( msg.isButtonDown() ) { msg.key => lastKeyPressed; 1 => keyState[msg.key]; keyDownEvents[msg.key].broadcast(); anyKeyDownEvent.broadcast(); } else // button up { 0 => keyState[msg.key]; } } } } } // KBManager usage // KBManager IM; // spork ~ IM.start(0); // while (true) { // if (IM.isKeyDown(KB.KEY_SPACE)) { // <<< "space down" >>>; // } else { // <<< "space up" >>>; // } // 16::ms => now; // }