HW2: Audio Visualizer

Final Deliverable, "Spectromarg"

Spectromarg Screenshot


"Spectromarg" is derived from the flipped 'gram' in word "spectrogram". The goal of design was to create a live illustration of the Fourier transform and the making of spectrograms. The frequencies of the sinusoids are the center frequencies of critical bands in human hearing, with their magnitude also mapped to color according to the classic 'jet' color mapping in scientific drawings. The color of the magnitude plots to the side are summed and averaged across all spectral lines. Both the spectrogram and magnitude has a history.

Download script and keyboard helper. Then run command: chuck KB.ck spectromarg.ck
keyboard helper

First Milestone, Ideas

  • "Words": Use pitch tracking algorithm to extract pitch of the current frame, and map to a corresponding letter. Display the letters in sequence, and make the letter contou/color responsive to the smoothed real-time RMS of the input signal.
  • "Balls": Audio-responsive ocean balls, animated and simulated with gravity. Enable mouse click to simulate applied force in the window, and enable microphone input to simulate applied force from the bottom center of the window. A new frame of audio input will drop more balls to according to the spectrum.
  • "Cube": Neon tube style cube. Render continuous wavelet transform, fourier transofrm, MFCC and waveform on four sides of the cube. Map spectral centroid to the color of the environment fog.
  • ChuGL Milestone, "Gravity"

    Download, Run, and Click. Local ChuGL installation required.


    Visualizer Milestone, "Sinusoids"

    Demonstrating magnitude and phase of the spectrum, including history coded in colors. Struggled with FPS, memory crash, mental breakdown, etc.
