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Homework #2: Chunity

Sebastian James

Galactic Sistine Chapel


Target OS: Mac OSX Big Sur 11.6

To Build the App:
1. Download the ZIP file of either The Narrative Visualizer or The Full AudioVisualizer.
2. Decompress the .zip file and open the Application.

Controls for The Full AudioVisualizer:

"n" plays the narrative
"b" plays an excerpt of Big Bootie Mix #17 by Two Friends

To Build the Chunity Asset:
1. Download the ZIP file for the Chunity Asset.
2. Decompress the .zip file.
3. In a Unity URP (Universal Render Pipeline) Project, click Assets -> Import Asset -> Custom Package and then select the decompressed .unity file.

A Final Note

This was a project which definitely had its ups and downs and starts and restarts. In fact, just a few hours before the final was due, I accidentally deleted the whole project and had to reverse engineer my visualizer from old builds. I started with the idea of wanting to convey the connection between music, the brain, and the heart. However I believe that my over-eagerness about the topic had chiseled out an unrealistic standard for what I could complete and I ended up starting from scratch a week ago with a new idea – nonetheless one I was still passionate about. I wanted to explore the symbolism behind the hands of God and Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The imagery of solely their hands is more recognizable than most western art. As such, I wanted to unravel the intricacies of their design. Initially I had trouble adjusting to the paradigm or working in a powerful graphics editor such as Unity, and writing C# scripts; the disconnect was difficult. However, I soon came appreciate a balance of both and had a lot of fun seeing how far I could push graphic design (an art I have't attempted thus far in my life) and programming intentional design

violin violin
violin violin

Download ZIP of Chunity Asset
Download ZIP of The Narrative Visualizer
Download ZIP of The Full AudioVisualizer

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