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Final Project

Sebastian James

Milestone 2: MVP

In this MVP, I have all the base components working correctly, and together. I found that the extra time we have on this final project allowed me more time to explore creative design choices on top of Milestone 1. I am having fun exploring Easter Egg features I can implement and there is still much I want to attempt to implement. Most notably, I want to create a second version of the project which flips the control structure so that the body starts full, and the player removes organs, influencing the music via subtractive synthesis while attempting to keep the patient alive (as determined by the vitals monitor).

Milestone 1: Working Mechanics


So far, I have the scaffold of my scene complete, as well as the piping between Unity and ChucK. Unity keeps track of where each organ is. Once an organ is placed in the RIGHT slot, Unity changes a global variable in ChucK – via an event – which maps to each organ. To put it simply, when an organ is in its slot, the corresponding audio features are added to the backing track in ChucK. Once an organ is "thrown out", Unity instructs ChucK to remove that sound from the backing track.

Next, I intend to add the following:

Milestone 0: Brainstorm

  1. Expanding upon the ECG Sequencer
  2. ecg

    This idea proposes expanding upon by music sequencer by adding more dimensions than just a heart monitor. In this version, I would have a monitor for pulse-ox, temperature, blood pressure, and brain activity (in the form of an EEG trace) which I would be able to manipulate to create sequences. Each variable would control a different instrument with its timbre embodying that vital sign.

  3. Operation
  4. operation

    I would like to create a musical operation. Just like the original Operation game, one would be able to drag and drop human body parts to "build" up a musical piece. The game would act as a granular synthesis tool. Each body part would correspond to a specific type of sound. For example, the hear would create a kick drum, the brain would create an ethereal jumping melody, the lungs would create a breathy organ sound, and so on. The game would have certain rules you may implement as well, such as starting with a complete body with all the organs already placed and being able to remove body parts.

  5. Light City
  6. light city

    This is my least developed idea. In this one, I am envisioning an array of light bulbs or candles, with flickering lights. One would be able to zoom in on a specific candle or light bulb, and manipulate it in some way. This may include stretching it out length-wise to create higher frequency notes, or stretching it out width-wise to create lower frequency notes. One would initiate sounds by either lighting a candle and controlling the flickering flame (using wind or water to alter how big, small, constant, or ephemeral it is), or by plucking the filament of a light bulb like a string.