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Final Project

Sebastian James

Musical Operation

A Final Note

I began this project with the goal of creating a music experience explored through the traditional Operation paradigm. Musical Operation uses Chunity to audibly reflect the state of health of the patient which is a cumulative result of the organs and and vitals of the patient. The user is able to interact with either, allowing infinite posibilities of feedback. More severe vitals will yield dissonant sounds based off dimished chords. On the other hand, stable vitals will modulate towards minor, then major, and finally a pentatonic scale. Using different combinations of organs, and different dial settings, one can achieve a wide range of sounds out of my project. ChucK runs an algorithm which interprets the values of vital signs and reflects the corresponding stability or unstablility of the patient through the organs which each operate as their own synthesizer, being activated when placed in the patient. One point I would like to emphasize is that when the brain or heart are placed on the scale, the track which plays is a biosignal dataset of blood presure and skin conductivity over time which I analyzed. The actual physiological marker values were quantized to a C major scale and then stored as MIDI data. In the backgroud of the scene one can see a white object with black scribbles on it. This is a fragment of the visual representation of the processed biodata.

I used the following assets:
1. Hospital Bed, Cobble Games
2. HuMan 3D Project, Milos Baskic
3. Surgical Intruments, MIXALL
4. Morgue Room PBR, ROKAY3D



Target OS: Mac OSX Big Sur 11.6

To Build the App:
1. Download the ZIP file 2. Decompress the .zip file and open the Application.

To Build the Chunity Asset:
1. Download the ZIP file for the Chunity Asset.
2. Decompress the .zip file.
3. In a Unity URP (Universal Render Pipeline) Project, click Assets -> Import Asset -> Custom Package and then select the decompressed .unity file.

Project Archive Musical Operation App Musical Operation Chunity Package