/* $Id: wiiosc.c 54 2007-03-10 14:54:20Z nescivi $ * * Copyright (C) 2007, Marije Baalman * * based on examples for * libcwiid by L. Donnie Smith * (libwiimote by Joel Andersson ) * and liblo by Steve Harris, Uwe Koloska * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* TODO: add speaker support TODO: create a connection scheme, so that multiple clients can connect; something similar to the cwonder stream mechanism */ #include #include #include #include #include /// feel free to set to a higher number of WII's #define MAX_NMOTES 4 #define toggle_bit(bf,b) \ (bf) = ((bf) & b) \ ? ((bf) & ~(b)) \ : ((bf) | (b)) // HEADER int done; cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote[MAX_NMOTES]; int ids[MAX_NMOTES]; struct cwiid_state *state[MAX_NMOTES]; /* wiimote state */ unsigned char rpt_mode[MAX_NMOTES]; unsigned char led_state[MAX_NMOTES]; // unsigned char rpt_mode = 0; int nmotes; int updtime; lo_address t; lo_server s; lo_server_thread st; cwiid_mesg_callback_t cwiid_callback; int discover(); void enable(int id); void enable_report(int id); void enable_button(int id); void enable_ir(int id); void enable_motion(int id); void enable_extension(int id); void set_led_state(cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote, unsigned char led_state); void set_rpt_mode(cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote, unsigned char rpt_mode); void error(int num, const char *m, const char *path); int generic_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int enable_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int info_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int leds_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int rumble_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int discover_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int report_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int acc_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int button_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int extension_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int ir_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); int quit_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data); // int updatetime_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, // void *data, void *user_data); // int get_extension_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, // void *data, void *user_data); // HEADER end cwiid_err_t err; void err(cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote, const char *s, va_list ap) { if (wiimote) printf("%d:", cwiid_get_id(wiimote)); else printf("-1:"); vprintf(s, ap); printf("\n"); } void add_bundle_message_2int( lo_bundle * b, const char *path, int i, int data ) { lo_message m = lo_message_new(); lo_message_add_int32( m, i ); lo_message_add_int32( m, data ); lo_bundle_add_message( *b, path, m ); // lo_message_free( m ); } void add_bundle_message_intfloat( lo_bundle * b, const char *path, int i, float data ) { lo_message m = lo_message_new(); lo_message_add_int32( m, i ); lo_message_add_float( m, data ); lo_bundle_add_message( *b, path, m ); // lo_message_free( m ); } void add_bundle_message_3int( lo_bundle * b, const char *path, int i, int j, int data ) { lo_message m = lo_message_new(); lo_message_add_int32( m, i ); lo_message_add_int32( m, j ); lo_message_add_int32( m, data ); lo_bundle_add_message( *b, path, m ); // lo_message_free( m ); } void add_bundle_message_2intfloat( lo_bundle * b, const char *path, int i, int j, float data ) { lo_message m = lo_message_new(); lo_message_add_int32( m, i ); lo_message_add_int32( m, j ); lo_message_add_float( m, data ); lo_bundle_add_message( *b, path, m ); // lo_message_free( m ); } void set_bit( unsigned char * bf, unsigned char b ) { // printf( "set bit %i %i\n", *bf, b ); if (!(*bf & b) ) toggle_bit( *bf, b ); // printf( "set bit %i %i\n", *bf, b ); } void clear_bit( unsigned char * bf, unsigned char b ) { // printf( "clear bit %i %i\n", *bf, b ); if ((*bf & b) ) toggle_bit( *bf, b ); // printf( "set bit %i %i\n", *bf, b ); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // int astate = 0; // int i = 0; // char *cvar, *carg; char *port = "57150"; char *outport = "57120"; char *ip = ""; int autoconnect = 0; int disc; cwiid_set_err(err); updtime = 100000; nmotes = 0; done = 0; /* Print help information. */ // printf("argv: %s %s %s %s %s %i\n", argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argc ); if ( argc >= 4 ) { autoconnect = 1; ip = argv[3]; port = argv[2]; outport = argv[1]; } else if ( argc == 4 ) { ip = argv[3]; port = argv[2]; outport = argv[1]; } else if ( argc == 3 ) { port = argv[2]; outport = argv[1]; } else if ( argc == 2 ) { outport = argv[1]; } printf("============================================================================\n"); printf("wiiosc - v0.3 - sends out osc data on incoming wii data\n"); printf("(c) 2007, Marije Baalman\n"); printf("start with \"wiiosc \" \n"); printf("use \"wiiosc auto\" to start discovery automatically\n"); printf("This is free software released under the GNU/General Public License\n"); printf("============================================================================\n\n"); printf("Listening to port: %s\n", port ); printf("Sending to ip and port: %s %s\n", ip, outport ); if ( !autoconnect ) printf("Send message /wii/discover to discover a WII and\n"); printf("press buttons 1 and 2 on the wiimote to connect.\n"); fflush(stdout); /* create liblo addres */ t = lo_address_new(ip, outport); // change later to use other host // printf("OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); // me // lo_address me = lo_address_new(NULL, "57150"); // change later to use other host lo_server_thread st = lo_server_thread_new(port, error); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/discover", "", discover_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/enable", "ii", enable_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/info", "", info_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/enable/motion", "ii", acc_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/enable/button", "ii", button_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/enable/report", "ii", report_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/enable/extension", "ii", extension_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/enable/ir", "ii", ir_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/leds", "iiiii", leds_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/rumble", "ii", rumble_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/quit", "", quit_handler, NULL); // lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/extension", "i", get_extension_handler, NULL); // lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/wii/updatetime", "i", updatetime_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_add_method(st, NULL, NULL, generic_handler, NULL); lo_server_thread_start(st); lo_server s = lo_server_thread_get_server( st ); if ( autoconnect ) { disc = discover(); if ( disc != -1 ){ enable( disc ); enable_report(disc); enable_button(disc); enable_motion(disc); enable_ir(disc); enable_extension(disc); } } while (!done) { // keep waiting for callbacks usleep(updtime); // every 5 milliseconds (longer makes reaction sluggish) } lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/quit", "s", "nothing more to do, quitting" ); lo_server_thread_free( st ); lo_address_free( t ); return 0; } void error(int num, const char *msg, const char *path) { printf("liblo server error %d in path %s: %s\n", num, path, msg); fflush(stdout); } int enable_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { if ( argv[1]->i == 1 ) { if (cwiid_enable(wiimote[argv[0]->i], CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) { if ( lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/error", "s", "Unable to enable\n") == -1 ) { printf("wii unable to enable: OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); } } } else { if (cwiid_disable(wiimote[argv[0]->i], CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) { if ( lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/error", "s", "Unable to disable\n") == -1 ) { printf("wii unable to disable: OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); } } } return 0; } void enable( int id ) { if (cwiid_enable(wiimote[id], CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) { if ( lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/error", "s", "Unable to enable\n") == -1 ) { printf("wii unable to enable: OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); } } } int discover() { int res = -1; bdaddr_t bdaddr; if ( nmotes < MAX_NMOTES ){ bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY; rpt_mode[nmotes] = 0; led_state[nmotes] = 0; if ( (wiimote[nmotes] = cwiid_open(&bdaddr, CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) == NULL ) { if ( lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/error", "s", "Unable to connect to wiimote\n") == -1 ) { printf("wii unable to connect: OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); } } else { if (cwiid_set_mesg_callback(wiimote[nmotes], cwiid_callback)) { if ( lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/error", "s", "Unable to set message callback\n") == -1 ) { printf("wii unable to set callback: OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); } if ( cwiid_close(wiimote[nmotes]) ) { if ( lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/error", "s", "Unable to close wii\n") == -1 ) { printf("wii unable to close wii: OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); } } wiimote[nmotes] = NULL; } else { ids[nmotes] = cwiid_get_id( wiimote[nmotes] ); if ( lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/found", "i", nmotes ) == -1 ) { printf("wii found: OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); } if (cwiid_enable(wiimote[nmotes], CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) { if ( lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/error", "s", "Unable to enable messages\n") == -1 ) { printf("wii unable to enable messages: OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); } } rpt_mode[nmotes] = CWIID_RPT_STATUS; cwiid_command( wiimote[nmotes], CWIID_CMD_RPT_MODE, CWIID_RPT_STATUS ); printf("wii found\n"); res = ids[nmotes]; nmotes++; } } } fflush(stdout); return res; } int discover_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { discover(); return 0; } int info_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { int i; for (i=0; ii, argv[1]->i, argv[2]->i, argv[3]->i, argv[4]->i); // // fflush(stdout); // // updtime = argv[0]->i * 1000; // // return 0; // } int leds_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { /* example showing pulling the argument values out of the argv array */ if ( argv[1]->i ) set_bit(&led_state[argv[0]->i], CWIID_LED1_ON); else clear_bit(&led_state[argv[0]->i], CWIID_LED1_ON); if ( argv[2]->i ) set_bit(&led_state[argv[0]->i], CWIID_LED2_ON); else clear_bit(&led_state[argv[0]->i], CWIID_LED2_ON); if ( argv[3]->i ) set_bit(&led_state[argv[0]->i], CWIID_LED3_ON); else clear_bit(&led_state[argv[0]->i], CWIID_LED3_ON); if ( argv[4]->i ) set_bit(&led_state[argv[0]->i], CWIID_LED4_ON); else clear_bit(&led_state[argv[0]->i], CWIID_LED4_ON); set_led_state(wiimote[argv[0]->i], led_state[argv[0]->i]); return 0; } int rumble_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { /* example showing pulling the argument values out of the argv array */ unsigned char rumble = 0; rumble = argv[1]->i; if (cwiid_set_rumble(wiimote[argv[0]->i], rumble)) { if ( lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/error", "s", "Unable to set rumble\n") == -1 ) { printf("wii unable to set rumble: OSC error %d: %s\n", lo_address_errno(t), lo_address_errstr(t)); } } return 0; } int report_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { if ( argv[1]->i ) set_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_STATUS); else clear_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_STATUS); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[argv[0]->i], rpt_mode[argv[0]->i]); return 0; } void enable_report( int id ) { set_bit(&rpt_mode[id], CWIID_RPT_STATUS); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[id], rpt_mode[id]); } void enable_motion( int id ) { set_bit(&rpt_mode[id], CWIID_RPT_ACC); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[id], rpt_mode[id]); } void enable_button( int id ) { set_bit(&rpt_mode[id], CWIID_RPT_BTN); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[id], rpt_mode[id]); } void enable_extension( int id ) { set_bit(&rpt_mode[id], CWIID_RPT_EXT); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[id], rpt_mode[id]); } void enable_ir( int id ) { set_bit(&rpt_mode[id], CWIID_RPT_IR); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[id], rpt_mode[id]); } int acc_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { if ( argv[1]->i ) set_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_ACC); else clear_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_ACC); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[argv[0]->i], rpt_mode[argv[0]->i]); return 0; } int button_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { // printf( "enable buttons\n"); fflush(stdout); if ( argv[1]->i ) set_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_BTN); else clear_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_BTN); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[argv[0]->i], rpt_mode[argv[0]->i]); return 0; } int extension_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { if ( argv[1]->i ) set_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_EXT); else clear_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_EXT); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[argv[0]->i], rpt_mode[argv[0]->i]); return 0; } int ir_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { if ( argv[1]->i ) set_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_IR); else clear_bit(&rpt_mode[argv[0]->i], CWIID_RPT_IR); set_rpt_mode(wiimote[argv[0]->i], rpt_mode[argv[0]->i]); return 0; } // int get_extension_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, // void *data, void *user_data) // { // /* example showing pulling the argument values out of the argv array */ // // printf("%s <- i:%d\n\n", path, argv[0]->i); // // fflush(stdout); // // // lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/extension", "ii", argv[0]->i, wiimote[argv[0]->i].ext.id ); // // return 0; // } int quit_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { done = 1; printf("wiiosc: allright, that's it, I quit\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; } /* catch any incoming messages and display them. returning 1 means that the * message has not been fully handled and the server should try other methods */ int generic_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { int i; printf("path: <%s>\n", path); for (i=0; i 0 ); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/two", id, (CWIID_BTN_2 & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0 ); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/a", id, (CWIID_BTN_A & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0 ); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/b", id, (CWIID_BTN_B & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/left", id, (CWIID_BTN_LEFT & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/right", id, (CWIID_BTN_RIGHT & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/up", id, (CWIID_BTN_UP & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/down", id, (CWIID_BTN_DOWN & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/home", id, (CWIID_BTN_HOME & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/plus", id, (CWIID_BTN_PLUS & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/keys/minus", id, (CWIID_BTN_MINUS & mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons) > 0); break; case CWIID_MESG_ACC: add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/acc/x", id, (float) mesg[i].acc_mesg.acc[CWIID_X] / CWIID_ACC_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/acc/y", id, (float) mesg[i].acc_mesg.acc[CWIID_Y] / CWIID_ACC_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/acc/z", id, (float) mesg[i].acc_mesg.acc[CWIID_Z] / CWIID_ACC_MAX); break; case CWIID_MESG_IR: for (j = 0; j < CWIID_IR_SRC_COUNT; j++) { valid_source = 0; if (mesg[i].ir_mesg.src[j].valid) { valid_source = 1; add_bundle_message_2intfloat( &b, "/wii/ir/x", id, j, (float) mesg[i].ir_mesg.src[j].pos[CWIID_X] / CWIID_IR_X_MAX); add_bundle_message_2intfloat( &b, "/wii/ir/y", id, j, (float) mesg[i].ir_mesg.src[j].pos[CWIID_Y] / CWIID_IR_Y_MAX); // add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/ir/size", id, j, wiimote[i].ir1.size); } add_bundle_message_3int( &b, "/wii/ir/valid", id, j, valid_source ); } break; case CWIID_MESG_NUNCHUK: // printf("Button Report: %.4X\n", mesg[i].nunchuk_mesg.buttons); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/nunchuk/acc/x", id, (float) mesg[i].nunchuk_mesg.acc[CWIID_X] / CWIID_ACC_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/nunchuk/acc/y", id, (float) mesg[i].nunchuk_mesg.acc[CWIID_Y] / CWIID_ACC_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/nunchuk/acc/z", id, (float) mesg[i].nunchuk_mesg.acc[CWIID_Z] / CWIID_ACC_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/nunchuk/joy/x", id, (float) mesg[i].nunchuk_mesg.stick[CWIID_X] / 256); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/nunchuk/joy/y", id, (float) mesg[i].nunchuk_mesg.stick[CWIID_Y] / 256); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/nunchuk/keys/z", id, (CWIID_NUNCHUK_BTN_Z & mesg[i].nunchuk_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/nunchuk/keys/c", id, (CWIID_NUNCHUK_BTN_C & mesg[i].nunchuk_mesg.buttons)>0); break; case CWIID_MESG_CLASSIC: // printf("Button Report: %.4X\n", mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/classic/joy1/x", id, (float) mesg[i].classic_mesg.l_stick[CWIID_X] / CWIID_CLASSIC_L_STICK_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/classic/joy1/y", id, (float) mesg[i].classic_mesg.l_stick[CWIID_Y] / CWIID_CLASSIC_L_STICK_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/classic/joy2/x", id, (float) mesg[i].classic_mesg.r_stick[CWIID_X] / CWIID_CLASSIC_R_STICK_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/classic/joy2/y", id, (float) mesg[i].classic_mesg.r_stick[CWIID_Y] / CWIID_CLASSIC_R_STICK_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/classic/analog/l", id, (float) mesg[i].classic_mesg.l / CWIID_CLASSIC_LR_MAX); add_bundle_message_intfloat( &b, "/wii/classic/analog/r", id, (float) mesg[i].classic_mesg.r / CWIID_CLASSIC_LR_MAX); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/left", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_LEFT & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/right", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_RIGHT & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/up", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_UP & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/down", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_DOWN & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/l", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_L & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/r", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_R & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/zl", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_ZL & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/zr", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_ZR & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/minus", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_MINUS & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/plus", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_PLUS & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/home", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_HOME & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/x", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_X & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/y", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_Y & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/a", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_A & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); add_bundle_message_2int( &b, "/wii/classic/keys/b", id, (CWIID_CLASSIC_BTN_B & mesg[i].classic_mesg.buttons)>0); break; case CWIID_MESG_ERROR: if (cwiid_close(wiimote[id])) { lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/disconnected", "i", id); lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/error", "s", "could not close device"); // exit(-1); } else { lo_send_from( t, s, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/wii/disconnected", "i", id); } // exit(0); break; default: printf("Unknown Report"); break; } } lo_send_bundle_from( t, s, b ); lo_bundle_free( b ); }