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 * Institution: Stanford University
 * Project: Sonification
 * Author: Ryan Cassidy (05157787)
 * Date: Summer 2003
/*! \class VocTract
 *  \brief STK class to implement modified Cook tract model.  All references to
 *  PRC's thesis below denote the thesis by former CCRMAlite Perry R. Cook.
 * $RCSfile: VocTract.h,v $
 * $Author: rjc $
 * $Date: 2003/10/05 05:31:54 $
 * $Locker: rjc $
 * $Log: VocTract.h,v $
 * Revision 1.2  2003/10/05 05:31:54  rjc
 * Added ability to read shapes from file.
 * VocTract::getk() returns current scattering values.
 * Revision 1.1  2003/09/29 21:49:48  rjc
 * Initial revision

#ifndef __VOCTRACT_H
#define __VOCTRACT_H

#include "Filter.h"
#include "Stk.h"
#include "DelayA.h"
#include "stypes.h"

#include <vector>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;


struct ShapeRadii
  const char *name;

class VocTract
  //! Default constructor initializes vocal tract model to default settings.
  VocTract(int num_sections = DEFAULT_NUM_SECTIONS);

  //! Class destructor.

  //! Take sample from glottal waveform, and return sample from lips/nose.
  MY_FLOAT tick(MY_FLOAT sample);

  //! Return the number of tract sections in the model (determined in
  int getNumSections() const {return _num_sections;}

  //! Set radius of a tract section specified by index (zero-based index).
  void setSectionRadius(int index, MY_FLOAT radius);

  //! Set radii of all tract sections.
  void setRadii(const MY_FLOAT *radii, int num_sections);

  //! Get radii of all tract sections.
  const MY_FLOAT *getRadii() const;

  //! Set length of a tract section specified by index (zero-based index).  The
  //length should be specified in samples of delay.
  void setSectionLength(int index, MY_FLOAT length);

  //! Set lengths of all sections.
  void setLengths(const MY_FLOAT *lengths, int num_sections);

  //! Get lengths of all sections.
  const MY_FLOAT *getLengths() const;

  //! Set phoneme.
  int setShape(const char *name, ShapeDataSource sds = SHP_FILE);

  const MY_FLOAT *getk() const {return _k;}

  void setk(const MY_FLOAT *k, int num_k_vals)
      assert(num_k_vals == this->getNumSections()-1);
      for (int i=0; i<this->getNumSections()-1; i++)
        _k[i] = k[i];

  static const ShapeRadii _shp_radii[2];

  //! Clock wave data through the positive and negative going delay lines shown
  //in Fig. 1.5 of PRC's thesis.
  MY_FLOAT tractTick(MY_FLOAT sample);

  static const MY_FLOAT _default_delay_lengths[];
  static const MY_FLOAT _default_section_radii[];

  int _num_sections;
  DelayA * _pos_delay;
  DelayA * _neg_delay;
  MY_FLOAT _lip_refl, _last_lip_in, _last_out, _lip_refl_gain, _glot_refl_gain, _tract_minus;
  MY_FLOAT *_k, *_radii, *_lengths;


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``Audio Speech Research Note'', Ryan J. Cassidy, published electronically by author, July 2003.
Download PDF version (audio_speech.pdf)
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Copyright © 2003-11-28 by Ryan J. Cassidy.
Please email errata, comments, and suggestions to Ryan J. Cassidy <>
Stanford University