7000 Miles Apart

"Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it"

-Thomas Fuller

"Love Knows No Distance; It Hath No Continent; Its Eyes are for the Stars."

People keep re-iterating how luck is a bi-product of hardwork and sweat but not one mentions about the true and purest form of luck that exists all around us when it comes to meeting the most important people in our lives. I dedicate this short work to that one person who came into my life as a result of that beautiful concept called "luck" and has changed my life since then. She is my best friend, my fiancé and the most passionate, kind and generous person I have ever met in my life.

7000 Miles...that is how far away we are right now from Kayla while she works in a small remote village called Namoridou in Guinea. I recently had the amazing opportunity to experience her life in Guinea and spend time with her and now that I am back in the States I wanted to create a small piece for her that hopefully lets her know how much she is being missed back home not just by me but also the people close to her.

This short piece is made around consolidating small audio messages from her family along with recorded instrumentals. All the messages are spatialized in binaural along with the background instrumentals. The piano instrumentals were recorded by me and the cello instrumentals were recorded by a close friend of mine working in the bay area.

Through this piece I want her to know that she has an army of people back home who care for her and her work, and that she will never be alone in the good and the bad times throughout her service...she will always find us next to her.

"Kayla, I hope this fills you with joy sometimes when you feel alone lying down in your hut in the quiet nights"