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Stereo Audio


7:35 min

Program Notes:

Vicissitudes was inspired by and is based on a documentary video project on the history of East Palo Alto, California. The work is created from several sound bites used in the video and also includes segements of my original soundtrack composed for the video. This piece attempts to capture the essence of the struggle for the peoples desire for community and need for economic security. Vicissitudes is permeated by a driving pulse that symbolizes the dynamic energy of this community despite the numerous problems it is faced with.

Vicissitudes was realized on the NeXT computer running CLM to process the sounds which were then compiled on the Dyaxis II using MultiMix 2.3.


Vicissitudes was originally conceived of as a work for dance and was selected by choreographer Willy Tsao and the world renowned Guangdong Modern Dance Company of China to be performed at the International Computer Music Conference 1996 in Hong Kong.  The group has since performed Vicissitudes in Hong Kong and throughout China.


- 3/96 - Stanford, CA USA - CCMRA Computer Music Concert
- 8/96 - Hong Kong - International Computer Music Conference 1996 (ICMC '96)



CD Recordings:
- ICMC 1996 - International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong 1996
- Computer Music @ CCRMA - volume 1
© 2016 Jonathan Norton