Reading Response 8

Reading Response #8 to Artful Design

Author: Neha Rajagopalan
Date: November 20th, 2023
Course: CS 476A

Chapter 8: Manifesto - A philosophy of artful design + CODA

If chapter 1 taught us what design could be, and the others taught concepts and perspectives of design, chapter 8 inmbues in us a sense of responsibility (given that we are exposed to this valuable knowledge of design) while trying to shape the world through our designs. I believe that the chapter is relevant for both life and design. I was particularly moved by Definition 8.8: Categorical Imperative . When I grew up, my mother always taught me that we must create generously and passionately to benefit the world we live in without the expectation of results. When created in such a manner, results will automatically follow. This principle has guided me throughout my life so far and is why I resonate with the Categorical Imperative more than the Hypothetical Imperative.

Definition 8.7: Hypothetical Imperative vs Definition 8.8: Categorical Imperative

I believe each has its pros and cons and hence are Definitions, not Priniciples. There is a choice to adopt either or both. Sometimes, the cretive journey may start with one and culminate to another. However, one question that lingers behind Categorical Imperative is the will to stay motivated. Although Categorical imperative is a stronger reason to initiate and purse a technological creation, we live in a world that expects individuals to produce results in the fast lane. Money, and materialistic needs could sometimes deter the passion and motivation for one to be patient and realize their dreams and creations simply on the basis of the good in the idea. In such scenarios when the idea and action stems from good, how does one stand the test of time to accomplish their dreams with so many (often stressful) distractions? How does one build endurance to not be dithered by transitioning from "Doing A due to A's good in itself" to "Do A to achieve B" or even further "Do anything in order to get A" which borders on the moral tightrope, simply due to the pressure?

Principle 8.10: Design for Invisible Needs

Principle 8.10 could be considered a result of choosing the Categorical Imperative. When one pursues design with pure passion for the cause, there is no need to seek a need for the design. When one actively goes in search of a design, the visible needs, being the most common and obvious ones, appear first which may or may not already exist to benefit people. It is essential to keep all senses open to observe the invisible and design accordingly to make impact. When Ge explains the different aesthetic leaps for all the designs mentioned in the book, I couldn't help but wonder if the invisible needs eventually present themselves as needs only after the design has been completed and studied and not before or during the design process. Do these designs initiate from fun, wonder and more importantly observation and are later presented as needs while analyzing their relevance?

Final Note: I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The book is not only a reflection of design but also helped me ponder about the relevance of technology and design in life. I have often caught myself rewinding my life's movie and reconsidering my life choices after reading various chapters of this book and would definitely recommend it to everyone regardless of their intent to pursue design or not. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to read this book and will continue to think and design towards the sublime (Principle 8.24)