Final Project: The New World

Author: Neha Rajagopalan
Date: December 13th, 2023
Course: CS 476A Final Project

Imagine that you're a new living species that has come across a random, eerie land while walking through space. There's a sun and then there's a sphere facing some colored tiles. This is the "New World" that you will be experiencing. This world has 6 elements namely:

All goes well until you get greedy for more elements. You embark upon a message that strictly warns you to not cross the line. And yet you do. You find yourself in 2023. Hell breaks loose, everything goes wrong and you're stuck in an era where the elements are not what they used to be anymore.

Game in Action

The Game Experience

While you travel through the game, the sphere representing the new being changes colors according to the element being stepped on. Further, sounds can be heard wind, ocean, fire, rocks, people and forest sounds can be heard. The game is an attempt to induce the soundscape experience as one travels around a new world. Towards the end, while the player crosses the line, we hear sounds of war and a news report on flooding. These are actual incidents happening in the world today in different parts of the world in 2023.

Game contols

The user can move forward, backward, left and right.

The Game Video

Link to youtube video:

The Game File

Here are the files to the game: Game files

Run files with terminal command: chuck

Part 3: Milestone 3

Author: Neha Rajagopalan
Date: December 4th, 2023
Course: CS 476A
  1. Milestone 3 video

    Link to youtube video:

Part 2: Milestone 2

Author: Neha Rajagopalan
Date: November 27th, 2023
Course: CS 476A
  1. Milestone 2 video

    Link to youtube video:


    There are still a lot of elements to work on. Like the enlarging sphere during movement, matching the spheres color to the tile/element, switching the music based on tile etc. Loads more to do. Trying to keep the basics in spot to work on top of it.

Part 1: Ideas

Author: Neha Rajagopalan
Date: November 15th, 2023
Course: CS 476A

Ideas for the Project

  1. Help Wanda!

    Wanda Maximoff also popularly known as the "Scarlet Witch" is desperately looking for her children in the multiverse. She is being obstructed by superheroes and monsters from finding them. Can you help her? The game is inpired from the movie "Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness". The game involves the protagonist, Wanda, moving in forward, left, right and backward (controlled by keys) on hexagonal stones. As she advances, she approaches two characters that try to stop her. She has to attack them 5 times to get past. The attack is a flame throw. As she attacks, the obstructing character becomes transparent and vanishes on the 5th attack. There is also a prompt that tells her direcrtions at each step to guide her. There will be sound effects for attacks, character voices, footsteps and a background score. Finally as she reaches her kids, there is a reward sound. Background is black with stars denoting the galaxy.

  2. Musical Elemental Forest

    A traveller wonders into an unknown mystical forest at nightfall. He needs to collect stones representing the five elements - Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Food to survive. As he walks through the pathway (Key controlled), he encounters the stones that play music when he steps on them. He needs to collect these stones (key press) to be able to survive. The game ends when he collects the required number of stones and clicks on Rest. The Rest button is to ensure that the traveller has liberty to roam around the musical forest at will till he would like to rest. The forest will have a glowing aesthetic.

  3. Color Mixing Game

    This is a children's game to learn the results of mixing different colors. There is a pallete that has Red, Green and Blue paint. There is a glass slide that can have the two colors intended to be mixed. The two colors need to be clicked on the pallete. Click will have a sound similar to pushing pain out of a tube or a splatter. Once the colors are on the slide, the user can press the mix button and the result will show up on the screen.