SOUND EXAMPLES FOR 'Analysis and Synthesis of Coupled Vibrating Strings Using a Hybrid Modal-Waveguide Synthesis Model'

Synthesized Chord Demo: The six synthesized notes below comprise the notes of this synthesized chord (D6/9 / E).

Original 01: Recording of the note on the low 'E' string of the chord
Synthesized 01: Synthesis of Original 01 using the physical model and calibration methods described in the paper.

Original 02: Recording of the note on the 'A' string of the chord
Synthesized 02:Synthesis of Original 02 using the physical model and calibration methods described in the paper.

Original 03:Recording of the note on the 'D' string of the chord
Synthesized 03:Synthesis of Original 03 using the physical model and calibration methods described in the paper.

Original 04:Recording of the note on the 'G' string of the chord
Synthesized 04:Synthesis of Original 04 using the physical model and calibration methods described in the paper.

Original 05:Recording of the note on the 'B' string of the chord
Synthesized 05:Synthesis of Original 05 using the physical model and calibration methods described in the paper.

Original 06:Recording of the note on the high 'E' string of the chord
Synthesized 06:Synthesis of Original 06 using the physical model and calibration methods described in the paper.