Mike Wilson's Blog

I was a MA/MST student at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Accoustics.

This is my weblog.

Click here for my main page.


The first project I worked on at Yamaha has finally been announced:


It's a VOCALOID Singer Library called CYBER DIVA.  I wrote a pretty
detailed account of its development (the non-confidential part at
least) on the above site so I'll let you read it if you're interested.

I also gave possibly the worst talk of my life about it:


Guess I should have finished up Toastmasters all those years ago after

I will say this though: not being able to talk about what you're
working on for two years shows a big difference between academia and
industry.  Both have their merits.  I'm happy that my work will reach
many people through Yamaha, and getting paid is also nice.  But on the
other hand I liked the openness of CCRMA.

It's possible to do public or collaborative research in a company,
just like it's possible to make money and reach many people as an
academic, but the environment you're in definitely biases what you
will do.  It's worth thinking about.

I got to go to NAMM to help support the product announcement.  It was
my first NAMM, and it was really, really cool.

Of course the Yamaha area was fun; they had a bunch of awesome old
keyboards including a GS-1, VP-1 (!!!) (couldn't play it though) and
Stevie Wonder's CS-80.  I got to play the trans-acoustic piano.  There
was just a ton of cool stuff.  CYBER DIVA was there too, at the
Steinberg booth!

I got to play a Prophet 12 at the Dave Smith Instruments booth, which
had a patch called "It's a Prophet!" and all I could think of when I
was done playing was "Yes, yes it is" and "Now I want one."

And the Radikal Technologies Accelerator impressed me with its clean,
enormous sound.  It's like what I want the Wilsynth to be.  Very

The Line6 Firehawk demo showed off the benefits of modeling.

And I ran into Julius and Romain and Pat and Nick, which was
unexpected and great.  Pat introduced me to Jordan Rudess but he was
really busy.  The moForte apps look pretty cool; again, gotta love
physical modeling.

And now that I'm back in Japan and jetlagged I need to buckle down and
finish my Tokyo Demo Fest 2015 entry.  I hope the streaming music
compo rules are the same this year.  I'm about 60% done so I have my
work cut out for me.  I know what I want to do but after work I'm
usually too tired to do much sequencing.  Time to get the keyboard out
of the closet and just play; that usually gets me through slumps.

It's hard to believe I've been in Japan more than two years.

email mwilson@alumni.caltech.edu
Disclaimer: the views herein are my own and do not represent the views of Stanford University. All material copyright Michael J. Wilson.