Mike Wilson's Blog

I was a MA/MST student at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Accoustics.

This is my weblog.

Click here for my main page.


It's hard to believe that my internship is already 1/4 of the way
through.  Things are still going well, but I'm having to think more
about the best way to spend my remaining time here in Japan.

The concert on the 9th was a lot of fun.  The atmosphere was more
intimate and supportive.  From what I gather all of the performers
(and most of the audience) were people who joined Yamaha the previous

I've also been looking into more technical details of real-time audio
programming.  I'm a bit embarrassed to say that in my audio callbacks
for 256a at CCRMA I did some mutex locking.  But after reading this I
think I'm back on the right track.  Audio glitches are always

email mwilson@alumni.caltech.edu
Disclaimer: the views herein are my own and do not represent the views of Stanford University. All material copyright Michael J. Wilson.