Mike Wilson's Blog

I was a MA/MST student at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Accoustics.

This is my weblog.

Click here for my main page.


I went to a concert a few days ago which exhibited performances and
pieces by CCRMA professors / graduate students.  I realized a couple
of things:

1) I've really come to enjoy experimental music

2) Music has an enormous amount of context to it

To elaborate on the second point, at the most recent 222 lecture I
attended Fernando played an excerpt from Michael McNabb's "Love in the
Asylum" and noted that the spatial movements in the introduction were
the same as those used in John Chowning's "Turenas" - I would argue
that most people would not be able to make that connection on their

But references to or quotations from other works occur in many
genres of music.

I wonder if there is a way to quantify how "jaded" someone can become
based on their exposure to a variety of music in a specific genre.
It's probably highly dependent on the person.

email mwilson@alumni.caltech.edu
Disclaimer: the views herein are my own and do not represent the views of Stanford University. All material copyright Michael J. Wilson.