Mike Wilson's Blog

I was a MA/MST student at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Accoustics.

This is my weblog.

Click here for my main page.


I gave my 220a presentation today.  I'll make a stereo mix of the
piece and post it on my music page, probably after finals week is
over.  There will also be links to the ChucK code used to generate it,
for those interested.

Our final presentations for 250a are tomorrow morning.  Our 250a
project came together fairly well in the end, as hopefully will be
evident tomorrow.  The presentations will be videotaped and I will
link to our video once it's posted.

The second milestone due date for 256a is tomorrow evening.  I still
have a lot to do for this project, but the final due date is next week
so I should be able to finish by then.

Now that we're in finals mode I'm feeling a bit more pressure.  I want
to have a lot more time to work on everything, but really I think I'm
just nervous about the deadlines.

I can always continue to work on my projects after the deadlines, so
even if they're not quite up to my personal satisfaction I can finish
something reasonable for the course and finish the rest when I have
more time.  But there is something about being in an environment where
everybody is excited about music technology that seems to accelerate
this kind of work.  I hope that I can be in a similar environment
after I graduate.

email mwilson@alumni.caltech.edu
Disclaimer: the views herein are my own and do not represent the views of Stanford University. All material copyright Michael J. Wilson.