I was a MA/MST student at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Accoustics.
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CCRMA's mobile phone concert and musicircus was yesterday! Many, many awesome things went down. Music sets, physical interactions, mobile device applications, and good old-fashioned DJ jams were just some of the highlights of the evening. My 256a piece "Let It Ride" was played alongside three other pieces in the listening room. And I finally put my music page up, so you can download it there (it's linked from my main page). Tell all your friends! I found it a little amusing that my piece (which is monophonic) was played along with three highly-spatialized pieces which took full advantage of the sixteen channels in the listening room. But it was also nice to hear it in that space. Recreating spatial cues is an interesting problem. There have been a couple of presentations at the weekly DSP seminar about this. It seems that there are two techniques of particular interest in current research: ambisonics (using a special encoding that can be mapped to many different numbers of channels and speaker configurations, usually in a surrounding configuration) and wavefront synthesis (using an array of speakers from one direction to generate a wavefront). Both techniques have theoretical and practical advantages and disadvantages. I'd like to play around with making a truly spatialized piece. 220b or 220c may be a good avenue to do so.