Mike Wilson's Blog

I was a MA/MST student at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Accoustics.

This is my weblog.

Click here for my main page.


Today went a lot better.  I've almost completed a full homework
cycle (some classes only have things due every other week).

I met one of the co-term Masters students yesterday.  It turns out
there are seven MA/MSTs and three co-terms, so ten total in the
program [EDIT: actually only two co-terms, so nine total].  The
co-terms were undergraduates who are staying at Stanford to complete
their Masters degrees.

I'm starting to plan out my next two terms in detail.  I'll post more
information in the courses section of my website once I have a more
solid idea of what I'm going to take.

email mwilson@alumni.caltech.edu
Disclaimer: the views herein are my own and do not represent the views of Stanford University. All material copyright Michael J. Wilson.