CS 470's first assignment, using Word2Vec and Chuck to create poetry. Find more here: CCRMA Etude #1 Wiki Page.
This was a rough introduction to Chuck as well as Word2Vec, but I had a lot of fun with it. The majority of my time working on the project was just spent on playing around with the different sounds, getting a feel for the language as a whole, and experimenting with different ideas for the poems. The first poem, Running out of time, was created in response to a conversation I had with my friends about how we feel that at Stanford we’re just constantly trying to do every possible thing, leaving us with very little substance, and how we feel we’re getting older so quickly. The first Stanza was created by getting words similar to childhood, and using Word2Vec to find words associated with childhood. This created lines like “Running out of belief” and “Running out of generations”, which I thought was super cool. On the other hand, it also generated a bunch of words which had nothing to do with childhood, but that made the poem pretty funny which I liked. The second stanza was created by randomly picking a feeling, action, and attribute, and seeing what happened when you used Word2Vec to subtract them from Time. This created some cool sentences like “kindness without time is just helpfulness”, which seems pretty deep if you’re looking for meaning in it. My second poem was taken from a Shel Silverstein poem that I remembered as a kid called “The Homework Machine”. It’s about a machine that does your homework, but does it wrong, so I programmed the poem to spit out the correct poem once and then make mistakes randomly. I also love the poem because The Homework Machine now exists with Chat GPT!
I used ChatGPT to make this webpage, as well as in the production of the poems.