Homework 1

Max Jardetzky
MUSIC 256A (Fall 2021)
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ChucK Exercise: "Converge"

Files: converge.ck, converge.wav

Instructions: play the audio file, execute chuck converge.ck in a command line, or open converge.ck in miniAudicle


The idea for this project was complex, but it kind of came to me all at once. I am working completely within 12-tone equal temperament here.
Initially, I wanted four voices to spawn either within a two-octave range below or a two-octave range above a defined convergence point and finish convergence all at the same time.
After forgetting to spork the converge() function, I realized that sequential convergence sounded cooler. At this point, I also scrapped the all below/all above rule.
It sounded kind of boring for these four voices to all converge to the same note, so I instead made them converge to a minor 7th chord using the old convergence point as the root note.
Then, I added small details such as not allowing a voice to initialize its frequency to its destination frequency to keep the movement predictable and interesting.
The notes of the chord are reached almost in an upwards arpeggiation among the chaos, which I find kind of cool. For aesthetic purposes, I held the final chord longer than the dissonance.
A lot of my projects with ChucK are artistic statements about finding resolution, order, and harmony within chaos, and this is no exception. Thank you for your attention <3